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Everything posted by Victor

  1. S30 Calgary when I think everyone on the team had some sort of league job - LR was lit.
  2. Woo, onto yet another meeting with Riga lol. Good series Helsinki, we'll see you soon I'm sure.
  3. Ground rules: - No revealing of answers in this thread - Head over to #trivia-hunt on Discord to learn how to find the answers. No revealing of answers there either. - No corrections allowed. First submission is locked in. Fill out the form linked below. 2 correct answers = 2 capped TPE 1 correct answer = 1 capped TPE https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe4fiPrz1B7ioOGK27XQ5txNzYW7QlLgRrGe7m7uRJhDJ7vGw/viewform?usp=sf_link I am always taking question suggestions via PM, with 1 uncapped TPE going your way for each question that ends up getting used.
  4. not 3-2, does not compute
  5. Oh fuck that's devastating you had such a unique thing going.
  6. Would have been a Hall of Famer with that I think.
  7. 1. Who was Malmo's first starting goaltender? (Credit and 1 uncapped TPE to @Jayhawk) Although Michael Johnson is Malmo's only real franchise goalie to date (other than COL G perhaps), he didn't come along until Malmo's 2nd season in S67. Until then, they had a formidable stopgap in defending champion and playoff MVP with Toronto Johnny Havenk Carison for their first season and Carison's last. 2. TRUE/FALSE: The most common name for a Scott Boulet Trophy winner is Matt. Yes, and by some distance too. From Matt Defosse and Matt Bailey through to Matt Thompson, Matts have won the Boulet 10 times in 71 seasons. No other name repeats other than repeat winners, with David (Smalling) leading the way with 5. @solas 2 @GustavMattias 2 @Jared Willis 2 @Tate 2 @TTtheT 2 @Mike 2 @Renomitsu 2 @Z16 2 @Pengu 2 @Snussu 2 @twists 2 @Doomsday 2 @PatrikLaine 2 @MattyIce 2 @DreMin15 2 @KnightRiley 2 @Enorama 2 @frescoelmo 2 @flatl99 2 @ROOKIE745 2 @BarzalGoat 2 @Kekzkrieg 2 @d3vilsfire 2 @fonziGG 2 @Acydburn 2 @Tagger 2 @DollarAndADream 2 @Brewins15 2 @STZ 2 @Aye my name jeff 2 @Kyle 2 @GRZ 2 @Corco 2 @Alex Bridges 2 @DangerGolding 2 @wcats 2 @leafsman 2 @GrittyIsKing09 2 @CowboyinAmerica 2 @Jubo07 2 @Jtv123 2 @Jbeezy76 2 @Spaz 2 @Tape-to-Tape 2 @Erik Summers 2 @rory 2 @Hylands33 2 @Steve 2 @jacobaa19 2 @Infernal 2 @Mr_Hatter 2@Motzaburger 2@jRuutu 2@Grape 2@Tbeez99 2@SirRupertBarnes 2@jman9theman9 2@animal74 2@Advantage 2@HearnNation67 2@TheFlash 2@Garrett 2@S. Kuchar 1@zepheter 2@turkey2349 2@BladeMaiden 2@McWolf 2@okochastar 2@Biggreen10 2@dlamb 2@Crosby1987 2@fishy 2@Velevra 2@Ricer13 2@bigAL 2@Mongoose87 2@MexicanCow123 2@Poptart 2@Bacon 2@SweatyBeaver 2@Midnite 2@Rayzor_7 2@fever95 2@RStar 2@gorlab 2@Rocket 2@Garsh 2@DMaximus 2@Jer_Lefebvre 2@KaleebtheMighty 2@Cusemode 2@Philliefan 2@KC15 2@G_Rush 2@PadStack 2@Spence King 2@Big Bob 2@JBrew42 2@Advantage 2@Big Dee 2 @DarkSpyro 2@Severnnin 2@TXC 2@Crstats23 2@okifenoki 2@DoktorFunk 2@Da_Berr 2@Matmenzinger 2@Clarkey23 2@jared 2@osens 2@joeg 2@AW13 2@Hooperorama 2@a_Ferk 2@jpsd 2@flyersfan1453 2@Kendrick 2@Harpskii 2@UnkemptCL4PTP 2@CrlineDijohn14 2@BigTittySmitty 2@dasboot 2@TheLastOlympian07 2@Telkster 2@Seabass 2@Jubis 2@SlapshotDragon 2@Speed 2@pennypenny 2@Smarch 2@JeffD 2 @eaglesfan036 2
  8. Big performance by Eagles.
  9. Period: OT1 9. Toronto Legion , Fredrik Elmebeck 1
  10. Sorry @gorlab and @Aye my name jeff ?
  11. @Donno100 with a huge performance! 3-2 wins all the way
  12. That fresh Nate + Ryo connection.
  13. Hot font selection by Gritty
  14. Hello all! It's the first Sunday of the playoffs so as is now tradition, it is time to open nominations for the Fredrik Elmebeck Memorial Trophy. As a reminder, every member can nominate one other member who they feel demonstrated great work ethic, passion for the VHL, and/or made some notable contribution which in your eyes made them stand out in S72. There are no restrictions on who you nominate, but we will not necessarily vote for someone in a position of power (S71 notwithstanding given it was the first season of the award). This should whittle it down to a few candidates which the BOG will vote on prior to the off-season awards ceremony. To nominate a fellow member, simply fill out the short form linked here: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSd68kCNiRWE2oIVdSpu9YuqstBeW1PFnH3LtZC28YEKB38GtA/viewform?usp=sf_link @Members
  15. Big yikes for North American predictions
  16. Don't be so hard on yourself, you should be able to win another one.
  17. Well I hope we can keep standing each other for the rest of our time here. Much more peaceful this way.
  18. carrying the team as per
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