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Everything posted by BluObieZ
Right... I'm the idiot lol! You know I feed off replies and you guys keep feeding me the replies lol. Yep! i'm such an idiot lol
Cool that would be epic!
I will only stop saying you are hiding behind childish things when you actually do. Changing profile shit is like name calling on the play ground, very childish buddy very childish indeed! I will not thank you and the "blue crew" so if that's what you are aiming for keep dreaming. Hahahahaha you won? look at how irritated you are. I am having fun with this and you are so bothered by it and somehow you "won" lol! You do know my goal is to irritate right?
I totally agree... Jardy
keep it coming Jardy! almighty commish of this league lol really showing your true colours to the new members you are trying to "protect" against my asshole ways. I really am enjoying this. It's like getting into a fist fight with a midget.
Pretty sad Jardy...actually shame on you Jardy for being so lame. SMH... If you really need to change my member title, sig and so on to make you think you have won then you are one sad human being. I actually feel bad for you right now. It's gonna be okay Jardy, it really will be. Once you hit your late teen years and you start growing hair in places that seem odd maybe just maybe you will actually know how to insult someone and actually make them feel insulted and not make them laugh out loud. But till then continue on with this sad display of "sportsmanship" if you want to enter a battle with me just do it, don't hide behind childish things like changing things on profiles.
If you have to change my member title to make you feel that you won then go ahead lol what a little kid
Want to know why you will never make it to the hit list? because when you post all I see is this Who can even get mad at a crying baby? Not even the asshole that I am would yell at one. So Jardy go back to crying bro, cry away and I will just go on about my day. While it seems I have already ruined your whole weekend. Toodles for now Baby Jardy, don't forget to put the sucker in.
An apology from Robbie Zimmers? WHAT? NO WAY!!!!!!!!!!!!! Actually yes it's true, I Robbie Zimmers am sorry for one thing. That thing is that I attacked some legend in the recruit thread. I shouldn't involve new members in this. I truly believe how some of the people that run this "league" are dealing with me will drive away more new members then what I am saying. You little kids are what new people look up to when joining and seeing what you are responding to me just screams "WAAAAAAA I can't deal with him" and "What he is doing is working so we will host a ripping party while we suspend him" So continue to do it guys, continue to make the league look bad with how you react to me. Just know I have won this long time ago, everything since my victory is just icing on the cake. But before I end this post, I will give my word that I will not involve any new member in any attacks unless one asks for it. Oh and continuing to edit my profile and such really shows your maturity... shows the members what kind of little kids run this league. Keep up the good work
Hello out there in fucky land, I quite enjoyed my two day ban. I actually will keep this short cause well…I've already won! How you ask? You talk about me in the worst way while I am banned but all I do is laugh. I irritate you so much you guys still talk about me while I am gone. “Ignore” me all you want but I know what I say gets to you. I won this years ago and I just keep rubbing it in your faces, you can’t contend with me, can’t put up with me because you know that you can’t handle me. I am like that big kid on the playground, I knocked you into the dirt and continue to kick dirt in your face. How many people have said “ignore Robbie and he will go away” You know what? It might actually work! I may not go away because of that but if you stop responding to my posts, threads and all that I will have far less ammo to use on you pathetic people. Now I will quickly respond to posts that people made while I was gone. To Jardy all I have to say is you are a commissioner of this “league” and you are publicly attacking a member yeah… new members are going understand that. You call me a horrible troll lol that’s why you made a 4 paragraph post about me. You sound mad/irritated bro. Learn how to hide it, I've been doing this online and in person for years and trust me responses like that are the reason why people like me do this. Yeah… I really don’t get to you. Yeah… that makes sense. Calling me FAS… and all that shit…all I got to say is calling me a FAS will not look good to any new members. You guys claim what I say and do looks bad but maybe you should look at yourself and you’re little band of buddies. Grow up Jardy and grow up fast, this world is filled with people like me. The person you are and who you will be determined by how you deal with people like me. You are a “league” official and saying the shit that you just did makes you look BAD! New members are supposed to look up at you not down! Oh and don’t be full of yourself bro! You aint a big enough fish in the league for me to add you to my hit list. No Jericho you will never be next, you are not worth the minute it takes to insult you. You are lower than the scum on my shoe. StevenStamkos you sir got some anger problems! If you let someone online piss you off so much you want to punch a random person then you got issues. I hope you don’t own a gun because then innocent people might get hurt. Megster… this one actually takes some thought. The funny thing is I got so much personal shit on you it’s not even funny. But you know what? For once I will not cross that line. I will just chalk that post and the other ones after that to you being on your period. OMG Kendrick actually making sense! I am ego driven? Really? I HAD NO IDEA! All these posts just prove what I am doing is working, hell it’s working better then I planned. Thanks guys, honestly really thanks from the bottom of my heart I couldn't do this without my faithful fallowing of haters. Kids get Easter eggs and chocolate bunnies on Easter but I get this amazing gift J thanks everyone for making my day! It means a lot to me that you guys continue to give me material to work with. Have a good Easter Robbie Fucking Zimmers
Yes it's happening! Gonna be recorded on Sunday and posted whenever I fucking want! Do I need a co-host? Nope, but if someone wants to take on the tall task of keeping me from crossing the line message me. If I get no messages I don't really give a fly fuck. Things that will be on the show: Things that annoyed me recently Things that annoy me in general Annoying things that I have done recently in my life My pitch of why be like me and not like what you are now The truth as to why I am so cocky and an asshole Why I truly actually hate Kendrick More annoying things Actual sound effects and other shit you hear in a pro podcast. Yes even a real intro! not a fucking song like everyone here Do I need questions? FUCK NO! So don't over exert yourself, I don't want any of you fat asses to get worked up so much thinking of questions since you might need an oxygen tank or a hospital visit. A visit where they will tell you that you need to stop eating yourself to a early grave. But you don't want to hear that now do you? So PLEASE and I do mean PLEASE!!! Do not over exert you're fat body or you're fat chubby fingers that press two buttons at once. I do not care for questions, I got enough material that I don't need questions from people like you.
Are you all having as much fun as I am with this return tour? This is so much fun that I question why I did not do this earlier. I know a few people that this is really getting under their skin and that's what this return tour is all about. But let me set the record straight to the legions of people that hate me. Is this just a return tour? Am I only here to annoy people and not create a new player? Will I even update the new player if I do create one? Do enjoy being an asshole? Do I actually have a line that I will not cross? All those are great little questions from little meaningless people, but out of the kindness YES I SAID KINDNESS!!! of my heart I will finally answer those questions. Is this just a return tour? 89.89% of it is yes Am I only here to annoy people and not create a new player? Nope! I will create my new player whenever I want to. I do intend to name him the name I am not allowed to post atm. Will I even update the new player if I do create one? I don't fucking know Do enjoy being an asshole? Yes! next question Do I actually have a line that I will not cross? Never ever and I do mean EVER! came upon a line I was not willing to cross online and in real life. Return Tour sounds so Je ne sais quoi. How about "The Annoyingly Aggravating Annoyance Tour" I love it! The Annoyingly Aggravating Annoyance Tour Starring: Robbie Zimmers Purpose: To annoy (duh) star
Hi everyone how is life in lame world? I hope the blow up dolls,dildos, fake cunts are treating you all very good...actually I really don't give a fuck! Just wanted to make this statement and attach a fucking poll. Now I am sure about 80-90% want me to be banned as fast as possible. So I am here to purpose something to everyone. I get pleasure out of being an ass and you guys get me closer to being banned. What am I talking about? its actually quite simple my simple minded folk! All you have to do is actually vote yes to allow me to use the player name and back story that I want. Doing this will let me do what I intend on doing, but also will get me closer to that line that I have flirted with oh so many times. The line of being perma banned. Now you must being asking what you the person reading this get out of this. The answer my simple minded user is very simple. What you get 1) Watching me be myself not a censored Robbie 2) Pleasure of fuck you to the mods 3) By saying it will not offend you in anyway gives me unleash this fucking player to the most craziest level I can. Trust me the back story on this guy is fucking nuts! But in doing this I will ruffle a ton of feathers and may somewhere down the road get banned. Now don't you want to be known as one of the people that got me banned? What I get 1) The pleasure of being an asshole You and the league cannot lose in this situation, you can only gain. I do not intend on getting banned, I intend to flirt with that line a few times but not cross it. BUT if I am allowed to create this player and name him what I want (you all know what the name is) it will give me more slack on that short leash that people like Jardy have put me on, and you all know what happens when more slack is given. I will get closer and closer to that line and BOOM it will be crossed. So vote yes and say a big fuck you to the league! If you say no like a shit ton of you losers will that's fine, because me posting this is already enough for me. Oh and no I will not claim this as a point. Also keep in mind I have another player as a back up