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Minner Minute VHLM Graduation Special: Week of November 29,2020


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 Hey Minner Minute readers, it's been a while hasn't it? Sorry, the transition from VHLM to VHL took me a while, and took quite a toll. But with the new season beginning, I decided it was an appropriate time to come back. I would like to start with a thank you to the Vegas fans for the year I spent there, and I'm sorry I couldn't bring you that championship. To the fans in Los Angeles, I hope I can do my best in the future! With that, let's get started.


Q: Hey Minner, glad to see you back. How do you see yourself slotting in behind Doug Dimmadome this year?


A: Well, I don't see myself playing that many games. Thankfully, in my two appearances so far, I have felt very good and it has shown on the ice. 


Q: Minner, what are some of the differences between the VHLM and the VHL that you noticed so far?

A: Well, in the big leagues everything is 5x faster. People play a lot harder becuase they aren't here to train anymore like they were in the M, they're there to win before their time comes to call it a career.


Q: Hello Mr. Minott, are there any specific teammates that you are looking forward to playing with this year?

A: No need to be so formal, but yeah there definitely are. Two specifically that I am very excited for are my good buddy Jiggs, and one Doug Dimmadome. Obviously Jiggs and I go way back and I'm very excited to be playing with him. Dimmer, though, is a different story. I don't know him very well, but I believe that I can learn a lot from him, so I'm excited to support him in the form of being his backup this year. 


Q: So far you've played in two VHL games, how have they been for you so far?


A: Well, neither were particularly great situations. The game I came in relief for Dimmer, I actually believe I played quite well. I think I let in one goal in just under two periods, which I'm frankly pretty proud of. My first start was a little less stellar, but I played pretty well nonetheless. Unfortunately, we got shutout, so not much I could do to win that one. 


Okay, I'm going to end the press conference for now and move on to a segment that I feel like I owe to everyone who supported me in my time in the VHLM. I would like to thank my GMs @rjfryman, @Sonnet, and @Spartan. Thank you all for guidance and the chance to make an impact on your teams. I would also like to thank a few players who I feel were both good friends to me, as well as people who continued to push me in my goal to make the VHL. Among those are a couple of guys who were there with me in the very beginning, who managed to find bright spots in one of the darkest seasons the Houston Bulls had ever seen, @JigglyGumballsand @PatrikLaine. Thanks for making failure something to have fun with and laugh at. 


Thank you to everyone reading, I hope that I can get back to a regular schedule. Which I have said before, in fairness, but I will try to keep up with Minner Minute. Thank you, leave some questions for next week, and goodbye!

Edited by DreMin15
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8 minutes ago, DreMin15 said:

Among those are a couple of guys who were there with me in the very beginning, who managed to find bright spots in one of the darkest seasons the Houston Bulls had ever seen, @JigglyGumballsand @PatrikLaine. Thanks for making failure something to have fun with and laugh at.

S72 Bulls Rookie Gang Represent :hou:

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