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Everything posted by Devise

  1. Time for some more livesims here with livesims.
  2. I got no jokes for you today only livesims. Or maybe I'm the joke and the livesim is the punchline? Or something.
  3. Livesims @rory thinks he can just "ignore" them but they aren't to be ignored. Tag rory anywhere and everywhere and you won't be banned. Unless it becomes harassment...oh no the slope...it's so...slippery...don't tag rory. I'm sorry!
  4. *stretches* It's Monday it's raining it's dark outside. I got sims though so there is that much going on. Sims! Live!
  5. 1. London is still in the race for at least a wild card playoff spot. We have games in hand to boot. What's been the key to keeping things going? I don't think it's been one thing in particular, sometimes we find a way to win a close game sometimes we find a way to turn the offense on. We've also snuck points out of a few losses. It'll be tough for us to get in but not impossible. 2. Theme week is here! So what trophies have you had your heart set on but haven't gotten yet? LOL! Awards and me? Top GM is the only one I've ever really won, oh wait sorry my goalie ages ago won a couple things for a hot minute. Any awards for a Devise player on an individual level is like hell freezing over. 3. Should London continue focusing on playing a balanced game? Or should we switch things up to play more offensive of defensive? I think we just need to roll with it. There isn't much more we can do in this situation but ride out the last games and hope for the best. 4. If your player could star in a movie shot in London, what genre movie would your player star in? Thriller, sure why not. 5. If you could have an extra body part, appendage or organ, what would it be and why? What an odd question, umm how about an extra brain because if your going to look weird anyway maybe you'll get some serious benefit from it. 6. If superhero player superpowers were allowed in the VHL, which one would your player have? Super discipline, maybe then the damn referee's would not give me undeserving penalty minutes!
  6. Live now live now live now live now live now live now live now live now nonw now now now now now live! NEVER?!
  7. I'm here today to talk to you about a travesty that has occurred and really been occurring since the start of the season. I'm not talking about Anime Protagonist, whoever the hell that is. Or about Daniel Braxtons epic selling ability, nobody hit the ice in the big game as good as the dummy. Nor am I talking about the fake controversy people are trying to stir up around GM's and changes in the E because of logo disputes. (In short: it's tough to do that many logos and keep things original, I'm starting to even lean into the idea that we may go to hard on that direction. There was a suggestion ended for a VHL team recently due to it looking to similar in concept and at some point I'm like "Look similar concepts for logos and team name are everywhere!" Google Kitchener Rangers. They are literally just the NYR logo, professional leagues, not a problem. This tangent aside where was I, oh yes...) The travesty that I'm talking about is the god damn biased reffing that has been going on this season. There is clearly some sort of rigging going on, so I want to take up the simmer for some serious questioning. Season GP G A P +/- SHT PIM HIT SB GW PPG SHG 79 (LDN) 56 18 15 33 -16 124 30 32 131 2 9 0 78 (LDN) 72 5 8 13 -2 76 0 3 134 0 3 0 Totals 128 23 23 46 -18 200 30 35 265 2 12 0 This is purely... Sven had no PIMs last season with 70 discipline and 40 checking. I add to discipline, continuously, and then he gets more PIMs. I will not not talk about this. This is the hill I die on. If Simon hates me so much that I can't even somehow make sense of the PIMs to discipline stat then I'm at a loss. This is clearly a case of Simon Wars: The Phantom Minutes going on with these refs. Oh since I shit on him with the title and a bunch in this article good time to also mention that I'm destroying @Jericho in a childish twitter gif war we are having as well. I'm also kinda happy we got Rome because the Rome Gladiators won't not be a dope concept and a great use of the Minot Gladiators theme. Anyway, TOTAL POINTS EARNED?!
  8. I'm fresh out of jokes but I have sims, they are all we want to see anyways. Tune in if you care to.
  9. @BOOM Here comes the @BOOM Ready or not? No, that song sucks anyways because I'm pretty sure the next lyric is "here comes the boys from the south." Anyway, who sang that song? I'm trying to recall. Youth of the POD? No that's a song and a band together, I can't remember. SALIVA?! Like in your mouth? We are live with more jokes live now with live. Sims too I suppose.
  10. Going live in the live on the live now live with the games live in the now yeah yeah. Decipher that! (It's actually easy to decipher as nonsense all designed to get you to click on a link if your interested enough to click on it and see how the games went on my end.) SIM!
  11. Good day to the folks of the league of Victory Hockey. Or something. Live time. Sim Time In the PM Time Time In Simes LiveSimes A Haikou brought to you by Logan Laich
  12. The livesim anyways. Join me now or join me whenever you decide to check this, or don't join me at all and click on the index and see how your player be popping off. Or sucking. I don't own you. Livseims!
  13. I have no idea what's going on in the Genchat right now, CW alert for dumb gifs, be warned. Also we are live to quickly get todays sims done so I can escape back into the nothingness never to be seen again (until I get resurrected tomorrow for more sims).
  14. Can you believe it's nearly S80? No, only us VHL boomers who have been here too long look at a number that large and remember joking about it years ago going "ha when we are still around then" and then realizing that in fact some of us are indeed still around then. The future comes for us all, no matter how hard you try to run from it. It is kinda how time works. I'm still a little baffled by the idea that in a few short months we'll be entering into not only the leagues 80th season, but also the birth of a third league inside the VHL. It's going to be hectic, chaotic, different, and I'm sure a little overwhelming for some people especially as things start to settle. One of the overlooked changes to the introduction of the E league is the addition of another season to player careers, bringing it up to the potential of 9 for members who really go for it. As someone who has seen the league undergo a serious amount of changes and build it's throughout multiple eras I'll say from first hand experience the best thing about these big moments is seeing the fallout. Not because of "drama" I mean more the structural fallout for how such things change the league. It is within that shaking of the tree that you see ways in which things can then be taken, improved upon, built upon, that sort of thing. It very much is a principle to how we have changed some things with the league over time. Piece by piece, then you feel confident making a bigger switch and you see how that affects things, and you build piece by piece again. Anyway I'm probably at 150 words by now so here's to the VHL super old and S80 being just around the corner.
  15. Imagine you and sims, just you and sims together to the end. Well not the end, because they DO end before you do probably. I don't know, it depends on how you look at it I guess. Sims are here presented by Devise thanks.
  16. It's sim time despite how late it is because it's Saturday so why not I'm just going to continue to speak in one long unbroken sentence and disregard most grammar because that's how you do it isn't it? Sims. Live. Link here. Or under here. You know, somewhere.
  17. We are live for today's sims no joke, that's the joke today is that I'm not joking about being live but I am joking in any reality where I conceive the humor I have as being top tier. Good day!
  18. Little bit of live time for the sim time with the live time. That's it, that's all I got today. Yogurt. (Peach Mango if you were asking)
  19. I'm baaaaaaack! That means lame joke city for your intro to a link that only a few care to click on. But hey we do it anyway. As for todays joke, Knock Nock. Who's there? I don't know. WHAT A JOKE!
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