Store Purchases - Additions.
Equipment - $1,500,000 or $2,000,000 per
Player (F+D) - Gloves, Shoulder pads, Stick and Skates.
Goalie (G) - Pads, Glove, Stick, Skates
1.5M per piece of equipment (6M for all).
Can be boughten a maximum of once per career.
Gloves = PH, PA, SC (+3) Shoulder pads = FI, CK, ST (+3), Skates (SK) & Stick (PH, SC, PA)
Pads (RBC), Skates (SK, AG), ETC.
Savings Account - 25% interest seasonally.
25% interest return rate. EX, 1M = 250k return rate seasonally if left untouched.
This is mostly a joke. Somewhat fun? WHO KNOWS. It's to get the ideas flowing. MAKE THE STORE GREAT AGAIN! (was it ever?)
Store Purchases - Changes
1. TPA Recall - $500,000
Current: You may recall TPA added to a single attribute that has been updated as far as 70, recalling up to, and including, 10 TPA. Contact Josh. with the attribute you'd like recalled.
Proposed: You may recall TPA added to a single attribute that has been updated as far as 75, recalling up to, and including, 10 TPA. Contact Josh. with the attribute you'd like recalled.
2. TPA REROLL - $6,000,000
Current: Off-season ONLY.
Proposed: Up and until the trade deadline. Once the deadline passes, you can no longer TPA reroll.
2. Experience Points - $500k to 3M
1 PT - $500,000
3 PT - $1,000,000
10 PT - $3,000,000
1 PT - $100,000
5 PT - $500,000
10 PT - $1,000,000