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Everything posted by boubabi

  1. As you guys know, I'm very salty so I would go with salt first, and I'm a very basic guy so maybe something BBQ'ish or something I can roll after in a fajitas.
  2. Seattle supposedly never sent their expansion candidature
  3. gorlab as evolve into charizard. He learned Fadethrower and GFX
  4. Converting gorlab to VHL
  5. QC new arena. What you guys think ?
  6. we are 1/1 in playoffs choke I'm aiming the 2/2
  7. http://www.vhlforum.com/index.php?/topic/19658-stockholm-vikings/
  8. Oh please, I don't have to do the same talk over and over again. I already explained the circumstances to people that matters.
  9. First in the league I think
  10. I'm pretty sure that Light would have been in the same bracket. But thst brings me back to a situation with advantage and brick wahl. Wahl didn't gave up tpe before the cutoff which made him go in the other bracket. He saw that right after and he needed the trade zadorov for that mistake. Why should we change the rule now?
  11. they weren't update because those 2 players didn't had their update thread updated. But, they updated with tpe that were earned before the cutoff and only those were counted to make their bracket go up
  12. Its the GM job to look at that before the cut off. It happened to me with gorlab (asking him to stay under a precise number to help my cap situation) and I even contacted Victor to confirm him that one of my player should be in a higher salary bracket cuz he updated after the cut off tpe that were earned before the cut off
  13. Returning to that salary bracket shenanigans, whats the point of having a finance cut off if it can be ruled off at anytime? I can confirm that when gorlab and me had a discussion about it, those tpe were updated in their thread and afterward Coach might have see their new bracket
  14. Because I haven't name jala GM. I'm just doing my role, which is building the best team possible. You might not have access to my previous discussion with the blue team, but why should I be responsible of "training" other gms. If you feel comfortable (because it's now proven) to place jala in this position, take the consequences. It wouldn't be the first time we see one sided trade, and it won't be the last time. Trades during edgar and Corco's reign have been not so good for them and not a single word was made by the blue team. Plus, the analysis that everyone made was without knowing any facts of the trade and the reason it was made (Poole being less value in this deal) (me refusing trades involving Kowalski and Ruutu for a fair value). I find this tough to believe that anyone who had a pressure point in the upcoming decision has any real idea of the circumstances. They only looked at it as : Stockholm flucked Toronto, lets refuse it. If it would have been Advantage or any other Gm, everyone would have sucked his dick for his glory
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