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Everything posted by Bushito

  1. I can't give you quitters anything
  2. 1. @Bushito - 1392.93 - Autodraft 2. @Victor - 1185.76 - 5 TPE 3. @Symmetrik - 1183.83 - 4 TPE 4. @Reives - 1136.79 - 3 TPE 5. @jRuutu - 1133.76 - 2 TPE 6. @AdamEss - 847.73 - 1 TPE
  3. Didn't bother to finish it, no points rewarded
  4. Lowest score in the league so far and one of those teams only drafted 4 players, Hit me up for draft advise.
  5. 1. @wcats - 1226.13 - 6 TPE 2. @Elhandon - 1186.03 - 5 TPE 3. @street - 1122.76 - 4 TPE 4. @Philliefan - 1119.33 - 3 TPE 5. @Beketov - 1066.59 - 2 TPE 6. @pennypenny - 1061.16 - 1 TPE
  6. 1. @Bushito - 1400.16 - 6 TPE 2. @Peace - 1256.33 - 5 TPE 3. @.sniffuM - 1082.53 - 4 TPE 4. @SidTheKid87 - 1074.83 - 3 TPE 5. @SlapshotDragon1094.2 - 2 TPE 6. @diamond_ace - 821.96 - 1 TPE
  7. 1. @AndrewWarren13 - 1356.99 - 6 TPE 2. @Tagger - 1165.56 - 5 TPE 3. @Hybrid1486 - 1147.73 - 4 TPE 4. @DollarAndADream - 1081.96 - 3 TPE 5. @JG10 - 941.53 - 2 TPE 6. @Esso2264 - 923.22 - 1 TPE JG10 only picked 4 players and still beat Esso, bahahaha
  8. The best Dman was Sidney Crosby who paced the fantasy league by 43.8 Points
  9. 1. @Jubo07 - 1364.96 - 6 TPE 2. @BarzalGoat - 1261.53 - 5 TPE 3. @Joubo - 1185.53 - 4 TPE 4. @omgitshim - 1136.19 - 3 TPE 5. @Sova - 1131.63 - 2 TPE 6. @BOOM™ - 1108.36 - 1 TPE
  10. 1. @Quik - 1275.33 - 6 TPE 2. @Bushito - 1259.33 - Autodraft 3. @Bushito - 1176.76 - Autodraft 4. @oilmandan - 1085.39 - 3 TPE 5. @DucksFan64 - 1068.36 - 2 TPE 6. @Romaris - 935.63 - 1 TPE
  11. 1. @McWolf - 1274.53 - 6 TPE 2. @Beaviss - 1203.56 - 5 TPE 3. @BladeMaiden - 1194.82 - 4 TPE 4. @Spade18 - 1109.03 - 3 TPE 5. @Sonnet - 1023.16 - 2 TPE 6. @Enorama - 1003.13 - 1 TPE
  12. 1. @Bushito - 1380.53 - Autodrafted 2. @majesiu - 1188.93 - 5 TPE 3. @nicolas01 - 1166.83 - 4 TPE 4. @Arthur - 1164.96 - 3 TPE 5. @hedgehog337 - 1117.99 - 2 TPE 6. @Banackock - 1087.96 - 1 TPE
  13. 1. @Bushito - 1380.53 - Autodrafted 2. @majesiu - 1188.93 - 5 TPE 3. @nicolas01 - 1166.83 - 4 TPE 4. @Arthur - 1164.96 - 3 TPE 5. @hedgehog337 - 1117.99 - 2 TPE 6. @Banackock - 1087.96 - 1 TPE
  14. I will try and have the VHFL up tomorrow night.
  15. First off, never apologize to me. I like to stir the pot and find it enjoyable to rile people up a bit because it gives the league talking points and helps with activity. While I do maintain that people should not be AGM of a team they are not on, I also have kept in contact with Blade throughout and always did plan on drafting her. I don't even know what you said so I doubt you'll hear any backlash from it, lol.
  16. Tonight I’ll do it likely, maybe the next day because I do have a test tomorrow
  17. Well, ya really stuck it to me there. I guess I'll change my prediction to the biggest blowout in provincial history
  18. I am vaccinated and so is my child, does that answer your question. I see the last topic confused you and you had to move on.
  19. I would never worry about over-throwing Notley's NDP, she's overthrown herself. The election in Alberta in October will be the biggest landslide in Canadian political history and everything she's done to damage this great province will be reversed. It needs to be before Canada dies.
  20. Man-made or natural climate change? Because I know what you are going to say, I do not believe man to this point has influenced climate with his CO2 emissions. Before you go off with your scientific data bullshit I will explain myself. There have been numerous volcanic eruptions on this planet since man showed up that have produced more CO2 in a single burp than the entire history of mankind combined. THE SCIENTISTS, OMG, LOOK AT THE DATA! Yes, I have and I have found just as many that have refuted it than have said it's a sure thing. Scientists get paid and science is just as fluid as anything else, it runs on models, at least this science does and it can be skewed whichever way the person paying for the research wants it. I have been through the Man-made climate change bullshit in the 80's when teachers told us that if we continued on our path snow would not fall in Canada by the year 2000, SCIENTISTS actually predicted this shit. Then I lived through the mass scientific proving that an ice age would be upon us in the early 2000's when I was in high school in the 90's, so many Scientific papers proving these facts and what has changed? Nothing, besides the fact that the earth' population and thus polluters have doubled. Climate change is a multi-billion dollar industry and people are getting rich off of it and using it to push global politics and that my friend scares me so fucking much more than the weather.
  21. There are 2 good goalies and only one team needs one, Blade definitely doesn't want a timeshare and I still have 2 recreates coming. I won't draft a goalie in the first round no matter what.
  22. Liberal teachers who were brainwashed by their liberal funded unions.
  23. The whole generation is soft as fuck because you've been brought up in liberal school systems that have melted your brains, made you privileged, whiny little fucks who throw hissy fits when you don't get your way. #oldmanrant
  24. Last one for me my friend, Victor is taking over
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