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Everything posted by boubabi

  1. A quick SSS (subsurface scattering) hand model
  2. i refer them as ching chong ping pong karate
  3. gotta reach those asians in japan
  4. yes, second on the list for the frenchiest name ever after Jean-François, bien sur
  5. classic philadelphia management
  6. we all know I'm doing this because I HATE KENDRICK *ANGRY EMOJI*
  7. elitist opinion ? Then go make every award public and let the "good people" debate like they are clearly capable of what's holding that decision ?
  8. the language card is ON THE TABLE EVERYONE I was expecting that from kendrick, but hey ,devise is full of surprise afterall
  9. GG well I guess I won't have to stfu afterall good talk devise good talk
  10. Funny how people say I only defend my players, I'm here defending solas' player and nobody even say a word about that
  11. If it help yo usleep at night sure devise sure Remove me from the BoG if you don't like the way I say my opinions right now. At the same time, you won't have to bother with me. But the same goes with whatever other responsibilities that I had. If not, keep me in the BoG, deal with my opinions and stfu with your weak ass defensive stance
  12. There as much context here if it would have been cornerstone vs muller vs ravenwing your argument is only that "the league worked that way so we better keep the same system" it's a weak thinking and it's sad to see from a blue team member
  13. remove me from the BoG if you don't want me to state my opinion the way I do. If you don't, I'll remain 100% the same.
  14. and tell me how top D or top goalie needs context ? It needs as much context as this award
  15. funny how this thread is 3 pages of context so devise, who should win, a 136 pts player or a .930 goalie ?
  16. what's the argument against making all the voting process public ? why top d isn't public ? etc if the public process is so solid, lets make all the awards public...and see what happens
  17. and that doesn't mean it's the right thing to do
  18. do you really think there's only 1 or 2 bad voters in the whole community ?
  19. how I am offended ? I think they are wrong and I voice my opinion with arguments. That's my job as a BoG member lmao I have no idea who voted for king as I can't see who did and who didn't. I just think the public vote is dumb and it's a popularity vote
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