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Mexico City's Drug Cartel


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So I get what you're saying. A non-Mexico player talking about Mexico? Well let's just say that we in Vegas are just as involved in this as Mexico is. This is probably something people already know about anyways. Mexico City has a drug cartel, or as @Hylands and @rory call it "Royalty." We all know that they sneak narcotics all across the VHLM to make a fortune apart from their hockey team. So why am I talking about this? Well you see, I wanna show you the process as to how Mexico it is now. The operations of the drug cartel from what I know. I'm not trying to expose Mexico in anyway, on the contrary actually. I wanna show people the level of complexity these operations go through. And if any other team wants to be involved, just fly down south and you can probably make a deal with Mexico.


Because Mexico City is in...Mexico, they needed to establish a hub in the US so they can sell their drugs on a mass scale in NA. That's where Las Vegas comes in. For a handsome amount of cash, Vegas purchases these drugs and acts as the middleman. Selling them across Vegas and everywhere else at a much cheaper price than what they bought. Some might ask, wouldn't Vegas just lose money if they keep selling the drugs for cheap and buying them from Mexico at a much higher price? For the most part, yes. However, that's where Yukon comes in. Yukon is known to have a good amount of gold, even after the initial gold rush. And along with the need of establishing a Canadian base of operations, Vegas struck a deal with Yukon. Giving them a larger share of Mexico's drugs in exchange for money/gold in order to pay for more of those drugs.


So in reality, the money gained from selling the drugs to the rest of NA is reused to buy more from Mexico, a cycle of narcotics where everyone gains something. Mexico gains money, Yukon gets a shit ton of drugs, and Vegas gets drugs and small profit from selling drugs. Without Yukon or Vegas, places like Ottawa and Houston, two of the biggest buyers due to their lack of success, would lose their connections, and thus Mexico loses in profits gained. Meaning that this cartel is dependent on this trio. Another thing of note is that sources tell me that a good chunk of the M league's budget is dependent on the profits of the Mexico City drug cartel.


I hope you enjoy my little insight on operations. We may not like Mexico in the playoffs, but at least we manage a good business relationship to ensure our success and the success of the league. And @MexicanCow123 and @fromtheinside too. Without your gold, we wouldn't be able to buy drugs and sell them for cheap.


(482 words)

Edited by JigglyGumballs
I can't fucking spell
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