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Everything posted by Josh

  1. Might actually use that ghost icon for halloween next year.
  2. Honestly if you made the Yukon one look.... better, I'd 100% use it for our "alternate" in spirit of HFC.
  3. Quik is MIA, I reviewed and it's good.
  4. I did on discord a while ago.
  5. It is the right spot, someone moved the forums to the wrong folder.
  6. I think you get 4 in total with the option to take one twice, so you'd have to remove one of the other 3 if you want 2 Doubles weeks.
  7. It was an all or nothing option lol
  8. Successful candidates are: Team Canada: @MexicanCow123 Team USA: @Motzaburger Team Scandinavia: @HenrikZoiderberg Team Western Europe: @DilIsPickle Team World: @FrostBeard Team Mercs: @Banackock @Rayzor_7 and @InstantRockstar ... thanks for filling in. Congratulations and good luck!
  9. Source: The dictionary. Get over trying to unravel the mystery of using the word gay. It has MANY meanings and really it doesn't matter at this point. Someone was offended, an apology happened.
  10. Just for posterity: I'm not homophobic and this wasn't meant to offend anyone. If it did, I apologize.
  11. Sure I've used a few words that are offensive in situations where it was already deemed somewhat normal over the multiple years I've been on discord and some as part of this community. Everyone has done something offhand. If someone that was offended would have just approached me and said so, I would have removed the comment. Quoting it and personally attacking people isn't a great way to get positive results in any community.. much less this one.
  12. Ever consider not reading into literally everything to see if it offends you? Gay has about 20 different connotations. Maybe don't always assume the worst.
  13. Coming out of the woodwork to personally attack people based on a generic comment and I'm the child. ' Your league is showing lmao.
  14. Ugh I'm tired and forgot to PM lol. PM me your rosters and I'll approve them before posting.
  15. This is big Gay. But like... pretty happy we made it to the finals when I went into this season aiming for a sell off and lottery.
  16. Please let me know if you find any issues: S68 Eligibility List Criteria: Anyone player that played in S68 is eligible, even if they are currently retired. @MexicanCow123 @Motzaburger @HenrikZoiderberg @DilIsPickle @FrostBeard @Bushito
  17. You're my backup when one of these scrubs doesn't show up.
  18. Successful applicants: Canada - @MexicanCow123 USA - @Motzaburger Scandinavia - @HenrikZoiderberg Western Europe - @DilIsPickle World - @FrostBeard Mercenaries - @Bushito I will hopefully have the eligibility list provided within the next day.
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