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Everything posted by Bushito

  1. Damn, I wish you would have reached out to Calgary @StamkosFan
  2. You have 4 participating and two teams I am clearly picking for
  3. @Sidhu F - Sebastien Ironside F - Matt Thompson @Kisshan is up
  4. @Chase Klein DQ D - Alvaro Jokinen G - Brick Wahl @Bear DQ D - Shawn Glade G - Norris Stopko @hedgehog337 is up
  5. No it's not because you fucks don't tag the next person you tag every person which turned this into something I just want to delete
  6. What in the blue fuck did you guys do here, jesus fucking christ
  7. Not going to happen, I only had 3 players on Stockholm in Stopko's first season and had a GAA under 3, Wahl has Canmore and a full team. Calgary probably isn't the worst team in the league at this point.
  8. Yeah, they are just as long, It's been around a long time.
  9. You have Preencarnacion and Johnsson, @Beaviss is up
  10. I truthfully missed where you said Johnsson But it was still Monday until Thursday these guys waited for you. I know you didn't sleep for 3 days but I will give you another chance, Merry Christmas, please don't get skipped again.
  11. Yeah I figured it gave me the best shot for this year and I won't be back next season, should pass 200 in a couple weeks. Besides that D_A is my Calgary BFF
  12. Joseph McWolf Kallis Kriketers @Rocketman04
  13. Oh SHIT, welcome Sharkstrong, you'll like it here, good community and the longest lasting sim league ever.
  14. To all vhlm GMs I will research teams and make a decision after the admin team fixes my portal problems
  15. I don't win shit except for Stopko who did ok I guess.
  16. create and now I can't touch either of my other players, fun times


    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Will


      Hm yeah I never thought that you wouldnt be able to access your other existing player while waiting for new one to be approved. 


      Honestly might just get rid of the approval process it was only really necessary when we first started and had people linking existing players. 

    3. Beketov


      @Will Honestly we probably could. I don’t think I’ve ever denied anyone. It’s just an extra step an updater needs to be around for.

    4. Will


      Yeah. The only purpose it really has atm is to verify carryover amounts but that could likely be automated and even if not it would be caught when the thread is posted to the forum. 

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