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Everything posted by boubabi

  1. mvp rly
  2. 4 voters for top D is kinda low.
  3. Come back to your source in helsinki !!!
  4. We could use a great D as yours (wink wink) in helsinki m8
  5. It depends on your y and x axis rly
  6. "I watch Rick and Morty." The class is shocked at my overwhelming intelligence. "...how? I can't even understand its sheer nuance and subtlety." "Well... WUBBA LUBBA DUB DUB!" One student laughs, and I turn to see who the fellow genius is. It's none other than Albert Einstein.



    1. scoop


      I know you're memeing but I just wanna say Rick and Morty is overrated as fuck. Yeah it's good but the szechuan sauce shit was so forced.

    2. boubabi


      PICKLE RICK !!!



    3. boubabi


      Most cancerous fanbase since overwatch and undertale

  8. Helsinki selects my gurl, Oskar Ingolfsson @Megster
  9. @FBR don't forget to claim this as soon as possible !
  10. if qc wins the cup next year, can we give best GM to Tyler
  11. Helsinki drafts my french boy Ulyanin Namestnikov, @FBR
  12. I feel you @Bushito


    1. Show previous comments  9 more
    2. Advantage


      You guys aware its illegal regardless cause it circumvents draft pick rule right?  I tried this many times in STO and NY and Will denied it all the time.

    3. Bushito


      Well @ADV the blue team @Smarch told me it was all cool so hard to say what the fuck the rules are here if the highest position in the league doesn't know. Or hey maybe he did know and was in the process of fucking me over, doubtful.

    4. Advantage


      Well Smarch was wrong then cause it hasnt been that way in a long time.  Thats unfortunate that he said that though but the problem is that a multi part trade was made in order to be able to trade another years worth of picks as part of original trade.


      It sucks though cause it isnt your fault at all.  Not first time its happened tho (hence the rule being brought in).

  13. dunno why davos tried to rebuild at the first place rly
  14. Honorable GMs in the VHL, you're the real MVP
  15. well...
  16. I'll take this 3 tpe like
  17. ^that's the logic
  18. both team had no ring in the end
  19. same team who lost in the finals ?
  20. well done m8
  21. Looking good. Interesting canvas, I would play with the text position to have a more balanced composition imo Efx are good, I would lower the grainy noise efx a bit though
  22. But why ? Theres newer content that needs to be reviewed first imo. Anyway
  23. Are you reviewing sigs from july ? @Kesler y ?
  24. Whos gretzky
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