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Isau DaMoose Media Spot (1)


In this series of articles it is my intent to share more of Isau’s life than in his biography which will be published at a later date.  As mentioned in his biography, Isau was born in Sioux Lookout.  Shortly thereafter the DaMoose family moved to Gargantua where Isau’s introduction to hockey really took place.


Firstly, a bit about Gargantua.  The name “Gargantua” comes from a series of 5 novels published in the 16th century by Francois Rabelais telling the adventures of two giants, Gargantua and his son Pantagruel.  More recently Gargantua also refers to an interstellar black hole discovered by NASA’s Lazarus Missions.  The former community of Gargantua is located in a remote natural harbour on the North Shore of Lake Superior.



Gargantua became established as a fishing and logging centre by the turn of the century (1900).  It was most active during the 1930’s and 1940’s until lampreys destroyed the fishing industry.  By 1960 Gargantua was a ghost town.


Christmas 2012 was particularly good for Isau and his brother Charon as hockey skates (CCM Vectors.  Acquired on Ebay for $18 U.S.) and hockey sticks (Raven EDGE).  A nearby beaver pond was cleared to make an ice surface, and, with the help of a few neighborhood children, hockey came to Gargantua.  




Hockey pucks, even the homemade ones from a round of firewood birch, were painful on the shins, particularly when the temperatures became colder.  Isau, Charon and their friends began to pad their shins with issues of the Hockey News and the Week-end edition of the Toronto Globe and Mail.  It was not unusual for the boys to come home unable to feel their feet.  The subsequent buzzing in their toes did little to curb their enthusiasm for the game.




As you can well imagine, at this stage of Isau’s hockey development there was a great deal of “swimming” on the ice, children chasing the puck and crashing good-naturedly into the increasingly tall snowbanks.  One of the major problems that occurred was the continual loss of pucks, either buried in the snowbank or lost beyond the snow walls.  Because the importation of vast quantities of vulcanized pucks was cost prohibitive, Isau began to raid the wood shed for specific pieces of birch from which he created The Gargantua Disposable Puck !!




Isau’s day was quite a bit different from his counterparts from urban/suburban areas.  His morning was filled with chores such as filling the wood box for the ever-hungry stove, and getting water from the well which fortunately was deep enough so that it never froze.  Next came “school”.  Because of his remote location, Isau could not attend a traditional school.  His mother took it upon herself to ensure the boys were educated in the mysteries of literacy and numeracy.  Thus it was mid-afternoon before the daily hockey scramble started.  This did not last long as the daylight hours for most of the winter were quite short, frequently becoming dark by 4:30 p.m.


This idyllic existence lasted for a few short years (2 to be exact) before the DaMoose family moved to Bummer’s Roost.  Isau’s experiences there will be covered in a future issue.


532 words

Edited by Eynhallow
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Hello, I liked your media spot. The article gave a pretty good rundown of your player's life growing up, prior to joining the VHL. I thought that your player's experience was pretty unique. I liked your use of pictures as they were relevant and gave good imagery for the story. One thing I would work on is maybe coming up with a more creative title haha. 10/10 rating though.

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18 minutes ago, fromtheinside said:

Dude you have been on fire the past few weeks with your media spots, keep up the great work!  Your writeups have a lot of uniqueness to them and are always fun to read!

Thanks for the kudos.  There are another 2 media spots that describe Isau's life leading up to the VHLM.  I hope you will enjoy them as well.  BTW. all these places are real.  The characters, stories and team names are not.  As far as being "on fire" for the past two weeks...well....there was an unfortunate snafu regarding some of the PT's that had been approved, then subsequently removed.  In order not to lose those TPE's, I have to creat a few short articles and claim them retroactively.  Believe me when I say this, I am not that wordy 

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1 minute ago, Eynhallow said:

Thanks for the kudos.  There are another 2 media spots that describe Isau's life leading up to the VHLM.  I hope you will enjoy them as well.  BTW. all these places are real.  The characters, stories and team names are not.  As far as being "on fire" for the past two weeks...well....there was an unfortunate snafu regarding some of the PT's that had been approved, then subsequently removed.  In order not to lose those TPE's, I have to creat a few short articles and claim them retroactively.  Believe me when I say this, I am not that wordy 

Oh i didn't know about the TPE issues, for a guy who isn't wordy you do a terrific job my friend, don't sell yourself short! 

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Thanks.  I am having fun with this character because of his unique background.  I am also working on an article in interview form in which Isau's partner, Nikki, is introduced along with a couple of Nikki stories.  Those stories are embarrassingly true.  I can give you a sample of that if you want.  As far as the TPE was concerned, it involved some oversight on behalf of the updaters.  I lost nothing, just had to do the work twice for the 8 TPE in question.  Again, no biggie


So want a Nikki story?  This is a true story about my wife BTW.

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Review I love the article about his background, it’s great to be able to see how different the background of the player is, good pictures that help the article too as far as a title for this series “DaMoose Tracks”


rating 10/10

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  • Eynhallow changed the title to DaMoose Tracks (1)
10 minutes ago, Crstats23 said:

Review I love the article about his background, it’s great to be able to see how different the background of the player is, good pictures that help the article too as far as a title for this series “DaMoose Tracks”


rating 10/10

Thanks for the suggestion.  As you can see I used it right away !!!! @a_Ferk

Edited by Eynhallow
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