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Everything posted by CoachReilly

  1. Sandro - your attributes make no sense. You only supplied 28 TPE but you had passing going from 90 to 99, skating from 90 to 92, puck handling from 85 to 90, defense 70 to 72.5 ... I just don't get it. You need to show in some kind of capacity your amount of TPE gained. Sorry dude, just couldn't figure it out.
  2. Updated Moher, Bagelface, Baker, Boragina, and LeBeau. This shit is time-consuming Still to update: 8OVechkin8, YEAH!, Kyle, Sandro all the VHLMers will be difficult...
  3. blur the lines behind him. also get rid of rectangle that cuts off the left most orange line... get rid of it entirely or just erase the part blocking orange line
  4. http://vhlsim.invisionzone.com/index.php?/topic/461-lennox-moher-updates/?p=1740 Lennox Moher... no depreciation obvi.
  5. no offense but this isn't even CLOSE to where i was. I'm at 337 now and this probably has me somewhere around 220. also somehow tony stark is on davos' roster but i'm not.
  6. Where is Lennox Moher on Davos? No player thread I had 337 TPE prior to update I'm 99.9% certain. Are we going to be able to verify this ish?
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