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Everything posted by Banackock

  1. Doesn’t like being the bottom
  4. Thanks, you too
  5. Welcome brother.
  7. “Welcome”. It’s the standard message, brother. Happy to have ya!
  8. OH yeah, also, I haven't done the Christmas PT Doubles yet for milestones, so this is that.
  9. New Member Spotlight #1 Check out these awesome new members, under the spotlight. Hello all! I hope your weekend was a great one and that your Monday has started off good! Quite the weekend the VHL just had. We rolled out a YouTube advertisement yesterday on THIS VIDEO! You can see the ad I believe at timestamp 4:07! Check out the video, subscribe to Rob and send some love their way. We also had the VHLM entry draft and then the absolute magic of watching our newest members receive pitches and join their new VHLM homes. Being a VHL manager, I naturally welcome members into the league the best I can, however, now being part of the recruitment team I've turned things up a notch. It's our job to find ways or execute ways to bring them in. Now, it's up to all of us to show them how enjoyable the VHL can be, whether that's through the VHL and sim itself, general community, all things hockey, gaming or anything else the league offers. Yesterday, I grinded hard talking to every single member that came about. I commented on their posts, tossed them likes and sent DM's their way - welcoming them, sending them our Discord and trying to engage as quick as possible. I truly believe that's the secret recipe. If we don't reach them fast enough, it's another slow paced, slow growing forum based game and that's completely wrong. During these moments, I had talks with a few good members and I'd like to point them out to YOU and throw them under the spotlight. 1. @Mutti - G - Ondrej Vencko - When I reached out to Mutti, I think they had already been offline for about 15 minutes. Obviously, this is a concern for me. I feel like this is the danger area. They create an account, make a player and have since logged out. Have you lost the fish? In this case, no. I reached out and almost immediately received a very good, lengthy response in return. I had some talks on the forum, sent them over to the Discord and the great talks continued there! What's cooler is they're from Czech Republic! This further ignites my passion for finding more from abroad and growing our international community. When it Australia, it wasn't the most fun missing all the action and having 4 people on during the day. I get it, but I do think we can also help it. 2. @Nathan_8 - RW - Nathan Ecker - Had some really great chats with Nathan and exchanged some very engaging messages over DM's and in Discord as well. They've done some minor training like VHL.com, Practice facility and Welfare! Based off my conversations with them, I think the future can be bright. They seem really excited about the league, learning it and being a contributing member. I really enjoyed our convos and wish you the best of luck! 3. @Noodle Enjoyer - RW - Annie Oaks - I spoke a little bit with Annie Oaks agent, Noodz! I was happy to go over into Discord and see that they made the leap over there and that they were being engaged with! A quick ping their way and they were very fast to respond. NOT ONLY THIS... but they completed a Player Biography which is good enough for 8 UNCAPPED TPE. Remember Noodz, this doesn't count to your weekly 12 CAPPED. This is uncapped TPE. Think of it as a little bonus! To add this to your account, go to the vhlportal.com, then to the category "player" and then "manage". THIS might help too! Once there, you will see an area where you can click "claim uncapped TPE" and then you should find your way in there! Great work, dude. That's the fastest I've seen one pumped out by a new gen. Keep it up! 4. @MSouthworth - D - Gul Dukat Why when I read this name do I think Gal Gadot? I know this likely isn't on purpose but I like that it's not a thing for me and because of this, you have to stick around and be active. At least for the full term of this players career but hopefully longer too. Maybe after we can have a new player like Scarlett Brohansson or something, lol. Seen you on Discord, chatted here too and while not from YouTube, we received MSW from our amazing affiliate and very fun league, the PBE. They've done some minor earning and while it can be daunting joining a new site, their system in the PBE is quite similar to here minus the money portion and earning of it all. I think they could have a bright future in the league if they stick around. Welcome once again, GAL GADOT With that, I'm over my 500 words required for this media spot. That's a magical 6 CAPPED TPE earned towards my weekly capped limit of 12. I appreciate each of you tagged in this article and wish you the best of luck in our league, with your careers.
  10. Good stuff @Theory keep it up.
  11. @Noodle Enjoyer MVP MVP MVP
  12. There ya go! Lol
  13. Hey @Luke033! Welcome to the fun
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