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Everything posted by boubabi

  1. Havent you already switched C to RW? And I guess rw to lw is pretty unecesaary
  2. Dont think u get the underdog concept Riga and the legion were fillers because the other team were weakers, thats it Anyway, dont see the point of that argument really
  3. Same, no Need to be considered, yes
  4. Considering there was 4 good playoffs team..and we had the weaker record from all those 4 Yes I would say underdog
  5. You'll learn that the hard way
  6. Centers also take faceoffs vs cpu, which is pretty easy
  7. Dont try to understand the sim, nobody does other than Simon himself
  8. Helsinki....2 seasons ago lmao
  9. Yea no. Playoffs are nearly random. Reflecting playoffs with top gm is flipping a coin. Qc's success was a continuity of what frank already built, which he was rewarded for
  10. Apply for team world Plz no gudnass for cornerstone
  11. Do I get involve in this or naw ? ????
  12. Its not up to you to decide really. We cant let an award be decided by 4 votes. Not for a close call.
  13. There will probably have an extension for people to vote so theres that
  14. Wouldnt be the first human being to lose an award here. If you are confident in your player, you have time to convince that you should win
  15. Because now its a matter of interpretation of stats. Axelsson had more points less hits when shankly had more hits less pts There was no case for Yu as other player had better stats than him
  16. Dont think you get how awards vote. Theres no 2nd vote or pity vote. You vote for the 1st and thats it. Yu wasnt the best in no category and there was no stats that made counter balance his lack of hits/goals/gwg/ pts
  17. because nobody thought you had a better 2 way season. There's no inbetween
  18. Amirite But the top gm is pretty spot on this season tho
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