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Status Updates posted by Grape

  1. Chat is this real or are we getting pranked?

  2. The VHL would be 10x better if people did media spots during the midpoint of the week. Forum is immensely dry except for like Monday and Sunday.

    1. Pifferfish
    2. Scurvy


      very true

    3. Triller


      I think if it wasn't frowned upon to post multiple times a week and then claim those things much later we could get more posts mid week.  I got a few things in the queue but don't want to post a bunch to back claim.

  3. pwease join Ottawa 👉👈🥺

    1. twists


      no fuck you

    2. Grape


      @twistsI can't send reactions but just so you know I am crying rn

  4. If you're recreating, come join the Ottawa Lynx, the best team in the league

    1. eagle_3450


      *Laughs in Philadelphia*

  5. If someone designs like a poster or something I'll use the rest of my print funds and put it up all around my campus

    1. Gustav


      Hit me up next week about this! I'd design it if you're serious.

    2. twists


      you'd probably get so much pussy

  6. Part of me wishes we could have multis just because I have so many player names I want to use and I don't want to wait years to use them.

    1. twists


      just use a vpn and literally no one would ever know :P

    2. Lemorse7


      dont do it its not hmm good and or do it and dont get caught 

  7. Anyone know how I can find player stats from before season 20?

    1. MubbleFubbles


      Depends what player stats you're after. The career stat spreadsheets made by Victor here covers every season, so if you're just looking for a players career stats, you can find them there. 


      If we're talking seasonal stats though, there are a few that you can find, but not many. 


      Season 18 (Fully Functional Index): http://vhlgames.freeoda.com/VHL18-Index.html

      Season 19 (Fully Functional Index): http://vhlgames.freeoda.com/VHLS19/VHL19-Index.html


      The others only have some partly salvageable data, these are the ones I can grab full stats for:


      Season 13: https://web.archive.org/web/20091228142005/http://vhls13.webs.com/VHL13-TeamScoring.html

      Season 14: https://web.archive.org/web/20100316114636/http://vhls14.webs.com/VHL14-TeamScoring.html

      Season 4: https://web.archive.org/web/20080410021836/http://www.freewebs.com/vhl21/VHL0-TeamScoring.html




  8. Just realized this is my 1500th day since joining the VHL! Crazy how time flies.

  9. Question for you gents: Where can I find all the draft classes? Been digging for a bit and can't find anything :(

    1. Gustav


      Portal for anything more recent (including anything E-related); here for anything older: https://vhlforum.com/forum/91-drafts/


      There's also a VHLM section: https://vhlforum.com/forum/300-drafts/

    2. jacobcarson877


      The VHL drafts section of the forum is stupid and out of order but all of the non-portal ones are in there, somewhere.

  10. I don't care what they say, I'm swapping 7ths at the draft

    1. twists


      It would be negligent not to

  11. Why won't forum let me upload images greater than 78.74 kB? I don't think I even have a file that small ☹️

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Gustav


      If you've been uploading images in the past, the forum only gives you so much image hosting space. You've just used up all but that much.


      Always just upload to Imgur --> copy image address --> paste for images without that limitation

    3. Scurvy


      Ive had same problem.  Thanks for the responses !


    4. Ahma


      the profile pics have an absurd 0.05mb size limit too lol



      forces me to reduce my profile pic so much the quality is garbage

  12. This offseason felt so long it's crazy. At least it's over now

  13. My brother in Christ stop trading for my player rights

    1. KaleebtheMighty


      Last time I swear 🙏

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