What he said.
I've brought this up before in the past. I can't remember for sure, but it wasn't that long ago and it wasn't welcomed with a warm hug in the BoG if my mind remembers correctly. The VHLM is big and it is a players goal to make it into the VHL, but I feel as though some stability and lesser turnover in the VHLM could be very great for new members and the VHLM/VHL as a whole too. We have two leagues, we can't neglect one and have full attention on the other. The VHL is great. Recruitment is better than ever because of the amazing recruitment team we have.
In my eyes and a spot where people tend to not think of, but the VHLM is one of the "roots" if you will to retention and without strong roots - or damaged roots, you're plant will never grow or be strong.
I like the idea of a 200 cap, with extending the banked to 225 (25 banked). I'd even go as far to liking the idea of allowing 50-75 banked - which would allow players to stay down an extra season. Especially if we're bringing in "VHLM Hall of Fame" and records. We don't want it filled to the brinks with inactives, so this may be a great doorway to possibilities for the league and retention.
My thoughts:
TPE Cap:
200 TPE
Banked CAP:
I'd be more happy meeting in the middle or at 75. Especially with the carryover cap situation brought up in the OP.