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Everything posted by Banackock

  1. Banackock

    MOS/DAV; S92

  2. Bana Blabs #101 Another Blab brought to you by Talk-to-Text, an easier way to do this. Thanks, Siri. Despite your many, often simple errors. I appreciate you. You have made this easier and I wish I would have given you a try all those seasons ago! Severus Targaryen Player Page (Bana's Player) Seattle Bears Team Page Bears Discord - General. Come join the fun! That's what the VHL is all about :) Hey all! Hope you're doing good. VHL/E/M seasons are underway and there's lots to talk about. Outside of the VHL, Alberta and good chunks of Canada have been choke held by a crazy cold spell. Lots are bitching about it, but they forget they've been blessed with Springtime temperatures up until January. We were literally cutting vegetation at work in January with the skidsteer... and what they also forget is = no snow, cold = more fires. So you enjoy those nice days in Winter but please don't bitch when all there is filling the skies in Summer is smoke from horrendous wildfires. Works been okay. Nothing working in -50 after living in Australia for almost a year to even the playing fields. It is what it is. I was blessed with that amazing opportunity and it's all good, baby! Now... let's blab! Recruiting has been awesome. We did an advertisement that you can find HERE! The advertisement I do believe happens somewhere around 4:07. The advertisement brought in I'd imagine close to around 100 members and I do feel like the recruitment team with the help of some others outside of it, did a great job reaching out, engaging and retaining the new members. So much so that whenever you log on, you see a bunch of new faces who are updating, earning and even donating! It's wicked to see. TikTok is now a thing for the recruitment team too. If you want to check it out, follow it or help grind us some followers, check it out HERE! We've posted 3 amazing weekly standing videos that @Triller made up. Not only this, but there's also been some small talk on another venture we're currently giving thought to that could also be very cool! 50 followers is more than we had before and we're sitting at over 1,200 views on the videos right now! Whatever gets the word out. One member found is one more to add to our awesome community. Outside of recruitment, the Bears are rebuilding but we have a good group to build around. Players/members like @Berocka @zepheter @ROOKIE745 @Mongoose87 @NineIQ v2 and @pugsood are certainly good stepping stones to build off. Goalie is key nowadays and we got a killer. 7-5-0 and a .929 SV% in the E right now is something to be excited about. Matthew Highmore @NineIQ v2 is smacking the puck around in the M with 16 points in 10 GP, carrying on from his last season totals and heights of good play. SWN @zepheter is on pace for what he did last season which is great to see and @ROOKIE745 Kadachi has only played 12 GP but is basically halfway to last seasons totals. That has to feel good, hey? lol Then you got Aussie man. Started the first sim off I believe with 2 goals. and has since only gotten 1 assist. CLASSIC BEROCKA. SPECIAL OPERATION Myself and my partner are sending @Berocka a Canadian Care package with snacks and all things CANADA within it. They'll find get to see what they're missing out on when they sink their taste buds into crispy, beautiful baked Dill Pickle and Ketchup chips... if y'all want, fire some ideas in here and maybe we send it their way!! ALSO, doubles claim from DONATIONS.
  4. @Noodle Enjoyer will enjoy you
  5. Why are people so dumb with ai? Wonder who is next dumb one to be caught?!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. dstevensonjr


      Why even bother playing if you're just going to get AI to do the tasks for you? Part of the grind is the accomplishment of doing everything yourself for your player.

    3. BOOM


      Using AI to complete your VHL point tasks may not be advisable for a few reasons:

      Academic Integrity: If the VHL point tasks are assigned to evaluate your knowledge, skills, and understanding of a subject, using AI to complete the tasks would be considered unethical and a violation of academic integrity. It defeats the purpose of assessing your own abilities and learning progress.

      Cheating: Taking shortcuts by using AI to complete your tasks can be seen as a form of cheating. It undermines the learning process and prevents you from fully grasping the concepts and skills that the tasks are designed to reinforce.

      Misrepresentation of Abilities: If you rely on AI to complete your tasks, the evaluation may give a false impression of your actual abilities. It may not accurately reflect your understanding, problem-solving skills, or critical thinking abilities, ultimately impacting your learning outcomes.

      Lack of Personal Growth: Completing tasks on your own allows you to develop essential skills, such as research skills, critical thinking, problem-solving, and time management. By relying on AI, you miss out on the opportunity to enhance these skills, hindering your personal growth and development.

      It is always recommended to approach your tasks with integrity, honesty, and a genuine effort to learn and improve.

    4. Gaikoku-hito
  6. Banackock


    This article was sponsored and written by, AI.
  7. Bana's S92 Quick Q's - #3 Press Conference Rules Seattle Bears Team Page S92 VHL Draft This season's PC's: #1 #2 *Follow PC Rules. Each time PC is posted, there enough questions for you to answer for multiple weeks if there isn't for the following week. Old weeks/posts will be above as "S87PC - #X". You have to answer or ask 6 questions, in any combination. ANYONE is more than welcome to ask and answer questions. ENJOY! 23. The league is growing.. for fun... if we had to expand the VHL, where should a team go and what would be its name? 24. The league is growing.. for fun... if we had to expand the VHLE, where should a team go and what would be its name? 25. The league is growing.. for fun... if we had to expand the VHLM, where should a team go and what would be its name? 26. If we were to play against aliens from other planets, which planet would be the most fierce team? What would they be called? 27. If you had to pick 6 current NHLers to represent a VHL team, (C,F,F,D,D,G), which would you pick to play with your team? 28. Does your player have any superstitions? 29. Does your player have any go to meals before game time? 30. Aliens came down to earth one night and zipped you up into a beam of light. They study your brain while you're up there. What hockey secrets and skills do they learn?
  8. They will be reaching out to you. You get my DM and join discord?? If you need a hand, tons of help there too. I’m around as well
  9. Welcome to the league brother
  10. Welcome!
  11. Hello, Friendly update for all you amazing VHLers. We're officially live and posting on TIKTOK! Check things out. MASSIVE props to @Triller for the incredible little video. https://www.tiktok.com/@victoryhockeyleague
  12. Welcome to the VHL!
  13. DA BEARZ
  14. We’re allowed to comment on trades and make jokes. Both are also part of the community. I’ve also meme’d people and commented on deals. I’ve had it also happen to me hundreds of times. I will continue to comment on trades as well. Nothing wrong with it. Just don’t bully.
  15. Holy shit that Kermit the Frog is AMAZING lol
  16. 7. What current M player do you feel a sense of rivalry with? 8. If you had to be stuck on an island with 4 other M players, which would you pick and why? 9. Pick a M team. What would their mascot be? Look like? What would it’s name be? 10. Is there anything you’d like to say to the amazing new members of the league? 11. What’s been a surprise to you when it comes to the VHL or your experience in it? 12. Are there any members you look up to and why? 13. How has your 2024 new year gone so far? 14. Anything fun and exciting coming up in life for you? 15. Your player was abducted by aliens. They probe you and steal important data from your hockey brain. What do the aliens learn about human life on planet earth because of your player?
  17. Amen. You guys are kicking ass and I really appreciate your guys’ presence. We got really lucky with this recruitment advertisement in finding some amazing people to become part of our sim league family. I hope you all stick around. It’s been an absolute pleasure getting to know each one of you. As for doing what you can, exactly. Im a busy man. Im even a GM! Not EVERY week do I claim 12/12. There’s the odd week I’m guilty of “welfare”. Don’t burn out. It’s not a job. Have fun! However, in saying that, once you find a routine and rhythm that fits your lifestyle etc, completing tasks because quick and simple
  18. To be fair, have to write THE WEEK OF. The only way you can claim future weeks is by writing the bigger media spots or I believe 4 graphics or a longer podcast. 500 words = 1 week 1,000 = 2 1500 = 3 2000 = 4 Don’t burn yourselves out. Take it week by week. We can max out on media spots, graphics and podcasts. Only 1 set of press conferences, VHL.com articles etc. HOWEVER, with that in mind, I sometimes cap out at 12/12 but still put out other content. My team needs press conferences and I like to create a buzz, activity and fun in the community.
  19. I mean, log in now and a lot of members online are new. Members like @LucyXpher, @Nathan_8, @Noodle Enjoyer, @Mutti, @MSouthworth, @UghSike, @Schnee, @ctoland102, @SackButter, @FiZi and @losfail are providing at least half of the forum content rn. These guys are slaying it with pumping out content and even going as far as donating. On top of this, we’ve had old members return. Members like @Fire Tortorella, @Victor, @Benson, @Pifferfish, @solyom, @WildfireMicro , @fonziGG (lol), @Seabass, @Rhynex Entertainment and even @eagle_3450…a look at the draft pool at the moment and see how far you have to scroll down to start finding the inactive or “soon to he’s”. We’ve done good work this off-season recruiting. We’ve also done a lot better at retaining new and gaining old members… not too bad if you ask me!
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