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Everything posted by Banackock

  1. mcdcvid
  2. I do not disagree with this either. 1 TPE = $1. $20/season max. LEAGUE GETTING BIGGER, DOLLARS NEED TO.
  3. Sometimes 300 heads are better than 5. We're over here causing activity and league involvement, Josh, Sir.
  4. ARG was splashin, doin flips n shit, ARG’s splashing, getting errybody all wet
  5. Awesome game, Bears. Good game, Riga.
  7. Store Purchases - Additions. Equipment - $1,500,000 or $2,000,000 per Player (F+D) - Gloves, Shoulder pads, Stick and Skates. Goalie (G) - Pads, Glove, Stick, Skates 1.5M per piece of equipment (6M for all). Can be boughten a maximum of once per career. Gloves = PH, PA, SC (+3) Shoulder pads = FI, CK, ST (+3), Skates (SK) & Stick (PH, SC, PA) Pads (RBC), Skates (SK, AG), ETC. Savings Account - 25% interest seasonally. 25% interest return rate. EX, 1M = 250k return rate seasonally if left untouched. This is mostly a joke. Somewhat fun? WHO KNOWS. It's to get the ideas flowing. MAKE THE STORE GREAT AGAIN! (was it ever?) Store Purchases - Changes 1. TPA Recall - $500,000 Current: You may recall TPA added to a single attribute that has been updated as far as 70, recalling up to, and including, 10 TPA. Contact Josh. with the attribute you'd like recalled. Proposed: You may recall TPA added to a single attribute that has been updated as far as 75, recalling up to, and including, 10 TPA. Contact Josh. with the attribute you'd like recalled. 2. TPA REROLL - $6,000,000 Current: Off-season ONLY. Proposed: Up and until the trade deadline. Once the deadline passes, you can no longer TPA reroll. 2. Experience Points - $500k to 3M Current: 1 PT - $500,000 3 PT - $1,000,000 10 PT - $3,000,000 Proposed: 1 PT - $100,000 5 PT - $500,000 10 PT - $1,000,000
  8. Josh said If this gets 50 likes in 50 minutes he will sim again. 

  9. Jesus we suck ass lol
  10. Eh got a point
  11. Magic @Zyrok Keep up the work!


    rebecca black friday GIF

    1. Dil


      Everybody's lookin' forward to the weekend, weekend

  13. @SpamBeedop WELCOME OI
  14. @Keygan Welcome
  15. BANA PC BOMB 1. Do you have any fears? If so, list and shit. 2. Do you have any pet peeves? If so, list and shit. 3. What's something you're looking forward to in 2020? 4. What is something you're not looking forward to in 2020? 5. Where is the next place you plan to travel to? OR, where do you want to go if you could etc. 6. What is your GO-TO snack? 7. What is your favourite food or food that you crave most? @Laflamme
  16. BANA PC BOMB 1. Do you have any fears? If so, list and shit. 2. Do you have any pet peeves? If so, list and shit. 3. What's something you're looking forward to in 2020? 4. What is something you're not looking forward to in 2020? 5. Where is the next place you plan to travel to? OR, where do you want to go if you could etc. 6. What is your GO-TO snack? 7. What is your favourite food or food that you crave most? @Poptart
  17. BANA PC BOMB 1. Do you have any fears? If so, list and shit. 2. Do you have any pet peeves? If so, list and shit. 3. What's something you're looking forward to in 2020? 4. What is something you're not looking forward to in 2020? 5. Where is the next place you plan to travel to? OR, where do you want to go if you could etc. 6. What is your GO-TO snack? 7. What is your favourite food or food that you crave most? @Sova
  18. BANA PC BOMB 1. Do you have any fears? If so, list and shit. 2. Do you have any pet peeves? If so, list and shit. 3. What's something you're looking forward to in 2020? 4. What is something you're not looking forward to in 2020? 5. Where is the next place you plan to travel to? OR, where do you want to go if you could etc. 6. What is your GO-TO snack? 7. What is your favourite food or food that you crave most? @Sullvino
  19. BANA PC BOMB 1. Do you have any fears? If so, list and shit. 2. Do you have any pet peeves? If so, list and shit. 3. What's something you're looking forward to in 2020? 4. What is something you're not looking forward to in 2020? 5. Where is the next place you plan to travel to? OR, where do you want to go if you could etc. 6. What is your GO-TO snack? 7. What is your favourite food or food that you crave most? @Phil
  20. BANA PC BOMB 1. Do you have any fears? If so, list and shit. 2. Do you have any pet peeves? If so, list and shit. 3. What's something you're looking forward to in 2020? 4. What is something you're not looking forward to in 2020? 5. Where is the next place you plan to travel to? OR, where do you want to go if you could etc. 6. What is your GO-TO snack? 7. What is your favourite food or food that you crave most? @TheLastOlympian07
  21. BANA PC BOMB 1. Do you have any fears? If so, list and shit. 2. Do you have any pet peeves? If so, list and shit. 3. What's something you're looking forward to in 2020? 4. What is something you're not looking forward to in 2020? 5. Where is the next place you plan to travel to? OR, where do you want to go if you could etc. 6. What is your GO-TO snack? 7. What is your favourite food or food that you crave most? @omgitshim
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