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Everything posted by Girts

  1. 1. Las Vegas lost in the Founder's Cup Finals in a 4-2 series. What is your review on this playoff run? We had a great run and it was a lot of fun, we pushed ottawa to a best of 3 and almost pulled off the upset. I'm proud of my team for doing as well as we did. 2. How did your player perform during these playoffs? My player was great, 15 goals and 15 assists for 30 points in 16 games. I led the playoffs in goal scoring and had a 5 goal game. 3. What are the next steps of your player's career? Moving up to VHLE? Returning to the VHLM? I would love to stay with the Aces in the VHLM, but apparently I earned too much tpe and have to go up to the VHLE. I will definitely cherish my season with the Aces and wish I could've done another with them. 4. How was your time in Vegas this season? I personally had a blast with y'all. I really enjoyed it, even if I wasn't in discord, I was able to interact a bit in the site locker room and through pm's with the team, so it was good. 5. Are you watching the NFL wildcard series? Do you have a team you're routing for? I watched the bengals raiders game and a little of the chiefs steelers. No particular team im rooting for at the moment. 6. Tell me something that's on your bucket list. attending a stanley cup finals game 7
  2. VHLM finals update, we have the Las Vegas Aces and the Ottawa Lynx now all tied up at 2 games a piece with both teams winning their games on home ice. The first two games saw Ottawa win 3-2 in overtime and then 6-4 in regulation, but the Aces did not panic and knew coming back to Vegas they could easily tie the series and make it a best of 3. Las Vegas stayed focused won game three 5-3 and then won game four 6-4 to tie the series! Girts Galvins had 2 goals in each of those two games to lead the Aces and is now up to 15 playoff goals in 14 games. The Aces are looking good going into game 5 and if they can win one on the road and then one at home they should be able to finish as VHLM Champions for S81. This has definitely been a great series so far and I'm sure will have an exciting ending!
  3. 1. BIG SWEEP! First round resulted in a sweep against Saskatoon. What has been our success so far through these playoffs? Awesome sweep, I think our success has been the game plan from our coaches and everyone playing their roles, then of course our 1st line has been on fire so that helps. 2. How has your player been performing? Luckily I've been doing great, I think I'm the leading goal scorer in the playoffs and near the top in points, thanks to my linemates. 3. We're 2-2 against Philadelphia this series, what can we do to win and move onto the finals? Welp we've won, so whatever you did worked, but I would have said maybe a little mix up in how we play to throw something new at them. 4. If you could, which NHL player would you choose to be your player in the VHL? I would choose Alex Ovechkin, 99 scoring attribute for sure. Ovechkin is a great choice, I want to be a goal scorer also so I'd probably choose him too, but I'll be different and say Kyle Connor, very underrated sniper. Or Patrik Laine in his rookie season. 5. What is your favourite sport besides hockey? I love football (American football). Also do love soccer. Football for me too, then baseball. Hockey Is #1 though for sure. 6. Out of these three meats, you have to choose one to never eat again for the rest of your life: Chicken, Steak, Pork. Great question, while I love all three, I probably eat pork the fewest of them so I will choose pork.
  4. Girts Galvins and the Aces won their first round playoff series against Saskatoon and are looking good heading into round two. Galvins had a special night in game 4 of the series, scoring a whopping 5 goals on 12 shots and the Aces won the game 8-1. I don't know how often someone scores 5 goals in a game but it was pretty cool to see. Girts Galvins now has a playoff leading 8 goals in 4 games and 13 points, right behind MVP teammate Alex The Great at 14 and just ahead of linemate Adelline Delle Donne at 10. The line was on fire in this series and should stay hot in round 2! The Aces have to be one of the favorties to win the cup at this point, a dominant stretch run, a great first round series, tons of talent in the line up and great coaching. They have a very real chance and great odds to win it all!
  5. 1. Happy New Years Aces!! How was your New Years, what did you do? Thanks happy new year to you also! Girts Galvins had a pretty chill night, couple close friends, a few drinks and watched the ball drop. 2. With playoffs around the corner, how do you think the team will perform? I think we will perform great, we finished the season on fire and should be able to take out anyone we play, even the Lynx. 3. In our first series against the Saskatoon Wild, how will we do? Sweep? Get Swept? etc. Saskatoon is no push over so I think it will be competitive but I think we'll win in less than 6 games. 4. Do you have any goals set for your player for playoffs? I just want to help the team win games and maybe scored a few clutch goals in the playoffs. 5. With Mubble taking over as GM, what is one piece of advice you could give him? Mubble has been a big help to me this season, so my advice is just keep doing what you're doing. Also I must say ajwllmsn has also been great and I'm sad to see him go, awesome work man and thank you. 6. Tell me your favourite animal! Hamsters/guinea pigs don't count, they're gross. Favorite animal is a grizzly bear, nobody messes with them and they get to sleep like 6 months out of the year. Sign me up.
  6. Rookie Left Wing Girts Galvins has become a surprising star for the Las Vegas Aces this season. In the last 30 games or so he has been on absolute fire, storming his way to over 80 points and on the cusp of 40 goals! His 39 goals currently rank 7th best in the VHLM and he's 2nd in game winning goals! Galvins has been posting numerous multi-point games lately and has shown tremendous chemistry with MVP favorite Alex The Great and Adeline Delle Donne. The Aces new look first line has been red hot and helped Vegas back into 1st place passing Houston. Galvins has been a great find for Aces management from the 42nd overall pick and they've been crucial in his development. He owes a big thanks to his GM's for all their help and making this a very enjoyable rookie season. Watch out for Girts Galvins and the Las Vegas Aces in the playoffs!
  7. 1. First and foremost, welcome back from the Christmas break! Did you have a good Christmas? Thanks, yes had a good christmas break, saw some family in Latvia and got new skates! 2. Alex TheGreat has had a tremendous season for us thus far, with only two players in the VHLM being within 20 points of his 114 points scored to date. How do you rate his award chances heading into the final stretch of the season? He has been awesome, I think he has a great chance to win some awards this season. He's the MVP in my opinion and it's been an honour to get to play on his line the last week or so, my points have gone way up thanks to him! 3. Thomas Price has also been one of the best goalies in the league this season, sitting second in the league in save percentage and GAA. How much confidence does it give you heading into a game knowing that we have a goalie like Price between the sticks? Price is the man, when he's in net we can beat anyone in the league. I have 100% confidence in him and love playing in front of him, he will be a beast in the post season for us. 4. We've recently had to release a couple of players for reasons beyond our control, but if you could name one VHLM player you would have loved to replace them, which would it have been? I don't know that many players outside of our team unfortunately, but I trust our incredible gm's have made the best decisions on players 5. What is your VHL New Years resolution? To reach 99 scoring 6. What is your real New Years resolution? to exercise more I guesss
  8. 1. If you got a Christmas present of getting an automatic upgrade of one of your VHL attributes to 99, which one would you want and why? Scoring to 99 would be a great automatic update for christmas. As a goal scorer I would benefit from that greatly and would be able to help my team win even more games! 2. We're almost in the final quarter of the regular season now, what are your thoughts on how the Aces have done as a whole this season? I'm very impressed with how the Aces have done this season, we have been in first place and if not in first then only a few points behind all season. Everyone is playing well and it's been fun. 3. What are your thoughts on your players performance this season? I'm kind of shocked tbh, I didn't think my player would do this well, but I'm over a point per game now and have nearly 30 goals which is pretty awesome. I've absolutely loved being on the Aces and my player has done great so it's very cool. 4. Name a player on the Aces who maybe doesn't get much attention on the forums but who you think does a lot of good work for the team, either in TPE earning or performance in the sim. my linemate this season CDS Leb has been doing great in the sim, as have a lot of other players, the whole team really 5. If you were to make a player in the VHL with a Christmas-themed name, what would you call them? Grinch Galvins 6. Since this press conference is (depending on when you do it), either the last one before Christmas or the first one after it: i) (If you're answering these before Christmas) - What are you hoping to get for Christmas? Just want to spend some time with the family and for everyone to be healthy. I'll probably get some socks. ii) (If you're answering these after Christmas) - What did you get for Christmas?
  9. 1. Theme Week is upon us this week, which allows you to double a Media/GFX/Podcast if it fits the theme selected by the league i) If you're submitting answers for this before the theme is revealed - What theme would you like the league to use for theme week? I don't know if it's been announced yet or not, but something to do with the holiday season, winter and gift giving would be cool. 2. The Christmas Charity Auction Drive is live this week, which of these do you think is the most interesting items up for auction? Definitely the draft tracker tpe visualizer by mubblefubbles! Sounds awesome! 3. As for Vegas, we're currently tied on points for first place in our conference, which player do you think has been the MVP for the Aces this season? I think we have a lot of great players, but I'd have to say at this point Alex The Great is probably our MVP, he has been dominant since game 1. 4. Who would you say your favourite member or player outside of the Aces is and why? I don't know anyone outside of the Aces yet, so I can't say, but as of now BOTH my GM's are my favourite members! 5. What would you say is the best thing about being a member of the Las Vegas Aces? For me it's the help I've gotten from my general managers, being new to the league they are the reason I've been able to figure out what to do each week and also are the reason why my player is doing well and I'm on a great team. 6. They aren't doing this, but if the league were to offer you one of the Player Store items for free this Christmas, which one would you want? I'd probably say another doubles week!
  10. Some great young players highlighted here!
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