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Kendrick last won the day on April 22 2024

Kendrick had the most liked content!

About Kendrick

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    Miles Bryant
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    Tacos and Packers Football

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  1. Ohhhhhhh ooooooo, like no one else babe
  2. I don't either, I just like to make up that you are a canibal for this thread and this thread only
  3. Kind of scared a little knowing you and your "stuck on an island with one other person" history.
  4. ...Better than the rest
  5. Also proud to say I had a HOF player because of Hedgehog!
  6. So much older than we all thought eh? It really does creep up on you
  7. Wow, I got busy last week but good to know my player is helping out the team in some way
  8. I know you are, but that's why I enjoy coming back
  9. I imagine there are people like that, I don't think around here but it's a thing somewhere. That wasn't directed at anyone though haha. I was stating that there were some at some point (I know for certain haha)
  10. I ain't ancient and by no means do I feel old. However, the challenges of getting older while still holding this place close to the chest is that time becomes a factor. Work, Family, Kids, Leisure and Mortgage payments really do play a roll. Believe me kids, mortgage payments are annoying as fuck but in the end you do get some reward for them. The issue with doing the VHL while older is that the responsibilities are already great and many times you get little time to sit down and write something or do a graphic. If it isn't money that catches up to you, it's Father Time; literally. One of the biggest lessons I learned the first time I'm here is not to argue with the little immature kids, which I think have all left or grown up (I hope). It's one the reasons I took a break for so long. You had guys who clearly hadn't left Mama's basement, arguing about who knows more about NHL or their teams history which dates back to 1924. Don't get caught doing that
  11. 1. What is your favourite thing about this league? 2. Are you a big fan of junk food or have you completely cut that from your diet? 3. In a competition between Gretzky and Lemieux, who would win? The competition is for who can eat the most hot dogs.
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