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Everything posted by Girts

  1. 66 games into the season Bratislava sits at 75 points with 8 games to play. They have been battling to stay ahead of a charging Instanbul team. Currently Istanbul has 71 points, just 4 points behind Bratislava and it's coming down to the wire on who finishes 2nd in the Southern Conference and takes the 4th playoff spot. Bratislava has been ahead of Istanbul all season and are still in the drivers seat, they need to continue to win and keep pace ahead of the Red Wolves. Interestingly enough these teams play each other in the 2nd to last game of the season with a huge 2 points on the line. Whoever wins this game will likely make the playoffs. Bratislava plays Rome, Vasteras, Cologne, Istanbul and Geneva twice in their remaining games. Istanbul plays Cologne 3 times, Oslo, Rome and Bratislava. What stands out here is 3 games vs Cologne who are the #1 team in the league this point. It appears as if Istanbul has a harder schedule so they really have an uphill battle. If Bratislava can win 3 of their next 6 games they should probably take the 4th playoff spot, especially if one of those wins is against Istanbul. It will be fun to watch these final 6 games. We are obviously homers but we'll be rooting for Bratislava!
  2. 2. GM Frostbeard was interviewed by DW where he told the news agency that "Our team is as strong as a Tamarian Red Horned Wolf and we are vicious as Lendehausen Guinea pig" - your thoughts on that matter? From my extensive research on horned wolves I have found the Tamarian Red Horned Wolf to be by far the strongest subspecies of wolf so I would agree with GM frostbeards statement. I have yet to research Guinea pigs but I was bit by one when I was a kid so I can vouch that they are indeed vicious little bastards. 3. Bo and Harry have been both seen arguing about something after their game against Rome in Bratislava - what were they talking about? Harry took Bo's lucky troll doll before the game because he wanted to steal some of Bo's mojo for himself, so I'm pretty sure that's what it was about. Yes Bo still plays with dolls. 4. With so many teams competing again, it is gonna be really hard to make playoffs this season - what makes us better than Istanbul Red Wolves who are our direct competitors? We are so much better than the red wolves it's not even funny, I mean does anyone think they can even compete with us? If they do they must be high as fuck. But yeah I'd say unwavering confidence is what makes us better. 8. Brian Payne was recently spotted going out with the ex-wife of another VHLE player, DB III, your thoughts? Brian Payne will date anyone, ex-wives, current wives, daughters over 18, he doesn't care. Women throw themselves at him so I really can't blame him for closing. 9. A lot of analysts say that Bratislava should have traded for another top end player to make sure they get into playoffs, right now, the team has been losing their ground against Istanbul - how would you motivate the players? We need to get Girts Galvins scoring more, if we can do that we can roll into the playoffs and beat anyone. Galvins is the key. Motivate the players by offering happy endings after the games from the female training staff. 10. Our captain William Groves recently released a tweet saying that "Bratislava is my home - I have finally bought a house here to say and remain a city faithful!" - what are your thoughts on that and what would you wish William on his journey to VHL? Groves is a class act, I'm happy he bought a home and moved out of that dump of an apartment he was living in with Bradley Buzzer. I crashed on their couch once and a rat ran across my face in the middle of the night.
  3. 1. Besides hockey what is the best sport to watch on tv? 2. Do you agree with the statement that weekends are made for sweat pants? 3. Besides Victory Hockey League make up something else VHL could stand for?
  4. Last time we checked in on the Latvian sniper Girts Galvins he had 19 goals in 32 games and was top 3 in goal scoring in the entire league. He was on fire and looked to be on pace to overtake the VHLE scoring lead in the coming week. Welp that didn't happen and in fact we may have jinxed him because he only scored 6 goals in his next 20 games.., currently sitting at 25 goals through 52 games, dropping him to 15th in goal scoring in the league. The cold spells shatters any hopes Galvins had of winning the goal scoring title, but his team is playing well and that's what matters most, so he's happy about that. His personal goal now changes from leading the league in goals to leading his team in goals and finishing with 35 goals, which means he needs 10 goals in the final 20 games which seems achievable. We're not sure the exact reason for his sudden drop in goal scoring but rest assured he is working just as hard as always to find his scoring touch again. He also could be saving up his power for the playoffs where he unleashed hell last season for the Las Vegas Aces with 15 goals in 16 playoff games.
  5. 1. If you could choose one NHL player to model your VHL players career after who would it be? 2. What's more impressive in a 72 game season, 50 Goals or 70 assists? 3. What's your go-to toppings on a burger? If you don't eat burgers, then what's your favorite food?
  6. 1. I feel very good about my performance so far this season. I'm close to the top in goal scoring for the league and that's about where I hoped to be. I could be scoring more at even strength but hopefully that comes soon. 2. Frosbteard is quite a ladies man so I think if he was with any celebrities it would have been Ariana Grande, Dua Lipa and Selena Gomez. I heard they were all over him. Must be the beard. 4. Buzzer and Galvins did attend the game and were heckling the Seattle Bears with some choice comments, that was one of them, I'm not sure exactly what it means though because I (Galvins) was shitfaced at the game off 20 dollar beers. 5. We have amazing GM's who I know put the work in, so I trust them completely and have zero suggestions, they will find a way for us to win, they always do! 9. We are a bit behind after a small skid, but lots of games left to play so yes I think we can catch them and finish 1st. That and I plan on taking a cheap shot on their best player next time we play. 11. I'm intrigued but knowing this group in the locker room I'm nervous to try out anything with a "Brastislava Special" ingredient in it..
  7. 1. How is your player doing this season, what are your current stats? 2. Name another player on your team who has impressed you this season and why? 3. What's your favorite pizza topping? Choose up to 3.
  8. 32 games into the S82 VHLE season and we're seeing the leagues' best goal scorers emerge. We have 6 players with 18 or more goals and two with 20+ goals already on the season. The current goal scoring leader is Nic Mcmuffin with 21 goals for Oslo with Mats Zucarello on his heels with 20 goals for Cologne, both players scoring at a good rate and setting the tone for the season so far. Right behind them with 19 goals we have James Glove Dropper for Stockholm and the Latvian sensation Girts Galvins for Bratislava, these two with one big game could vault themselves into the lead any day. We now move to the 18 goal scorers and we see another player from Cologne, Johnny Xavier in the race along with Pekko Viitanen from Rome. These guys are not far off the top pace either. Rounding out the top 10 we have 4 players tied with 17 goals on the season, those are Craig Marton, Raihan Heavems, Kakapo Bushtit and the enigma The Board Game Clue on Skates. It's going to be a good race the rest of the season to see who finishes with the goal scoring title. I don't know if there's a specific award for this, but it will be fun to follow. We may be slight homers but we think Bratislava's Girts Galvins is a player who could finish as the top goal scorer in the league when it's all said and done.
  9. 1. What's going on with the Las Vegas Aces this season, how's the team doing, any standout players? 2. How do you feel about the performance of last seasons Aces graduates in the VHLE this season? 3. What are your feelings on Bo Johansson's recent comments toward The Board Game Clue on Skates in Girts Galvins media? 4. Is it true that you secretly wish you could play in Bratislava with Galvins, Johnasson and Della Donne?
  10. 1. All the logos are pretty good, but if I had to pick one I'd say NY Americans, not that it's bad but feels like could be better or updated. I'd probably try and do something with the statue of liberty. 2. I just ate a sandwich for lunch, roast beef, cheddar, lettuce tomato and mayo. Was good. 3. This is an important question because I wear crocks and do both. Never leave the house with them on, but in warmer weather it's barefoot and crocs and in the winter in the house it's socks and crocs. I would not be caught dead in crocks and socks in public though. Ask 3: 1. What is your favorite hockey video game in your lifetime on any platform? 2. Outside of your own team, what logo do you like the best of the league you're currently playing in? 3. If you could eat only one food for dinner for the rest of your life what would it be?
  11. Boardgames on skates historically have created a wide horizontal target for open ice hits while being harder to make contact with in the corners due to their thin vertical nature. If 'The Board Game Clue on Skates' was smart he'd try and not carry the puck through the neutral zone against Beardislava.
  12. Bratislava Watchmen rookie Girts Galvins is off to a great start in his VHLE career scoring 8 goals and adding 10 assists for 18 points in his first 16 games! He leads the Watchmen with 5 powerplay goals and 10 powerplay points as well. It's been a hot start for the young Latvian sniper so far this season in Bratislava. The Alternate Captain has seen his team play well with a 9-5-2 record and as recently as 2 days ago were in 1st place in the conference and tied for first in the league. They've dropped 3 of their last 4 games so have hit a small bump but will be back on top soon no question about it. Their 20 points are still good for 3rd best in the VHLE. Galvins has made good on his 12th overall draft status and the Watchmen are no doubt pleased with the selection. He's been loading up on shots all season, Galvins currently leads the entire VHLE with 119 shots on goal! His shooting % is oddly low at just 6.72% so he should probably have a few more goals but have to expect that number comes up to around 10% or higher by seasons end. Galvins has been doing his damage from the 2nd line and 1st powerplay unit, which shows the depth of this Bratislava squad, they will be hard to beat in the playoffs and a tough match up for anyone over the course of the regular season. Watchmen defenseman Bo Johansson was recently quoted as saying "The Board Game Clue on Skates better keep his head up next time we play Oslo because I plan on knocking his game pieces out." Should be a good one next time those two teams meet up!
  13. 1. What are your expectations for Bratislava team going forward? Do you feel like our team is a true contender? I definitely feel like we are a contender, we have a great line up and have gotten off to a good start. I would expect we'd make the playoffs and go deep. 2. A local tabloid website leaked a photo of GM John Frostbeard and AGM Anthony Pratt going to a meeting with Rome Gladiators management team, your comment on that? I'm surprised tabloid media got a picture of GM Frostbeard, he's pretty elusive. My comment would be were Frostbead and Pratt holding hands in the picture..? 3. Ģirts Galviņš has been on fire playing on the second line, what do you think makes him a lethal offensive player? Hey that dude is pretty good, he's started well and I think one of the things that makes him so good is he works tirelessly on his shot and isn't afraid to use it! 4. Bratislava city has released a tourism promotion video saying that "The city is the home of S82 VHLE Champions-in-the-making Bratislava Watchmen!" - do you think it is a bit too much to say? I like the confidence but I don't want the city to jinx us so I'd tell them to pump the brakes a bit. I do think we will be champs, but let's not jinx it. 5. Our goaltender Orion D H Chiester IX is on fire and has been playing outstanding in the first 4 games, do you think he can improve on his result? He's been great and it would not surprise me if he improved on his hot start, he could be one of the best goalies in the E this season. 6. How do you feel about your performance on ice these few games, do you think you are achieving what you wanted? I feel real good about it, over a point per game, top 3 in shots in the league and 3 goals in 4 games, 6 points on the powerplay. Definitely achieving what I want for me and the team so far. Only concern is not scoring yet at even strength but that should come in time.
  14. 1. My favorite tpe task is the weekly graphic for 6tpe because I can create something cool for my player or another player on my team. 2. Both nasty but I'd say mayonnaise because mustard can get into certain places and sting you, it's kind of spicy. 3. All interesting, I'd probably try Ketchili first, that looks interesting, probably on a cheeseburger. Questions: 1. What's your favorite attribute in the sim and why? 2. Which is the most useless attribute in the sim and why? 3. What's your in-between period snack during games?
  15. VHLE rookie defenseman Bo Johansson is off to a great start for Bratislava with 4 points in his first 2 games! The 4th overall pick from this season's VHLE draft is already showing that made him such a high selection. In his 1st game he tallied 3 points, a powerplay goal and two powerplay assists along with blocking 3 shots! What a great 1st game for the big Watchmen defenseman. His poise on the powerplay was really something to behold that game and he's expected to be one of the best powerplay pointmen in the league this season. Johansson's second game saw him set up the 1st goal of the game in a 5-2 win over Istanbul, he played over 27 minutes and had lots of time on both the powerplay and penalty kill. Johansson is looking strong for the Watchmen and is even top in D scoring among rookies after two games. It's early in the season and lots of game left but Bo Johansson has the potential to be one of the best defenseman in the league this season and will be a huge reason why Bratislava will have a great year. @Shindigs
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