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Everything posted by SlapshotWrangler

  1. SEATTLE - This has been quite the season for the Bears. Sigard Petrenko has begun to settle in this season and seems to be finding his rhythm. He does not exactly stand out but he does what he can. Sigard has been having a solid season and the Bears have been absolutely spectacular. It’s weird to think that the Bears missed the playoffs when Petrenko was first introduced into the league. The times have changed and the masterminding of the Bears GM has created a new and competitive team through drafting, trades, and free agency. One of the players that Seattle has acquired is AJ Williams. Drafted in the same draft as Petrenko as well as being Petrenko’s teammate in Mississauga during their VHLM days, AJ Williams is a deadly scorer and a great two-way player who has given the Bears a perfect first line. Sigard Petrenko is still very happy that AJ Williams is a Bear. “AJ is an amazing team player and just does everything right. I’m glad that I’m able to watch and learn from him as well as play alongside him when I can. Without a doubt one of our top players and I definitely prefer playing with him over playing against him.”
  2. Review: Looks pretty sick! Love the creativity and just how fun this graphic is. It stands out and is very interesting to look at. The background is great and I love the incorporation of the galaxy and stars into it. I also love how the colours also match the colours used for the name text. The composition is great and the shoulder patch is a neat addition to display which team he plays for. The render is a good pose and having stripes of colour instead of one solid colour is a great idea and keeps the graphic looking new and fresh. I have three main critiques. One, I don't understand the choice of having purple. Just sort of looks odd with the orange and the player render with no purple. It's a cool idea but there are other colours that you could have used. Two, I think the player render is a bit too dark and looks a bit bland since it isn't that vibrant. Three, I wish you would have put the Reign logo on the actual torso of the jersey. You put in the effort to remove the existing logo; might as well try to fit a new one in there. It can help hide the blemishes of the logo being cut out as well. 7.2/10, very nice
  3. Review: Love the effort and it looks pretty good! Lots of good ideas and great things about this! The font choice is excellent and I love the colour chosen. The composition of all of the elements is pretty solid and it doesn't have any real composition problems. The logo swap looks great and I love the idea of having such a cool background. Great job hiding the NHL patch and replacing it with a VHL logo patch, even if I would prefer it over the NHL patch and not on the chest like a captaincy letter. Still, that's just a personal thing. My feedback would be to maybe make the background less intense so it doesn't distract from the main player render. Also, the graphic in general just needs to be cleaner. Higher res photos and text, better cutting, etc. The logo swapping looks great but the quality of the rest of the graphic distracts from it. Pretty neat, 6.8/10
  4. 30. What are your thoughts on the Bears hot start? It's excellent! We've gone from rebuilding literally three seasons ago to being the dark horse and now we're showing that we're capable of being the best in the league. Bana shows his amazing ability to make great lineups out of thin air and we've all proven that the Bears are not going to be dark horses forever. 33. Who has been the Bears MVP so far? Vinny Detroit is an absolute beast. Man can hit, score goals, rack up points. I mean, what can't he do? Great on offense, great on defense, and he's still got the ability to drop the gloves. Vinny Detroit is literally the embodiment of hockey right now. 34. Who has been the VHL's MVP so far? Copy paste everything I said for last question into this answer because once again, it has to be Vinny and his ability to just dominate. 35. 5 players have a point per game or higher right now. How many finish above at the end of the season? My guess is probably 4 because knowing Petrenko, he'll either just miss out or will miss by a long, long shot. Never really any in between. 36. Vinny Detroit is leading the league for HITS. FINALLY. How does he heal the body after hard hitting, rough games? He probably has a really good Tempur-Pedic. 39. Hulk Hogan 2 has played the most minutes amongst Bears. What's his secret to such good endurance? He bought himself the same Tempur-Pedic as Vinny Detroit.
  5. SEATTLE - Sigard Petrenko has had a surprising season. Instead of being the volatile pure goal scorer he promised to be, he has been playing more of a playmaker role in terms of goals and assists. With 3 goals and 10 assists, Sigard has 13 points and has been playing beside veteran Zeedayno Chara and relatively young Maximus Decimus Meridius. This line has been solid and continues to prove that it can hold down the fort when needed. Sigard has been happy with his linemates. “Yeah, MDM is a great skater and is always open. Zeedayno has been great on both ends and has been our line’s scorer. It’s a great opportunity to mesh with them and I hope that I can add to the success our team has been having. Like I’ve said before, my placement on the roster is not much of a concern to me. I trust the coaches, scouts, and the rest of the staff. Looking forward to see how the rest of this season plays out and how we choose to play going forward.” Vinny Detroit also scored four goals against the Los Angeles Stars. It was an amazing game from that line and especially Detroit. “Vinny has just been nothing but excellent for us his whole career. Whether it’s his overwhelming amount of hits or his goal scoring touch, Vinny has been consistently great for this team. It’s no wonder he has the C.”
  6. Review: The graphic is pretty solid! It's a safe graphic and it's obvious that effort was put into this. The background choice is pretty neat; I love the white backgrounds design and the fact it contrasts well with the player render. The font choice is neat as well and overall, the composition of the piece is pretty safe as well. Just an overall safe (which isn't a bad thing) and solid design. My pieces of feedback would be to try and find a way to get a cleaner cut on the player render as I don't love the pixelated cut it has. I'd also love to see you experiment and just do more overall. Maybe find creative ways to incorporate the text or even adding more shapes so there isn't as much blank space. Neat graphic, 6.3/10
  7. Review: I love this. Great player render choice and the effect looks cool as hell. Love the choice to keep it two colours as it really keeps it simple. Sometimes, simple works well. The blue looks so nice and it such a nice shade. I love the glowing effect it has with the black background. The idea for the text is great and the overall composition is great. IN terms of feedback, I am sort of not a fan of how the effect affects the face of the player render. It is a great render and a great pose but the face just looks off. These next ones are more suggestions rather than critiques as I like how the graphic stands alone. Maybe experiment with having the player render positioned in the left and the font in the corner, allowing for a neat imbalance in the composition. Also, maybe change the font for Florida and keep it opaque. 8/10, looks great!
  8. 21. How has your time been on Seattle? Nothing short of amazing. Love this team and the guys that make it up. Great sense of community, even during tough stretches. 24. What's something you're trying to learn right now? How to get better at badminton; I mean, I was able to make the school club (no tryouts but I did get the singles spot) and it's pretty fun. The main skill I want to learn is how to smash well and effectively. 25. If you had to bring back from inactivity a VHL villain, which one would it be? Not sure if he was much of a villain but I like to consider Ryuu Crimson a pretty notable goon. Yes, I am choosing my own player and yes, I am being narcissistic. 26. Two things are hanging from a cliff. One if Hogan, one is a duffle bag containing $20,000. Can only save one. Which do you save? Save Hogan and help AJ jump the dude who has $20k. 28. Do you have any big plans coming up? I have a badminton tournament on Tuesday as well as a musical one act performance in a week or two. 29. If you had to rebrand the LA Stars (stay in LA, new name), what would it be? Might as well have some relation with the LA Kings and call them the LA Royals. I think that would be sick and opens up a lot of cool logo opportunities. Of course, the KC Royals already exist but I think LA could pull off the Royals brand too.
  9. SEATTLE - Sigard Petrenko has been taking advantage of the long off-season as the Victory Hockey League prepares for big changes this season. Sigard has been practicing with the Seattle Kraken as he has been waiting for the Bears to get action going. Looking to come into the season with renewed scoring touch, Sigard has been taking shots and learning how to transition into offense. He has already shown that his defensive play is solid and it has been his biggest asset but he has realized that he needs to help the team score if he wants to play a part in Seattle’s success. “We have a lot of talented forwards and I’m not saying that I am the main player who provides offense. Far from it, I just happened to be on a talented line and was able to score on their rebounds. But to win hockey games, we need to be able to score and I need to be able to do my share. AJ, Vinny, and everyone else has proven to be excellent in the O-zone. It’s about time I show the team that I am capable of scoring as well.” Sigard Petrenko said in a press conference after the Kraken practice ended. “I’m very thankful that the Kraken let me join them for their practice.”
  10. Review: Nice! Good to see a fun graphic. I love the visual gag with the player render. I have seen a lot of those bottles facing the wrong way clips but they never get old. You also seemed to have a cohesive theme, especially with the colour. Font choice is fitting and safe but also stands out despite the similarity in colour to the rest of the piece. Background is creative and it has pretty solid composition. My only real feedback is that I wish the graphic was a bit more clearer in terms of the player render; the sketch effect is great all things considered but it looks a bit too scratchy in my opinion. Also, finding ways to remove the glaring NHL logo and the Sens shoulder patch would definitely be big considering how close up this render is. 6/10
  11. Review: Pretty cool! I love having the player in the back and the ice effect in front as a filter. The slogans are pretty fun. Player render choice was excellent and I love how dynamic the pose you chose was. In terms of feedback, I'd probably ask for another font to be used for the players name. Arial text does not look good on a player graphic. I also love the slogans but they differ in terms of colour and style that it is sort of jarring. And I'd love a clear photo of the player to be the centerpiece. 5/10
  12. 9. Who is someone you look up to and why? I look up to my gym teacher because the dude is 6'4" and I'm like 5'6". Dude's pretty tall in my eyes. 13. Which teams will be the top of NA? Why? The Seattle Bears. Because we can. 14. You have to implement something crazy into the VHL. Could be anything. What is it?? Every so often, attributes just straight up switch. Like for example, if you have 89 SC, it just switches to like PS. That would be absolutely hilarious. 15. You win 21,000,000 dollars. What do you buy? What do you do??? I would probably buy maybe 1000 dollars of Flames memorabilia, pay for college, and save the rest for my future I guess. I don't have any real wants in terms of buying right now. 16. IF Seattle had to rebrand and be something other than the Bears, what are some ideas you'd have? As a homage to what could have been in the NHL, the Seattle Poopsocks. (Jokes aside, I would love a team called the Seattle Tide. Sponsored by Tide.) 17. If you could eat one thing everyday for the rest of your life, what would it be? I'd probably have to go with Palabok. My favourite dish to eat at parties and gatherings.
  13. SEATTLE - Back from the World Cup, Sigard Petrenko put his bronze medal in a frame on his wall and immediately went on the Seattle Bears’ ice for training camp. A training camp fresh off of a tough competition such as the World Cup might seem daunting to most but Sigard seemed to be eager to get to practice. In fact, he was so eager that he had arrived an hour earlier than the rest of the team. “I had misread the start time as 8:00 instead of 9:00. Whoops.” Sigard explained in a press conference. Sigard Petrenko was happy to be back with his club team. After reaching the playoffs last season and making it past the Wild Card round, this Bears team is hungry for more. With young core pieces returning for another season, the Bears team is looking to go from dark horses to champions. “We were all determined to get better during training camp. The World Cup showed me that I have a lot to improve on if I plan on being a valuable asset to the team. I need to learn how to stand on my own. It’s no secret that Lose and Taro carried my offensive production. But now that I’m slowly becoming a veteran member of this team, I need to be able to carry my fair share of the work. I know that I may not have as good of a season as I did last season but I will try my hardest to help this team succeed, no matter what role I am given.”
  14. Review: Love the creativity and just the overall experimentation. This is a really solid graphic and looks very fun. Text is interesting and is quite fun. The composition is pretty nice too. I also love the background and I noticed the blend with the crowd's faces. It's very unique and it's great to see that you have put in the effort to try something less cookie cutter. (Which I probably need to do lol) My only real gripes are with the brightness of the text and player. The text blends in with the background and maybe making it brighter to stand out from it. The player render looks a bit too dark and unsaturated. Typically, I like the player render to at least stand apart from the background so it can be the focus but the unsaturatedness and darkness makes it a bit awkward to notice. 7/10
  15. Review: Pretty solid graphic! The jersey swap looks pretty clean and the colour choices are great. The colours come together cohesively. Text colour fits in with the rest of it but is different enough to differentiate it from the background. The composition is good and the background chosen is cool. The player render choice is also great and matches with the Calgary Wranglers colours. I also love the choice to include it in both French and English. My only real feedback is maybe you could do more. As generic as this advice sounds, I just mean try to arrange the elements of the graphic in more striking or different ways. You played it safe, which is great, but I'd love to see more experimentation. 7/10
  16. 1. Absolutely a fan. It allows for so much more diversity and allows for more creativity in player building. Now we just can't spam the best attributes. We actually have to think about which would help us maximize our certain goals. 2. If I'm completely honest, I tried to make Sigard Petrenko a better Ryuu Crimson. Scoring and a hitter. With a tad less fighting, unfortunately. 3. If I had to compare myself to an NHL player, I'd compare Sigard Petrenko to Micheal Ferland. Can score goals but his main strength is his physical game. That might change this season though. 4. No such thing as too much forward depth. Hope he finds success in C and looking forward to playing with him as a forward. 5. Love it. AJ Williams has always been an excellent player and I have a lot of respect for him from my Mississauga days. Great acquisition. 8. Looking forward to the MLB season starting. I'm not a hardcore MLB fan but it's fun to watch when there is nothing else to do.
  17. WHEREVER THE WORLD CUP IS BEING HELD - Sigard Petrenko has been selected to play for Team Eastern Europe. Focusing on getting ready for the next season, Sigard has been working hard in the World Cup in order to keep in shape during the offseason. “I mean, it’s an honour to represent Eastern Europe with my fellow Eastern Europeans. The World Cup is an excellent showcase of each region’s skill and development.” While Eastern Europe has had a relatively tough tournament so far, Sigard is staying positive about the situation. He is not too worried. “This team is an excellent team to play with and we are all slowly figuring things out. I trust in the management of Hedge. Not much else I can say, really. All I can do is play hard and work hard. If I am moved up or down the lineup, so be it. Like I said, we are a talented team and I believe that we will showcase that talent soon.” Sigard has had 4 goals, 3 assists, for 7 points in 8 games. He is currently a -3 and has 42 hits. “Yeah, I’ve been okay offensively but evidently my defense has been quite bad. I’ve been lucky to play with my linemates and I really hope I can figure it out. I need to be better.”
  18. Review: Another really solid graphic! I've always found Warsaw's colours hard to work with so I have a lot of respect for you for finding renders that somewhat fit with the Warsaw Predators colours. Font is serviceable, though I found it quite plain. However, better to play it safe than sorry. Logo swap is convincing, though I think the logo is a rotated a bit too much. The sparks filter/effect in front of the render is pretty cool. I noticed those in your Aces graphic and I'm glad they made a return. The photo is a bit too bright and saturated for my liking. Solid graphic, overall, looks decent, maybe you could do more to make it more Galvins and less Puljijarvi. 6.5/10
  19. Review: This is pretty nice! I loved ths whole having the goalie and net as well as the shot included in the graphic while the rest of the background was cut out. Isolating that action is just a really neat idea that I might have to try myself. The cutout is pretty clean, especially the back half of the player. Nameplate swap is excellent and the font chosen matches the jersey very well. My only real gripes with this graphic are that I wish the blue paint wasn't visible as it just sort of looks awkward. Also, the background reminds me more of France than the USA. Something I think you could experiment with is more creative and attention grabbing ways to use text. Having the name and stuff tucked in the corner makes it feel more like an afterthought. 7/10!
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