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  1. Like
    Banackock got a reaction from Hogan for a status update, @Hogan is Seattle bgm until further notice.   
    @Hogan is Seattle bgm until further notice. 
  2. Thanks
    Banackock reacted to Gustav for a status update, Saturday was my 6-year VHL anniversary--took me that long to finally win a Cup. Never   
    Saturday was my 6-year VHL anniversary--took me that long to finally win a Cup. Never stop earning.
  3. Like
    Banackock reacted to Gaikoku-hito for a status update, Happy Valentines Day VHL!!!   
    Happy Valentines Day VHL!!!
  4. Like
    Banackock got a reaction from sadie for a status update, BANA4ELME   

  5. Cheers
    Banackock got a reaction from Jaggerbomb88 for a status update,   
  6. Fire
    Banackock reacted to Rin for a status update, How long does it usually take to have player store purchases approved? I'm cutting it   
    How long does it usually take to have player store purchases approved? I'm cutting it close to the recreate deadline 😅
  7. Like
    Banackock reacted to Rin for a status update, When is the trade deadline?   
    When is the trade deadline?
  8. Like
    Banackock reacted to The goat of hockey for a status update, i justed aged up   
    i justed aged up
  9. Fire
    Banackock got a reaction from tcookie for a status update, Imagine voting for the world’s next worst dictator. Trump refuses to rule out using m   
    Imagine voting for the world’s next worst dictator. Trump refuses to rule out using military force to take Panama Canal and Greenland… and mentioned using “economic” force so Canada becomes a USA state. 
    What’s the different between these comments and chinas towards Taiwan? Or what Russia is doing in Ukraine by using military force to take control of someone else’s cultures, territory etc..
    Is he that unintelligent? And if so, what does that make people who vote for him? 

    I’ve said it so many times in life, but we constantly look at the Middle East etc for terrorism.. when it’s US. lol 
  10. Fire
    Banackock got a reaction from Zylen for a status update, Imagine voting for the world’s next worst dictator. Trump refuses to rule out using m   
    Imagine voting for the world’s next worst dictator. Trump refuses to rule out using military force to take Panama Canal and Greenland… and mentioned using “economic” force so Canada becomes a USA state. 
    What’s the different between these comments and chinas towards Taiwan? Or what Russia is doing in Ukraine by using military force to take control of someone else’s cultures, territory etc..
    Is he that unintelligent? And if so, what does that make people who vote for him? 

    I’ve said it so many times in life, but we constantly look at the Middle East etc for terrorism.. when it’s US. lol 
  11. Like
    Banackock got a reaction from der meister for a status update, I’m not a liberal. I’m not a conservative. I’m none of those labels. I vote for what   
    I’m not a liberal. I’m not a conservative. I’m none of those labels. I vote for what represents me, my family, the world I wish to see it become.. sometimes it’s NDP. Sometimes it’s been conservative. I swear I tossed in a vote during the pandemic for JT too just to spite the far right when they were doing blockades and using all their intelligence to shut down highways and spread conspiracies.. 
    All the examples I can think of but the most recent is when Trudeau was in BC and a woman approached him. He responded appropriately, and she told him to get the fuck out of “her” province and acted so embarrassingly towards him.. 
    Is this what we’ve become as humans? To walk up to people and tell them to get the fuck out and bring such hatred and depression to other human beings.. such ugliness will n this world we have, hey? We attack governments because we disagree and overthrow shit etc. We’re so oblivious to ourselves.. we judge other cultures for being bad.. and everything we say others do wrong, if you really look, WE DO IT TOO!  
    I do think this is a good move. If not a good move, inevitable. He was losing the next election. Just remember in 7 years when stuff is still the same, government is government. It’s all the same bull shit
  12. Fire
    Banackock got a reaction from der meister for a status update, Imagine voting for the world’s next worst dictator. Trump refuses to rule out using m   
    Imagine voting for the world’s next worst dictator. Trump refuses to rule out using military force to take Panama Canal and Greenland… and mentioned using “economic” force so Canada becomes a USA state. 
    What’s the different between these comments and chinas towards Taiwan? Or what Russia is doing in Ukraine by using military force to take control of someone else’s cultures, territory etc..
    Is he that unintelligent? And if so, what does that make people who vote for him? 

    I’ve said it so many times in life, but we constantly look at the Middle East etc for terrorism.. when it’s US. lol 
  13. Fire
    Banackock got a reaction from Big_Dyl for a status update, Imagine voting for the world’s next worst dictator. Trump refuses to rule out using m   
    Imagine voting for the world’s next worst dictator. Trump refuses to rule out using military force to take Panama Canal and Greenland… and mentioned using “economic” force so Canada becomes a USA state. 
    What’s the different between these comments and chinas towards Taiwan? Or what Russia is doing in Ukraine by using military force to take control of someone else’s cultures, territory etc..
    Is he that unintelligent? And if so, what does that make people who vote for him? 

    I’ve said it so many times in life, but we constantly look at the Middle East etc for terrorism.. when it’s US. lol 
  14. Like
    Banackock got a reaction from dstevensonjr for a status update, I’m not a liberal. I’m not a conservative. I’m none of those labels. I vote for what   
    I’m not a liberal. I’m not a conservative. I’m none of those labels. I vote for what represents me, my family, the world I wish to see it become.. sometimes it’s NDP. Sometimes it’s been conservative. I swear I tossed in a vote during the pandemic for JT too just to spite the far right when they were doing blockades and using all their intelligence to shut down highways and spread conspiracies.. 
    All the examples I can think of but the most recent is when Trudeau was in BC and a woman approached him. He responded appropriately, and she told him to get the fuck out of “her” province and acted so embarrassingly towards him.. 
    Is this what we’ve become as humans? To walk up to people and tell them to get the fuck out and bring such hatred and depression to other human beings.. such ugliness will n this world we have, hey? We attack governments because we disagree and overthrow shit etc. We’re so oblivious to ourselves.. we judge other cultures for being bad.. and everything we say others do wrong, if you really look, WE DO IT TOO!  
    I do think this is a good move. If not a good move, inevitable. He was losing the next election. Just remember in 7 years when stuff is still the same, government is government. It’s all the same bull shit
  15. Like
    Banackock got a reaction from Zylen for a status update, I’m not a liberal. I’m not a conservative. I’m none of those labels. I vote for what   
    I’m not a liberal. I’m not a conservative. I’m none of those labels. I vote for what represents me, my family, the world I wish to see it become.. sometimes it’s NDP. Sometimes it’s been conservative. I swear I tossed in a vote during the pandemic for JT too just to spite the far right when they were doing blockades and using all their intelligence to shut down highways and spread conspiracies.. 
    All the examples I can think of but the most recent is when Trudeau was in BC and a woman approached him. He responded appropriately, and she told him to get the fuck out of “her” province and acted so embarrassingly towards him.. 
    Is this what we’ve become as humans? To walk up to people and tell them to get the fuck out and bring such hatred and depression to other human beings.. such ugliness will n this world we have, hey? We attack governments because we disagree and overthrow shit etc. We’re so oblivious to ourselves.. we judge other cultures for being bad.. and everything we say others do wrong, if you really look, WE DO IT TOO!  
    I do think this is a good move. If not a good move, inevitable. He was losing the next election. Just remember in 7 years when stuff is still the same, government is government. It’s all the same bull shit
  16. Like
    Banackock got a reaction from Ricer13 for a status update, I’m not a liberal. I’m not a conservative. I’m none of those labels. I vote for what   
    I’m not a liberal. I’m not a conservative. I’m none of those labels. I vote for what represents me, my family, the world I wish to see it become.. sometimes it’s NDP. Sometimes it’s been conservative. I swear I tossed in a vote during the pandemic for JT too just to spite the far right when they were doing blockades and using all their intelligence to shut down highways and spread conspiracies.. 
    All the examples I can think of but the most recent is when Trudeau was in BC and a woman approached him. He responded appropriately, and she told him to get the fuck out of “her” province and acted so embarrassingly towards him.. 
    Is this what we’ve become as humans? To walk up to people and tell them to get the fuck out and bring such hatred and depression to other human beings.. such ugliness will n this world we have, hey? We attack governments because we disagree and overthrow shit etc. We’re so oblivious to ourselves.. we judge other cultures for being bad.. and everything we say others do wrong, if you really look, WE DO IT TOO!  
    I do think this is a good move. If not a good move, inevitable. He was losing the next election. Just remember in 7 years when stuff is still the same, government is government. It’s all the same bull shit
  17. Like
    Banackock got a reaction from tcookie for a status update, I’m not a liberal. I’m not a conservative. I’m none of those labels. I vote for what   
    I’m not a liberal. I’m not a conservative. I’m none of those labels. I vote for what represents me, my family, the world I wish to see it become.. sometimes it’s NDP. Sometimes it’s been conservative. I swear I tossed in a vote during the pandemic for JT too just to spite the far right when they were doing blockades and using all their intelligence to shut down highways and spread conspiracies.. 
    All the examples I can think of but the most recent is when Trudeau was in BC and a woman approached him. He responded appropriately, and she told him to get the fuck out of “her” province and acted so embarrassingly towards him.. 
    Is this what we’ve become as humans? To walk up to people and tell them to get the fuck out and bring such hatred and depression to other human beings.. such ugliness will n this world we have, hey? We attack governments because we disagree and overthrow shit etc. We’re so oblivious to ourselves.. we judge other cultures for being bad.. and everything we say others do wrong, if you really look, WE DO IT TOO!  
    I do think this is a good move. If not a good move, inevitable. He was losing the next election. Just remember in 7 years when stuff is still the same, government is government. It’s all the same bull shit
  18. Like
    Banackock got a reaction from Scurvy for a status update, I’m not a liberal. I’m not a conservative. I’m none of those labels. I vote for what   
    I’m not a liberal. I’m not a conservative. I’m none of those labels. I vote for what represents me, my family, the world I wish to see it become.. sometimes it’s NDP. Sometimes it’s been conservative. I swear I tossed in a vote during the pandemic for JT too just to spite the far right when they were doing blockades and using all their intelligence to shut down highways and spread conspiracies.. 
    All the examples I can think of but the most recent is when Trudeau was in BC and a woman approached him. He responded appropriately, and she told him to get the fuck out of “her” province and acted so embarrassingly towards him.. 
    Is this what we’ve become as humans? To walk up to people and tell them to get the fuck out and bring such hatred and depression to other human beings.. such ugliness will n this world we have, hey? We attack governments because we disagree and overthrow shit etc. We’re so oblivious to ourselves.. we judge other cultures for being bad.. and everything we say others do wrong, if you really look, WE DO IT TOO!  
    I do think this is a good move. If not a good move, inevitable. He was losing the next election. Just remember in 7 years when stuff is still the same, government is government. It’s all the same bull shit
  19. Like
    Banackock got a reaction from sadie for a status update, I’m not a liberal. I’m not a conservative. I’m none of those labels. I vote for what   
    I’m not a liberal. I’m not a conservative. I’m none of those labels. I vote for what represents me, my family, the world I wish to see it become.. sometimes it’s NDP. Sometimes it’s been conservative. I swear I tossed in a vote during the pandemic for JT too just to spite the far right when they were doing blockades and using all their intelligence to shut down highways and spread conspiracies.. 
    All the examples I can think of but the most recent is when Trudeau was in BC and a woman approached him. He responded appropriately, and she told him to get the fuck out of “her” province and acted so embarrassingly towards him.. 
    Is this what we’ve become as humans? To walk up to people and tell them to get the fuck out and bring such hatred and depression to other human beings.. such ugliness will n this world we have, hey? We attack governments because we disagree and overthrow shit etc. We’re so oblivious to ourselves.. we judge other cultures for being bad.. and everything we say others do wrong, if you really look, WE DO IT TOO!  
    I do think this is a good move. If not a good move, inevitable. He was losing the next election. Just remember in 7 years when stuff is still the same, government is government. It’s all the same bull shit
  20. Like
    Banackock got a reaction from Komrad for a status update, I’m not a liberal. I’m not a conservative. I’m none of those labels. I vote for what   
    I’m not a liberal. I’m not a conservative. I’m none of those labels. I vote for what represents me, my family, the world I wish to see it become.. sometimes it’s NDP. Sometimes it’s been conservative. I swear I tossed in a vote during the pandemic for JT too just to spite the far right when they were doing blockades and using all their intelligence to shut down highways and spread conspiracies.. 
    All the examples I can think of but the most recent is when Trudeau was in BC and a woman approached him. He responded appropriately, and she told him to get the fuck out of “her” province and acted so embarrassingly towards him.. 
    Is this what we’ve become as humans? To walk up to people and tell them to get the fuck out and bring such hatred and depression to other human beings.. such ugliness will n this world we have, hey? We attack governments because we disagree and overthrow shit etc. We’re so oblivious to ourselves.. we judge other cultures for being bad.. and everything we say others do wrong, if you really look, WE DO IT TOO!  
    I do think this is a good move. If not a good move, inevitable. He was losing the next election. Just remember in 7 years when stuff is still the same, government is government. It’s all the same bull shit
  21. Woah
    Banackock got a reaction from sadie for a status update, As of this season, I’ve been GM of the Seattle Bears for 50% of the VHL’s existence.   
    As of this season, I’ve been GM of the Seattle Bears for 50% of the VHL’s existence. 48/96. ✅ 
  22. Like
    Banackock reacted to SleepyPlayz for a status update, Wow, Martinez scored his first goal!   
    Wow, Martinez scored his first goal! 
  23. Fire
    Banackock got a reaction from FrostBeard for a status update, Im always a day earlier or a day late when thinking it’s your birthday - BUT HAPPY BI   
    Im always a day earlier or a day late when thinking it’s your birthday - BUT HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY BROTHER @FrostBeard
  24. Like
    Banackock got a reaction from sadie for a status update, Stockholm Vikings > London “united”. Am I the only one? United sucks for a team na   
    Stockholm Vikings > London “united”. Am I the only one? United sucks for a team name. 😎
  25. Cheers
    Banackock reacted to OblivionWalker for a status update, Still in disbelief but grateful as always.   
    Still in disbelief but grateful as always.
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