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Everything posted by Banackock

  1. Not sure on that. I didn't vote on VHL-ALL. Maybe that's how.
  4. Season 71 Bears Press Conference (PART 1 - WE DRAFT, WE BACK N OFFSEASON SHIT) Press Conference Rules: LINK --> (3 Answers for 1 TPE) *You only have to answer 3 - more are listed for variety and preference. ** Feel free to ask one another Q's too to earn that extra 1 TPE 1. What are your thoughts on Moscow winning the Continental Cup? 2. Who do you think is this seasons "BIG" FA? 3. What do you think of Seattle trading away Zoiderberg? @HenrikZoiderberg 4. What are your thoughts on @Acydburn finally getting the well deserved boot? 5. Which one will you miss more? 6. How do you think Seattle did during this seasons draft? 7. Are you happy that @Walter Fizz is back? 8. Predict this upcoming seasons MVP? 9. Who do you think will win this seasons continental cup? 10. The lost hurt to Calgary. We should of kicked their ass. But we didn't. How did you handle the loss? 11. What are your players goals this season? 12. Where do you think the Bears will place this season? 13. If you're in the VHLM, how do you think your team will do this season? 14. If you're in the VHLM, who do you think the best player will be? 15. If you're in the VHLM, who will win the Founders Cup? 16. The VHLM hired a hitman to kill @diamond_ace.. secretly, the hitman is a member from the VHL... tag that person and how they do it etc. 17. @Jubis lives up his own ass. How much is his rent? 18. What are your thoughts on @FrostBeard finally getting a gig and heading to Malmo? 19. Thoughts on drafting @Dil? Will his player boom or bust? 20. Ambrose Stark or Scott Greene this season do you think? 21. Will @Steve still suck or will he be a good forward? 22. @Motzaburger was seen and heard crying loudly in his apartment. What song was he listening to while crying over losing to seattle again? 23. Where do you think Louth's favourite golf course is? @Beaviss 24. What are your thoughts on Covid-19? Are you following orders from top doctors etc and being safe? Don't be a fucktard like some people in Florida. 25. A brand has approached you and wants you to show off their shit? Who and what is it? How much or what are they paying you? 26. @MexicanCow123 has become Seattles new farm team. Mississauga has ended. What are your thoughts? 27. @Bushito and @BluObieZ's first match was cancelled. Now we're having a "Corona hell in the cell" match. Who wins and how? 28. @Rayzor_7 has been known to party as hard as he plays (not in regular season but in playoffs)... what's he party with? Whats he do? 29. @Berocka gets a little cocky due to VSN podcast and comes out with a rap song.. what is it called? does anyone feature on it etc? 30. Who is the leagues most overrated player? 31. Who is the leagues most underrated player? 32. If you could have any wild animal as a pet, what animal would you pick? Can do shark, lion or anything of the sort. Just nothing stupid like a dragon. 33. If you could pick a dragon, what would you name it and would you use it to takeover the VHL? 34. Are you in any other sim leagues? 35. What are some things you like about the VHL that keep you coming back? 36. @Proto is starring in a new TV show that's supposed to have huge success. What character does he play? What's the show about? Who else is in it? ETC. 37. What team do you feel you have a rivalry with? Explain the rivalry. Do you have others?? 38. Whats a way you think the league would have good success with in terms of recruiting new members? Where should they look etc? 39. @Devise is on our team. He's also a simmer. What do you plan to bribe him with so we win another cup?
  5. Nygren gonna be the best devise player.
  8. now i know what hots is ok
  9. Ad's getting better and better i like it mmm
  10. @leafssteen COME HOME AND BE THE BACK UP
  11. As an FYI, he did not pick up PO. Neither of releases are BO’s etc.
  12. We're really happy we came to an agreement with one another. Bit of a wanker though, mate.
  13. Good luck this season!
  14. We sure do Peggy Sue. Massive blockbusters all day.
  15. That was a pretty damn good way to get it removed, lol.

    1. Gustav


      I've had two roles removed by posting status updates complaining about it and zero roles removed by yelling at people on Discord. It's the best way as far as I'm concerned.

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