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Everything posted by Bushito

  1. Nobody should mass tag media spots, it's Highly annoying. Also, I'm not on either of the teams in the article. @Eudaldkp @Nykonax
  2. We are in S64 and at the end of this season we will have the S65 Draft, these guys created after the deadline so they will be in the S66 Draft
  3. The title of this article should be incompetence
  4. Wahl is on a far better team than Stopko Started on, you'll make it. Also, Stopko led the league in Save % once again this season, not that he will win an award, Krik will get that for playing on the best team.
  5. Well He did hold the TPE record for a bit and only 4 players ever have passed the 1000 TPE threshold and not make the HOF so I certainly hope he's not the 5th
  6. Maybe if he wins the cup this season
  7. I'm not apologizing to you. Wahl has 7 more All-star games to go still.
  8. Hmmm, playing on opposite teams, Sorry for what's about to happen to you Stopko.
  9. First time I haven't hit the max
  10. It is tampering if you talk to any other league members
  11. How is this tampering? lol
  12. You can't tamper with me, I'm doing a sign and trade and I'll just deal him for the best offer regardless of team.
  13. I have never played for New York, always hated the franchise since I came here.
  14. Brady Stropko Jr Defense Points/7 +/- Rating/6 (Above +0)
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