It is Easter weekend 2019 and that made me think that I must have joined around easter in 2009. So I checked my builder article and lo and behold, my joining date was in fact early April 2009, meaning that I have now been on the VHL for just over a decade. OK, its not quite up there with Beketov and Fong and a handful of others (not including Quik here cuz he must have been missing for half the leagues history), and I did leave for just over a year until I came back last summer (granted I kept popping back in pretty regularly) but still. Ten fucking years.
I don't think its possible to explain everything that's changed in 10 years. In internet terms that's probably like someone talking about what life was like in the 50s. I'm sure most members newer than myself were on the internet in 2009 (although the frightening thought is that I'm sure there's a few who were not), but the same concept applies to sim leagues - they are just simply not the same these days. Better or worse that's not for me to decide but different. I don't know if teenage me would enjoy cutting my teeth in the modern VHL or if current me would enjoy the bullshit of the league a decade ago so its probably all for the best. But fuck. 10 years.
Anyway, that's that. Happy Easter folks. Happy my sort of anniversary. Have a good rest of the long weekend. Much love xx.