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Everything posted by boubabi

  1. Hello, it's your favorite grumpy french I was told that me criticizing artwork is fueled by my hate to the member. So if I ever comment a good thing, it's because I like you, and if I add a once of critics, it must be because I DEEPLY HATE YOU AND IT'S THE SOLE REASON WHY I CRITIC YOUR WORK. Right ? Funny, because someone actually accused me of that recently, so there's that. (His name starts with "Ken" "and end with "dick" "drick". *wink *wink Anyway, real talk here. With 3D school going on, I can't really focus on logo design, and to be honest, I kinda suck at it. So if you want to rebrand a logo, you should contact a specialist and put real money into if. If you are motivated, you can have a great logo for cheap really Anyway here some logos that should change, in my opinion. This logo would be right for maybe VHL S1 to S10, okay, but we are in S50 so.... The logo seems to be made on Photoshop and even if I suck at logo design, I know some basic rules. The color scheme is meh, the stroke width is not constant and it doesn't hightlights important parts of the logo Design wise, it doesn't mean much, it's the caps logo basically with a weaker color scheme and a weak font incorporation and such. I still think Koradek's logo is way superior and fits better on jerseys and is just a better identity overall The VHL is buggy so the pages doesn't load, but the oslo storm logo should be changed as well. Again, the color design is kinda weak. It was one of the first logo I ever made, so I can clearly see some flaws. The lines width is constant and that is decent. The face is also decent but other than that, weak branding. The hairs are meh and the color skin doesn't match with the color scheme. I guess it's a logo that could be fixed, but considering I've made another log ofor the storm, that I think is far superior, I think it's an easy swap job here the famous bear logo. Again, this was made on photoshop, clearly, and has the same problem. Color scheme is "okay", but is very limiting. The line weight is not that great and please, kill the font on the logo, god. I think the team branding is kinda simple so a logo rebrand is't that hard, but we seems to have problems with it. I think we should swap it for a way simpler version . Logo design is actually decent, and most of it is kinda good actually, it just needs a clean up really. The idea behind it was great but some details need to be refine and other needs to be simplified. I would also kill the beige colour. last and not least, the famous "horse?" in cgy. Alright logo design, but needs a lot of improvement. The horse in an okay idea, but needs to be refined. I would like to see like a rodeo horse or something, I think it would be great. The color scheme is classic so I wouldn't change that. Again, kill the font on the logo plz.
  2. What will make the difference in the end, isn't a guy who chose more D than forwards. If the guy has his own technics, good for him. The top leaders has a to not defensemen, so I don't see why you think they doesn't produce What will make a winner in the end, is the guy who chose the best option in every category possible. If sokolov makes 50 fantasy points and cornerstone 100, it doesn't matter, you aren't comparing both it's apple with apple and oranges with oranges Sokolov making 50 points wil lbe good if digital makes 40 pts, see where I'm going with this ? The 10 points difference you gain there is as much important as a 10 points difference between Cornerstone and Muller
  3. yes but sokolov isn't competing with cornerstone sokolov is competing with the 2 other guy in his group yes, if you look at the big picture, cornerstone will have more fantasy points then Sokolov, but that's not what we are competing here. We are competing here over what fantasy team makes more pts, overall SO we aren't asking people to choose over cornerstone and sokolov, which you would be disadvantaged of course, we ask people to chose over Sokolov thrower and digital, which are comparable D
  4. Even if it's a 1:1 ratio, this is pretty balanced because the players are competing against the same type of player with the same kind of production (kinda) and it's just more logical to have cornerstone and muller have more fantasy points than fedorov, we can't argue that really
  5. Well, the last persons sucked because Excel can calculate that with no efforts
  6. Funny how there's a radical right group in Quebec City called "La Meute" They are assholes...so I guess it's fitting, AMIRITE ??

    1. boubabi


      La Meute's co-founder, Patrick Beaudry, leads supporters on a silent march Sunday after being penned for hours in an underground parking garage.

      ^Frank is the middle guy, OBVIOUSLY

    2. NotAVHLM-GM


      Marching to the Swiss embassy to protest against Davos?

  7. yes but just to be clear, everyone has the same class to choose from. they build their team with those categories
  8. Lets be honest, the VFHL is pretty boring for 95% of people. Feels like it needs to be a little bit more...interactive during the season tbh. So here's my idea First Line Center Top Line Winger First Pair D Dish Master Franchise Cornerstone (HSK) Dianna Maxwell (DAV) Fabio Jokinen (QC) Bobby Digital (RIG) Lukas Muller (QC) Theo Axelsson (HSK) Lee King Snatch (DAV) Roman Sokolov (TOR) Essian Ravenwing (RIG) Pierre Gaudette (QC) Felix Savard (CGY) Alexander Thrower (RIG) 2 Way Center Power Forwards Sophomore Slump ? Puck Rag Xander Finn (TOR) Phil Shankly (RIG) Gabriel McAllister (SEA) John Locke (QC) Fook Yu (QC) Motherfucker Sharpe (DAV) Slava Aleksei (RIG) Takashi Fujimoto (DAV) Fredinamijs Krigars (RIG) Asher Donovan (SEA) Mattias Forsberg (SEA) Pietro Maximoff (QC) So here's an exemple of what kind of draft you would be doing. There would be groups of 3 players to choose from with different categories. You would choose 1 of those 3 players to build your team. The best would be to great multiple groups so nearly everyone is covered. I was thinking to make a 1:1 ratio for points, considering how badly the D is dominating in the last system. If we put a system where hits matters, I would also like to add negative points for PIMS. Anyway, to make this thing more interactive, we would have certain periods to make 1 or 2 changes in our draft. Could be at certain games mark (like 30 / 60 ) etc. I feel like this would be a more creative way to create fantasy teams and maybe add rewards to that like if you choose a player during a certain type of games, the number of points he makes is doubled or something. Would be kinda hard to calculate, but everything is possible. ANyway, that's my pitch. Kinda early but I guess better early than late, right ?
  9. can I say everyone's sig is trash BECAUSE I JUST HATE THE MEMBER ?
  10. how reviews should be amirite
  11. meh, I'm not that surprised. I mean, porn >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>youtube
  12. I don't do sigs anymore I'm too harsh on people and it hurts their feelling
  13. The simmer team is winning !! Riots!!!
  15. Lr arent active because the board isnt active, thats all Its not the position of the lr that prevents people from posting. Even if it was, how being at the bottom or top would change anything with the 2 players project?
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