1. It's definitely been an experience! The learning curve isn't too bad, though I've had real life hit me like a ton of bricks which has impeded my player's growth. But the games and people here are fun.
2. Sometimes some of the info for the rookies can be hard to hunt down. Breaking down getting TPE, how to develop as a player, things like that, aren't always in the same spot or in an intuitive location (ie there's not a comprehensive breakdown of TPE in the points forum, though going to the newbie forum isn't a hardship.)
3. I've mostly skimmed but it's been interesting. I enjoy seeing the draft ranking changes.
4. To do my best and continue to develop and learn the ropes. And win of course!
5. I would consider my own team, Ottawa Lynx, to have the best shot. We are breaking away from the middle of the pack and rapidly catching up on Halifax as our players develop, and it's a trend I expect to continue.
6b. This is a great team, good leadership and management staff, and solid veterans that help out the rookies like myself.