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Everything posted by Jamie

  1. Different sim this season? There are giveaways and takeaways
  2. Riga Reign announced that Brennan McQueen would be wearing the C for the team this year. Brennan will continue to have the captain title as he played that role last year in the VHLM for the Ottawa Lynx. Although he has no experience being a leader in the VHL, it's still more than the rest of this young team. He's also familiar with a lot of the roster having played with Robin and Robert Gow (III) as well as goaltender Mike Szatkowski Jr. Speaking of which, Robin Gow will be an alternate and Damon Tyrael will be dawning the other 'A'. Riga is a very young team and will take time to develop. All players seem very eager and determined to get better and there may be a little bit of competition within the team with five rookies fighting for rookie of the year. As they grow together as players, the off ice intangibles should grow together and although they can't all wear a letter, the leadership throughout the whole franchise shall be strong when the Reign are ready to compete.
  3. Didn't you read the media spot? It says why he traded me. The last comment wasn't serious lol. I wrote a media spot, then all you Bears came attacking me, but I'm the pathetic one. I see how it works.
  4. I know I need to join graders team to get that special treatment!
  5. Half of the ones you pointed out don't even need commas but that's okay. I def need to take grammar advice from someone who messed up 'there' and 'their' in the title of a MS!
  6. 50% on grammar for commas, that's unbiased.
  7. Isn't this about the time you go inactive?
  8. Never played for Seattle. Put up 84 points. Gosh both your points make so much sense!
  9. Lol good point! That helped your team so much, what a great GM you've got there!
  10. You're mad that you have to captain a crappy team that will miss the playoffs once again.
  11. SEATTLE REGRETTING DECISION At the S35 draft it was a surprise for both sides when the GM of Seattle stepped up to the podium and called out Brennan McQueen's name at the 8th overall selection. Things ended pretty rocky between the Bears and the player agent that represents McQueen when his old client; Mack Hudson, retired early leaving the team without a goalie. At the draft they really had no choice as it was fairly shallow talent wise and McQueen was the only prospect left at #8 who had shown a strong compete level. Brennan was excited just to be drafted and the Bears were getting a prospect that looked promising so it all worked out in the end. There was agreement on both sides that McQueen would spend another season in the VHLM developing his game and looking for a championship with the Ottawa Lynx. That season was no problem to hash out contract talks but it was the seasons after that would cause a struggle. As an RFA player the team would hold the rights for 3 seasons and GM Greg Harbinson wanted to lock up his player for the entirety of it. The amount that Brennan would make the following season could not be agreed upon, however. Finally they would rest at signing a one year contract and bring up the rest in the future. As the VHLM season went on, McQueen continued to improve at a steady rate and Seattle came knocking to talk about the contract once again. Brennan stayed strong that he wanted a contract value of $4,000,000 the following season for training purposes in the off-season. Greg said he couldn't afford any more than $3,000,000, "This team doesn't have the room moving forward to pay you 4 million a season. You have a good player and could be on a team that is set to win during your entire career." Looking at the state of the Seattle franchise and where they were in cap didn't make any sense that he couldn't offer up that extra million for the next season so Brennan stayed strong on his wishes. McQueen stated from day one that he would love to play his entire career with the franchise that drafts him so it's not like he had it in for the Bears. Finally he got a message that said, "If you want to make 4 million a season on terrible teams that's your choice. If someone wants to pay you 4 million I will let them." Not long after McQueen was traded to the Riga Reign. The trade saw Edwin Encarnacion traded straight up for Brennan McQueen. It brought a bit of confusion to the league but they didn't know what happened behind closed doors in Seattle. Encarnacion was selected two positions ahead of McQueen in the S35 VHL Entry Draft. Seattle was already known for having a strong defensive core and lacking at the forward position where Riga was in need of everything just starting their rebuild. At the time, Edwin Encarancion looked to be the better prospect which is why he went higher in the draft but looking today it seems like a steal for the Reign. Encarnacion has all but disappeared and hasn't put in any effort to improve his game where McQueen has not slowed down one bit and looks very strong to start this season and his VHL career. Forwarding ahead to present time the Seattle Bears have a total contracts of $23,500,000 with the cap being at $32,000,000. As was mentioned Brennan McQueen was more than happy to play with the team so it's puzzling that they couldn't afford that extra million on the contract for a season. Maybe they expected to have a few free agents sign with them but that plan didn't work out. If I were them I would regret the trade but maybe they are just happy to get rid of a controversial player. I just don't see the Bears at a competing level and if they keep making moves like this one, they will never be.
  12. Ctrl-F: Monster, phrase not found, left thread.
  13. Something is off with the whole sig
  14. Although Riga has basically just began their rebuild, there's much excitement around the Reign this upcoming season. Possibly most excited is the young Scottish winger Brennan McQueen who has yet to play in the VHL. Coming off a mediocre season in the VHLM, Brennan stayed committed through the off-season and now looks to show that he is no joke. Joining him from the championship winning Lynx will be Robin Gow, his brother Robert Gow III and Mike Szatkowski Jr. all of which are graduating to the VHL this season. On top of these four, Riga also drafted youngster Damon Tyrael who will also be on the team. That puts 5 rookies on Riga alone who will not only be duking it out with each other, but with the rest of the league. It's real exciting that a team already has five promising prospects in just the first year of the rebuild and this team should be a force to reckon with in a couple of seasons. Look out VHL!
  15. I bring a whole new dimension to boobie threads, come to Riga.
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