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Everything posted by Beaviss

  1. @Beketov I’ve looked into the twitch scene there just isn’t any huge NHL guys on there. The only way we could make it work from a local point would to do the all star game using that platform. I’ve looked into getting a guest announcer for the all star game but nothing has worked out from it. Unfortunately I think we are too slow paced for twitch.
  2. How burnt? We talking brown, black, light brown?
  3. Ive been processing all the trades on the forum side when I find them lol
  4. That’s awesome but If NYA get sweeped that makes there draft pick lower so then I get to pick 4th and 5th overall. Makes there 2nd round pick higher aswell (which I also own). This is also Keaton’s chance at a cup which is exciting. Also it’s always fun to see @Spade18 crash and burn in the playoffs he does it so often.
  5. New York will be wiped off the face of the VHL for my benefit and Quebec’s
  6. Im up in duncan but if you need tips or anything let me know
  7. Waiting on a protection list from @Laflamme
  8. @Will Just wanted to remind you that you cost Keaton Louth the scoring title and probably every forward trophy he could earn I still love you will but I wanted to remind you ?
  9. Well next time your in town let me know I’ll be your guide
  10. I thought this was a 3 game series! We are still in it boys!
  11. Everytime I do the seaplane I puke so I stoped going. Last time I filled 3 barf bags
  12. You went to Victoria without letting me know!
  13. @Arthur tried we will get em next year boys!
  14. Fair enough welcome to the league let me know if you need help or anything.
  15. Welcome to the league how did you come to hear about us?
  16. Then you have nothing to lose then. Protect your picks and expansion drafts aren’t biased it happeneds to everyone it’s only one asset I’m sure you can manage.
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