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Angellini - Moscow, Season 2


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The VHL is a demanding league, rife with upsets and surprises. In S74, Moscow looked to be a powerhouse rolling into the playoffs. Pietro's first year in the Motherland had been fruitful for a rookie, tallying 50 points (23G, 27A) in the regular season. Just as Pietro was hitting his stride The Menace hit a wall, falling to the Helsinki Titans in the EU Semi-Finals. After a year in the VHL Big Leagues, we caught up with Pietro in the midst of S75...


Interviewer: "Looking good out there, Pietro. How are you feeling after a year and a half up in the Bigs?"


PA: "It's been a tough going. I work as hard as I can to help the team but we have been losing some close games this year. I need to bury my chances and be better on defense."


Interviewer: "How can you be better on the defensive side of the ice?"


PA: "Blocking more shots, offer support for our backstop Bernard, and make sure to backcheck and dig the puck out to tilt the ice towards our offensive zone."


Interviewer: "You have tripled your blocked shots so far this season so we can see the development. Any insight there?"


PA: "It hurts haha. Bruises, bumps, unselfish hockey. Gotta get out in front of the clappers, and believe me these guys can sling the puck. Just make sure to get your face out of the way or you might have a smile like mine."


Interviewer: "Spittin chiclets, for sure. Your point total is about on par with last season, any thoughts on how you can create more offense?"


PA: "I feel like I am shooting the puck well and getting a lot of chances thanks to my linemates Latty, Vinny, and Newhook. We rotate quite a bit and I get work on the wing. I like being able to jump around and find new ways to get involved."


Interviewer: "Your shots are way up, getting over 4 a game, an increase from last season. How can you capitalize on the chances?"


PA: "Sometimes it takes a bit of luck. Sometimes I just need to move the puck back to the point and let the D get a chance. This kid Palloon can shoot!"


Interviewer: "Great to see you guys working well together. Hoping for a good win streak to get you into the postseason."


PA: "If we are lucky. I think it will keep us hungry by fighting our way up. I like the challenge."


Players Mentioned: @Mr_Hatter, @Beketov, @VinCal, @GrittyIsKing09


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