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Everything posted by Kendrick

  1. Kassian is a shitty player, I agree there. But to say a career ending concussion is needed is somewhat harsh. I don't even wish that on guys like Carcillo and I can't stand him. In all, I never misunderstood you haha.
  2. I hate Kassian too, it just seemed like an odd comment.
  3. There is two. This one doesn't apply for Carnage because he is over 25 TPE
  4. Fair enough, but the concussion comments somewhat screws up your your clarity on your first statement. If you hate Ference and would like him suspended why wish a concussion on Kassian?
  5. Name on other forum: 7Sins Name of other forum: SBA Direct link to other forum: Link
  6. That's pretty brutal to wish on any athlete. Considering the one in question is Ference who is more of a rat than Kassian.
  7. As someone who did move there, I can say the positives outweigh the negatives. Where I grew up in New Jersey it was pretty shitty. In Vancouver there is a lot of positives except for the housing prices, constant shit winter weather and cons of the Port Mann (which really is shit).
  8. So the league should come before his personal life choice of helping his daughter? I get what you're saying but he hardly went into this trying to be selfish and to screw STZ over. He has a history of retiring if he is leaving because he is on when he is committed, if he is off then he doesn't want his players to sit around. I just don't think it's fair to rag on a man who would rather get off the internet and take care of his family. Hell family is sometimes all people have outside of this site, so if thats the way it is I won't ever break a man down for it. Walk a day in someone else's shoes sometimes before thinking of a quirky thing to say.
  9. So COL G gets the starts from here on out?
  10. Neither do I. The goalie who hasn't updated in two months is somehow beasting. Not that I'm surprised because it's STHS but it's just hard to comprehend at times.
  11. I actually talked to him after and it was more so down to a health problem with a family member, not sure ragging on him is needed.
  12. Good career and well done on succeeding in many areas!
  13. No need for the jab, I was going to come in and wish you luck as my grandfather quit after 50 years before he past. It's doable and I can see you overcoming the feat!
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