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Big Moves for Sales in upcoming S75


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Joining the VHL with only a couple of weeks left in S74, goaltender Thadius Sales found himself as the backup goalie for the Halifax 21st, who saw a fairly quick exit from the playoffs.


While this loss was certainly disappointing, Sales said he was just glad to have been able to play a few games in the regular season to get his “feet wet.” With this being a new role for him, we were curious as to how Sales felt in the net. One thing that goaltenders seem to hate the most is being hit in the face with the puck, so we asked Sales about that very thing.



Am I scared to get hit in the face? No. Every day weirdos pay dominatrixes hundreds of dollars for that very privilege. I’m scared I’m gonna love it.


Sure, it was an unorthodox response, but most things with Sales is unorthodox. We then asked him about his time in Halifax and the few games he did get to play.



I certainly had big shoes to fill in Halifax. Malone (@chatfan036) ended the season as the best goalie in the VHLM, so to be able to step in the net a few times in place of him was quite an honor. I learned a lot from watching him play. He was constantly helping me grow, and I feel like I’ve grown fairly quick.


Sales is certainly right about his progression, and the draft scouts saw it. When S74 wrapped up, Sales was 53rd on the draft card, and only a few weeks later he found himself at 24th. His impressive work-ethic, and non-stop drive propelled him beyond many of his peers. Being released from Halifax, Sales’ eyes were set on the upcoming draft. He was eager, wondering what would happen to him.


As Sales watched the VHLM draft from home we had a quick discussion with him. When asked how he was feeling he said,



I’m really excited, and nervous. I’ve had so much happen in my life, and I never imagined I’d be doing this. I was sad to be released from Halifax, but I understand that this is how it works. I was told that I was expected to be drafted fairly early, but I’m not getting my hopes up. We’ll just see what happens I guess.


Almost immediately after finishing his sentence, Miami Marauders’ GM, @Ricer13 came on stage.



For our 3rd pick of the draft, and the 21st pick overall, the Miami Marauders are selecting Goaltender Thadius Sales.


Excitement exuded from the rookie goaltender.



I can’t believe the S74 Founder’s Cup Champions want me on their team! Looks like I’m moving to Miami.



New Role in the VHLM

Only a few short days after the draft Sales found himself in Miami. After taking in a few of the sights, Sales made his way to the Marauders front office to speak with Ricer.



Sales, we are excited to have you here in Miami. As the Founder’s Cup Champions we aren’t satisfied with this championship alone, we’re aiming for a back-to-back championship, and we think you can help us get there. Rasputin (@Victor) came in clutch on more than one occasion, and we except even better from you. You’ll be stepping onto the ice as our starter.


With very little experience on the ice, and being drafted by the latest Founder’s Cup Champions, Sales’ starting position is quite the shock around the league. As Ricer told him, he’s got some big skates to fill in the net.


This recent move to Miami has propelled Sales into being one of the most anticipated rookie goaltenders in VHL/M history. His tireless work-ethic and dedication to the game has been undoubtedly reflected both on and off the ice. Sales continues to be a positive and uplifting presence around the league, and his presence has already been a positive addition to the Miami locker room.



“I still can’t believe that I’m here in Miami. I’m incredibly grateful that they see potential in me and want me as their starter for this season. I’m hoping to make a really huge impact on the league and in Miami. My rookie season will be something that neither I nor the league will forget.”


During all of the excitement with the move and the news of being the team’s new starter goaltender, Sales’ name was being echoed around the VHL by other GMs.


VHL Draft

After his conversation with Marauder leadership, Sales found himself in his new Miami apartment, watching the VHL draft. With an already exciting day, Sales had no idea how much more exciting things were about to get.



“For the 35th overall pick, Vancouver has selected Forward Michael Schmitdt (@Kmatt).”


Sales says that as he continued eating his pizza and drinking a cold Corona he said, “Sweet, good for Schmitdt.” Then, his phone rang.




Hey, it’s @Esso2264 from the New York Americans. How would you like to see yourself playing for the Americans in S76?”


Dropping his pizza on the floor in shock Sales replied,


I would love to live in New York someday. It’s a big dream of mine.


To which Esso responded:


I’ll take that as a yes, congratulations.


Then, seconds later, Sales saw it on the T.V



For our 5th pick, and the 36th overall, the New York Americans have selected goaltender Thadius Sales.


The excitement that Sales must have felt that day is something that most people cannot possibly understand. A starting position in Miami and a draft pick from New York, all in one day. It was something that Sales said he never could have imagined.


With expectations high, Sales has a lot of work to do this season. Not only is he going to have to fill the void that Rasputin left in the Miami locker room, but with a potential move to the VHL in S76 Sales will need to work as hard as ever to ensure that he ready to make an impact in the VHL in the near future. But, without getting too far ahead of ourselves, we all should focus on Sales’ performance in S75.


We wait in anticipation to see how Sales will do this coming Wednesday as he steps onto the ice for the first time as the starting goaltender for the Miami Marauders. We look forward to seeing how much Sales has grown since his last game in Halifax.



1064 words, claiming for weeks ending 22 Nov 2020 and 29 Nov 2020



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Review: This is awesome. A great mixture of comedy and pure excitement regarding the two drafts. I can relate, sitting through both drafts is an exciting moment and getting drafted is a moment like no other. I also love how you made Sales' quotes actual quotes. Genius


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