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Posts posted by Dangles13

  1. Part I - Pick em' (Pick the correct winners of all three games for 1 TPE)

    44 Legion
    45 Express
    46 Legion


    Part II - Predict the Score (Predict the correct score of this game for 3 TPE)

    46 3-1 Legion


    Part III - Player Predictions (Predict the correct player for each category, 1 TPE for each correct answer)

    Series leader in points: Max Molholt
    Series leader in goals: Zach Parechkin

    Series leader in assists: Max Molholt

  2. 1 hour ago, Victor said:

    You get 1 TPE for answering just 1 of the 2. :P



    2 hours ago, Victor said:

    I'm sure the fascists would shut me down if I have out TPE for minimal effort. :P



  3. 34 minutes ago, Victor said:

    I'm sure the fascists would shut me down if I have out TPE for minimal effort. :P

    The last trivia I was doing was " How many times has the 1st overall pick in the VHLM also been taken 1st overall in the VHL? " and I was looking through drafts and said there are 48 drafts to look through and this is one question. Not worth 1 TPE and I gave up. :D

  4. Thanks Mac. How do I cap out at 9 weekly TPE? I feel like I'm missing something here.


    Also, @Tixe if you want to make a sig for next week I wouldn't mind having a Pat Maroon one made up. Possibly using this pic. ;)



  5. After a disappointing game one, Asher Donovan puts the smackdown on Brampton. The Blades were able to contain probable MVP Donovan in the opening game of the North American Finals, he finished with 1 assist and was minus 1. Donovan answered his critics in game two by being in on all 4 goals as Yukon beat the Blades 4-2. His 2 goals on 10 shots were just a small sample of the devastation that Asher could bring on a team as his third game was a legendary performance as per @Draper or @Higgins someone with a gottdamn blue name.


    In game 3 Donovan would not be held off of the score-sheet and he managed to score a hat trick only twelve minutes into the game. He had an assist mixed in there as well just for good measure. Donovan went to the room and all he could think about were his critics and doubters talking about how he would disappear in the playoffs and he burned himself out in the regular season. So with less than a minute to go in the second period Asher scored two more goals to get himself up to 5 on the night. Still not satisfied he felt he had more to give and just 28 seconds into the third Asher scored his 6 goal and 7th point of the night. The performance will be remembered for years to come and hopefully is an indication of what Donovan is capable of when motivated.

  6. Even though the playoffs are still ongoing I figured I would take a moment to give the general managers a brief look at why you should draft me and my player, Asher Donovan. I am going to mix pros and cons together instead of the traditional list format that most people do and I've never been a fan of that style. As I'm aware that you're drafting both the user and the player I am going to include some personal things and some sim related things to give you the most insight possible.


    I Am In A Lot of Simulation Leagues



    July 27 will mark a full calendar year since I joined the SHL which was my first simulation league. Since then I have joined the VHL, SBA, GOMHL, WFL, VFC, SBL, TCBL, USFL and the VFL(coming soon). I have held and still hold many jobs in most of those leagues so I think it is safe to say that I am dedicated to the sim life and know my way around a simulation league. I have never been suspended or fined in any of those leagues but I have been down-repped plenty of times and I'm sure that there are those who don't like me but I'm generally a decent person on the boards.


    On the flip side of that I have done a lot of stuff for simulation leagues in a short period of time and while I don't foresee myself burning out anytime soon the risk is always there. Real life does happen to be more important to me but my job has pretty set hours and I work four ten hour days so I end up with a lot of free time on the weekends. I have also done a lot of jobs and while that means I know the ins and outs of them it also means that I've done enough to grow tired of them and taking a break may one day be in the cards. I mentioned I have been down-repped on sites that allow it, I am an opinionated individual and don't always keep my mouth shut. I try to present my side with as much tact as possible but emotions get in the way of common sense more than I would like.


    TPE Levels




    In most simulation leagues I am a known TPE whore and while I have never been the top earner in my draft class I have always been top 5. I mentioned that I have a lot of free time with my job and since nobody else has Friday days off I write most of my media during those days and I generally enjoy writing so I don't get bored of it. I recently had my laptop crash on me and I wasn't about to type out articles on my PS4 so I claimed a lot of welfare and fell behind the top 3 in TPE levels. I still updated each week but earning 2 TPE instead of 6 is a pretty large gap over several weeks and while it may hurt my draft stock it will not hurt my career.


    Now I must say that not writing articles has allowed me to recharge my batteries somewhat. I was having a hard time writing articles in each league each week, I am a quick typist and can pound out words but coming up with fresh ideas for each league every week can be a chore and I may have started to claim welfare here and there anyways. Who is to say this type of battery recharge won't come up again in the future?





    I don't know how many of you general managers pay attention the fake league, the VHLM. In S48 Asher came in as a rookie and only suited up for 30 games. He managed to put up 34 points which when pro-rated to a 72 game schedule turns into 82 points. Donovan would have finished 4th in the entire league as a rookie at that pace. Donovan also finished with 11 points in 9 playoffs games, the guy puts up points. S49 saw Donovan really break out and lead the league with 144 points, 15 more than the second place Theo Axelsson. Donovan lead the league in many major categories and pretty much just tore the VHLM a new asshole on his way to the top.


    Now the VHLM is not the VHL and it's not fair to say that kind of dominance will translate to the big league. STHS is a fickle bitch and one day it gazes deep into your eyes while you walk down the beach on your honeymoon and the next day it is going to Saskatchewan to live with it's mother. When someone would rather live in Saskatchatoon then you know you done fucked up.




    I am active, I have been called activity Viagra and am a big presence around the boards on most sites. If you're looking for someone to breathe life into your locker room then I am your man. If you want someone to shut up and update then you better look elsewhere. Draft me and be happy or pass on me and get fired, your choice.

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