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Everything posted by Beaviss

  1. Beaviss


    Weird trade for Halifax but cool!
  2. Goalies are a premium right now if you stick with it you will be a starter in no time at all.
  3. The team was in a very shitty place when you left lol. First trip to the playoffs last season
  4. That’s one of the best bios I’ve ever read..... amazing job!
  5. The recruitment Team has decided that we are closing the remaining position. @Tagger has preformed greatly above expectations and has eliminated the need for another new hire. In light of his performance over the past could days we have also decided to increase his starting job pay of 6 TPE to 12 TPE because of the exceptional job he’s done. Congradulations @Tagger and we both look to continue to work with you to make the VHL a better place. For reference Recruitment Team: @Spade18 @Beaviss @Tagger If you have any questions of suggestions for the recruitment team or in general please direct them to HERE or you can message any or all of us directly.
  6. Oslo might be moving to the states
  7. No prob honestly no question is too dumb we have heard everything
  8. Hey welcome to the league! If you need help with anything give us a shout we would be happy to help yeah!
  9. Welcome to the league if you need help with anything let us know!
  10. The reign of terror begins.
  11. Keaton Louth had an amazing season from points to elite +\- shameless self vote
  12. Its up to him but what’s listed is listed
  13. @ShawnGlade you can not pick the selected players and or picks from the following teams. Nor can you pick the 1st round pick of the teams as they are automatically protected. Oslo Storm Protect : Lukas Novacek  Shawn Mendez Las Vegas Protect : Oleksiy Revchenko Las Vegas 2nd Yukon Rush Protect : Roctrion King Johnny Havenk  Saskatoon Wild Protect : Saskatoon 2nd Saskatoon 3rd Ottawa Lynx Protect : Yukon 2nd Ottawa 2nd Please make your selections below.
  14. Finally we can start just as I delete the thread I had prepared by accident
  15. You don’t have a 3rd round pick
  16. It’s with regret that the VHLM Commissioners have decided to let @iRockstar go as General Manager of the Las Vegas Aces. Unfortunately he has not kept up with the activity requirements of the job and is no longer the General Manager effective immediately. With the bad news out of the way we would like to introduce our newest General Manager of the Las Vegas Aces. He is a very promising first gen that was very eager to have a chance at the role of General Manager. Me and @Toast are pleased to introduce the newest manager of the Las Vegas Aces........ @jacobaa19 Good luck with the role Jacob.
  17. You don’t need to protect your first as its already protected.
  18. If you didn’t notice we had close to 50 new members join some are going to fall through the cracks.
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