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Everything posted by Banackock

  1. He is a good goalie. One of my fave current ones
  2. Won’t get it, but will throw name in. I do have some league experience that I feel would help me succeed in the role. If you wish to discuss further, or have Q’s, feel free to reach out. Good luck to those applying and best wishes.
  3. Wooo
  4. Done. Thanks, Fishy!
  5. Another tight battle!!
  6. Bana’s Quick Q’s What are your thoughts on the Bears start so far? What is the biggest surprise to start the season? Will Hogan hit 1,000 SB by the end of the season? Will Rocket or Isabella Campbell finish with more points? Both have 4 G, 4 A and 8 PTS as of this Q. What are your plans for Halloween? What are some things you’ve dressed up as during your lifetime? Either adult or as a kid! It's Fall time. Looking back on summer, what was your best memory or best time?
  7. I’ve already said it once, but praise to Flyers for this kind of article. I know a few others probably do something like this but his are one of the few I actually care enough about to read. Depends on the day and moments I guess. The titles are quirky and the points come easy enough that you’re able to blab your way through the word count and call it a done deal before it feels like you even started. With that being said, I’m just going to hop into the 3 points and get this weeks 3 points, what I’m writing it on and where I’m doing it, over with. The Bears have improved their record to 12-7-5 with the 27th’s simulation. These 12 wins put me at 985 and 15 away from 1,000 wins all-time for the Bears and the VHL. Only 1 other person has been able to crunch that number and it’s Advantage who sits at 1,006. I am excited to break the threshold and eventually beat him this season (fingers crossed). For me, a lot of teams have had hot starts and might be playing above their level. Obviously Chicago and New York have no business being where they were yesterday and the days before. I think as the season goes on, both teams are going to fall and bump their ways down the standings. Another team that surprises me, and I bet you $15 that they would disagree and argue it almost to death (some probably to death), are the Vancouver Wolves. Before I get into it briefly, I will say they have an awesome group of players and members and one day they’re going to resemble what Seattle had (for the team, who knows for cups… they have to get at least 1 you’d think), but right now, they’re a little weaker than their record lets them off to be. When I compare them to my own team or others in the league, I have to give it to those teams. They do have a good goalie and some good players, but the rest are still 200-400 TPE developing youth. Like I said, epic start and they will be a wicked team one day likely, but they’re ahead of themselves (my opinion). I blew through the words so this one will be a fast one. Bears players having a good season. One main guy I’m watching right now is my brother Hulk Hogan. Will he get 1,000 SB? Based off how he’s averaging right now on the season, the answer is no. Off the top of my head, 1.7 is what he’s getting and he needs 90 more on the season. I think he ends up being 8-9 short. We did the math earlier but I don’t care to do the effort stuff again.
  8. Bears Babbling Baboons The season is officially underway and teams are storming out of the gates. Well, not all teams, but some teams. Some a little faster than others, some are limping and others are those ones that run really fast at the start but then get winded 25% of the way through and then suck. I feel like this is something I’ve also written for at least 30 other teams during my time in the VHL, and during my last 26 seasons as the Seattle Bears GM. Heading into this season, it was hectic as hell. It started off amazing as it usually does. As a GM I try to be 5 steps ahead of where you normally should be. That way if shit goes wonky, you have time to fix things. This season everything went great. We did some hard goodbyes to longtime Bears Rayray and Dok Greene, brought in Kris Rice and managed to have a better draft gthan probably everyone including myself expected. We came out with some solid picks and steals and really set ourselves up… once again. Finding the final winger was a bitch though. We had tons of d-men but couldn’t seem to find someone that had a winger for sale that really was what we wanted. There was some out there, but I didn’t have interest in giving up assets for an elite VHLMer that is inactive. We went through all the cycles of calling up Rocket, calling up LOL or maybe even having Hogan swap. There was a lot of back and forth but finally, a decision was made and the Bears roster was set for the season. As always, the Bears started off rough. We were at the bottom of the standings and while most stayed strong, there was some skepticism among a VERY select couple or singular peoples. I assured them that sometimes STHS does weird shit in the first 10-20 games. It seems like it’s more of a pattern lately. I felt like I hit them with solid wisdom and patterns, even comparisons, but they felt unsure still. Fast forward and the Bears are getting control of the situation, find themselves in a playoff spot now and I believe 2nd place in the conference. How I explained it was very quick and there’s actually a ton more to it, but at the end of the day, I think as the season goes on we're going to see more that I was right outside of the one thing which isn’t anything I have control over. As the season progresses, we’re going to do what we always do. We always find a way to find the patterns and bump out the good results and vibes, enjoy ourselves as we push through the season and find ways to make ourselves as strong as possible. We have a team in front of us that I am very confident in and I truly do feel like we have a nice little shot at going back to back and winning a 5th in 7 seasons. Do not take this article seriously. It was just for blabs mostly. Look forward to continuing the fun this season. Happy to be claiming this doubles week and then a free week next week while I’m battling some wonderfully, intelligently planned courses in Calgary next week. Until then, ciao VHL. Double week September 28 to October 4 Donations Link
  9. Where did city names go for standings?
  10. Hell ya!!
  12. Hylands is a cool cat
  13. Nice Wang
  14. Nice thoughts
  15. Good review ! Keep it up.
  16. 3SD3222356352322G FREE DOUBLE 5 TPE
  17. Damn Seattle was a good 60’s team tho
  18. Here an idea: How about an area to view all graphics? Or the leagues best graphics? Would be a cool feature to scroll through for all members and a nice little memorial archive for players etc. Whenever a graphic is posted, magically the graphic goes in a section on the portal? Or again only the best of the best? huh huh?
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