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Everything posted by Josh

  1. Obligatory: Also Semipro was on yesterday, such a gem.
  2. F - Ryan Kastelic F - Jet Jaguar @Erik Summers
  3. I think Bek mentioned that the store doesn't scale prices but that's something we could definitely look at. A purchase that provides bonus uncapped TPE could be limited to 1/Season and then have it's price scale as you continue on in your career or by the # of times you purchase it.
  4. Lol why am I singled out wtf.
  5. Purchase breakdown since store was portalized from most to least popular: The First Generation - 100 purchases Free Week - 98 purchases First Gen Doubles - 85 purchases TPA Recall - 39 purchases Experience Points - 25 purchases Still Kicking - 23 purchases The 'Jaromir Jagr' - 22 purchases Position Switch - 17 purchases Old But Not Forgotten - 16 purchases Uncapped TPE Packages - 13 purchases TPA Reroll - 13 purchases PT Doubles Week - 9 purchases Full Doubles Week - 8 purchases Award Prediction Multiplier - 6 purchases Point Task Upgrade - 1 purchase VHL.com/Radio Upgrade - 0 purchases
  6. Off the top of my head, we can just clear the FA thread index every off-season and it should make a new thread. Meet the criteria?
  7. We only started talking about it like a month ago. The decision only took about a day and then we generally wait for off-season for any announcements.
  8. Hi @Members, There is 1 small change to announce this off-season but I think it's a pain point we will all appreciate being addressed. The number of questions required to earn 1 TPE in Team or Player Press Conferences has been reduced from 5 to 3. Revised Press Conference Rules: All players can earn up to 2 Capped TPE per week through Press Conferences, by way of any combination of the following: 1 TPE for asking 5 3 unique questions in any team or other players press conferences 1 TPE for answering 3 questions in your own team or player press conference @BOG
  9. The S62 Toronto Legion team didn’t have a lot going for it. A mediocre first line built on rookies with one veteran presence and an overworked defensive squad meant that they never really had a shot. The Legion were retooling and picked up a few draft picks so there was just enough excitement to keep the lights. Davis however, filled in nicely on this squad and picked up the 4th most points on the team with 70. Unfortunately even with this fairly good performance, Davis was completely overshadowed by some of the other rookies in his class. S62 was a score fest with 13 players hitting the 100 point mark and 2 breaking 150 points. Missing the playoffs by over 20 points, the Legion headed into the off-season with some choices to make. At the start of the off-season the shocking news came down that GM DaaD was handing over the reins to the Legion. Furthermore we found out that he would ship off Malenko and Davis to Seattle to give them a shot at competing. The Seattle Bears would go on to earn 109 points that season and miss the Victory Cup by a single point. Carried by wingers McAllister and Thompson for the majority of the season, Davis was able to rack up 84 points in his sophomore season. Things were looking up and Jake was ready for the shot at the title after only 2 seasons in the big league. This dream crashed and burned as they were knocked out in the first round of the playoffs to the 3rd place Calgary Wranglers. Davis was bumped down to the second line but actually led the team in scoring with 6 points in 6 games. We all hope to win the cup early on in our career but Davis knew there was no rush and he planned to come back swinging in the next season. Starting off the season was a dream and Seattle looked to be making another run in S64. Davis and the rest of the team were producing at roughly the same rate and were heads down and focused on the task at hand. It wasn’t until closer to the trade deadline that Davis got word of being potentially moved. The GM of the Bears was looking at making a bit of a splash and flipped Davis for Veran Dragomir. Landing in Quebec City a day later, Jake was demoralized and thinking about calling it quits. It wasn’t until he had picked up his bag that he noticed one of his new teammates who had come to pick him up. It was none other than Beau Louth, who was likely to be Jake’s new centreman. The Wolves weren’t in a terrible spot and with the new found chemistry between Louth and Davis, they made it into the wildcard spot for the postseason. Unfortunately due to a roster issue, the Wolves had to play their backup goaltender for both games and just weren’t able to put up points against Davis’ old team, the Legion. 2 postseasons of disappointment and 3 cities in 3 seasons are where we end this leg of Davis’ journey. There was still hope however, in the bromance with Louth that would prove to be an exciting part of the next chapter. Word Count: 550~
  10. Transaction ID: 6WG05338GS858432W $20 Donation - January 11, 2020 Doubles Week - Claimed (Week Ending 01/12/20) Doubles Week - Claimed (Week Ending 01/19/20) 5 TPE Uncapped - Claimed (Week Ending 01/12/20) $1M Player Store Cash - Claimed (Week Ending 01/12/20)
  11. Josh

    VHLM Grad Bonus

    Guess we'll find out but actually idk I'll have to check if Will updated that yet.
  12. Yeah and... ? I'm answering how my player would have answered at the start of the round.
  13. 1. The Hounds had seemingly no trouble getting past Ottawa in round 1, as we pulled off the 4-0 sweep. What stood out to you about that series? The biggest thing for me was just how dominant we were in each game, 3 of them weren't even close. I think on average we out shot them by about 20 each game! 2. What do you think happens against Mexico this series? Who wins, and how many games does it take? I think that we shut them down defensively and their goal tending is unable to keep up with our shot count. Can't see it taking more than 5. 6. Who will perform the best out of everyone on our team in this series? Tallinder has been dominating so far these playoffs so I think he'll continue that performance.
  14. With the elimination of the Malmo Nighthawks from S69 VHL playoffs, the career of Jake Davis is officially over. Following a meager regular season finish for Davis and the team, the writing was on the wall and the team exited in the first round. Fortunately this story starts almost 10 seasons ago and although Davis never took home the cup, he had some memorable stories along the way. To recap Davis’ career, we have to go back to the first season that he went pro. Back in S61, Davis was an up and comer but with no real junior accolades tied to his name. After cold calling quite a few agencies, a friendly agent at the JD agency returned his call and offered his services. Within a few weeks his agent was able to tag him onto the Ottawa Lynx just a couple games into the season. While still early in his development, he was able to put up a respectable 53 points in the 70 games he played that season. The Lynx were also able to make the playoffs but unfortunately were bested in 5 games by the soon to be champions, the Oslo Storm. However by this time Davis had solidified his position as a first line winger and even managed to put up 7 points in those 5 post-season games. As a result of the aptitude for the game and skill shown during S61, Davis was projected to go quite early on in the VHL draft of S62. A few days prior to the draft, a GM with a pick in the late first round had even reached out to him signaling his intention to pick him. On draft day, Davis couldn’t feel anything but a bit of disappointment as names went up on the board of players he knew didn’t have the ceiling he did. Names like Nguyen, Mulligan, and Slipher were all called out before the General Manager of the Toronto Legion walked up to the microphone. It was a huge surprise that he had fallen to the second round but frankly that didn’t matter anymore. Davis let out a sigh of relief but knew that his work was cut out for him, he was just getting started. Unbeknownst to Davis at the time of the draft, was that he had passed a milestone in his progression. After a quick call with his agent Josh, he was told that he was ineligible to go down to the minors for S62 and would instead be called up to play his rookie season with the Legion. While it sounded like an exciting idea, Davis also knew that the Legion weren’t going to be a competing team as they were made up of mainly younger players. They were all great players and likely some future Hall of Famers, but at the moment they were inexperienced just like he was. However his off-season training had put him in the best shape of his life, both physically and mentally. Regardless of where in the standings this team was going to end up, Davis showed up to training camp with bright eyes and a renewed vigor. To be continued... Word Count: 525~
  15. Part I - Pick em' (Pick the correct winners of all three games for 2 TPE) Game 3 - Seattle Bears @ Riga Reign Game 4 - Seattle Bears @ Riga Reign Game 5 - Riga Reign @ Seattle Bears Part II - Predict the Score (Predict the correct score and winner of this game for 3 TPE) Game 5 - Riga Reign 6 @ Seattle Bears 5 Part III - Player Predictions (Predict the correct player for each category, 1 TPE for each correct answer) Series leader in points: Ryan Kastelic Series leader in goals: Elias Dahlberg Series leader in assists: Apollo Hackett Who has the series PIM lead: Berocka Sundqvist Who scores the series winning goal: Lincoln Tate
  16. Post in this thread to claim welfare/pension for this week.  If you are claiming welfare/pension, you cannot claim any 6 TPE Point Tasks for this week (Media Spot/Graphic/Podcast) or League jobs paying 6+ TPE.   VHL Welfare Plan - Members with fewer than two 400+ TPE players may claim 4 TPE VHL Pension Plan - Members who have created two or more 400+ TPE players may claim 5 TPE VHL Affiliate Plan - Members who post a Point Task this week, in either the EFL or SBA, may link to that Point Task to claim 6 TPE Once you reach 400 TPE with your current player, if that is your second player to reach 400 TPE, you are allowed to claim the pension plan. So instead of only taking in account previous players it also accounts for your current one.   Example:  Green has had Remy LeBeau (TPE: 1301) in the past. Thomas O'Malley, his second player, is now past 400 TPE, he is eligible for the VHL Pension Plan. Note: Welfare/Pension Plan are not eligible for Doubles Weeks. Affiliate Plan is only eligible for Donation Doubles.
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