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Everything posted by McLovin

  1. 1. I expect Maxim to produce good numbers, providing assists and opportunities for his teammates and being a class act in the locker room. 2. The STEEL BABY! CAN'T STOP THE STEEL TRAINNNNNNN!!!! 3. Dark horse for sure, lots of GMs wrote of the playmaking of Maxim Anisimov and he's making GM's pay for it by producing strong numbers. 4. Viktor Jensen absolutely. He was picked first overall for a reason. He's a machine and I can't wait to see what him and Maxim can do together. 5. Absolutely lovely, the players are joys to be around and the energy in the LR has been next level. 6. E-Dubble, Evan f*ckin Wallace baby. E-Dub is the greatest artist I've ever had the pleasure of listening to and he was taken from the world too soon. RIP Evan
  2. 1. I'm happy we made it, and obviously it's disappointing being bumped in that fashion, but I'm proud of this team and what they were able to accomplish all things considered. 2. Yeah, it's never fun to get swept, but being able to play post-season hockey period is all that matters, cause once you're there ANYTHING can happen. 3. It was a W for sure. We learned a lot about what we need to improve, and where to go from here. It was a necessary stepping stone to propel us forward, and I'm glad we learned the lessons we did. 4. I'm hopefully getting drafted in the VHLM draft that's upcoming, and all goes according to plan I can spend my entire M career with the Aces! 5. Absolutely ecstatic. We've got a wonderful team here and I wouldn't want to play anywhere else to be completely honest. Maxim belongs in Las Vegas, period. 6. Very good! Regularly posting TPE opportunities and helping players get settled into positions and the team, I obviously wasn't here for the whole season but for the parts that I was, I had no complaints at all!
  3. The long and difficult season the Las Vegas Aces have had is finally over. After being bounced by Mexico City in the first round in a four game sweep, the Aces find themselves on the golf course once more, looking for ways to improve and return to the promised land of the Founder's Cup Final. In the seasons since the Aces last appearance in the Finals, the Aces have only won one game in the playoffs, that being in S87. With this in mind, let's take a dive into the Aces and what they could potentially do to elevate themselves to contender status, and bring Sin City another Founder's Cup. The most obvious start would be goaltending. It was the Aces Achilles' heel this entire season, and cost them big time once it came to playoff time. While goal tender Linden Moore cannot be blamed for everything that went wrong this season, you have to start somewhere unfortunately. Being thrown into a starting position in his rookie year, Moore struggled to find his game and couldn't catch a break. Despite doing all that he could to keep the team in games, Moore put up a 14-24-5 record in the regular season, with a 0.888% save percentage, with a 3.65 goals against to go along with it. With the Aces being swept in the first round, it didn't get much better for him. With 3 regulation losses and one in overtime, an 0.862 save percentage and a very rough 4.9 goals against average, it's safe to say that defensively he was not given much help. Obviously Moore is going to improve his game and will no doubt be a solid goaltender for the future, but sadly those numbers just can't match the level of the Aces opponents, who have had remarkable seasons posted by elite talent. With this in mind though, it's only fair that we take a look at the blueline in front of Linden Moore, and assess what could've been improved to help his situation. Defensively it didn't get much better. As it stands, the Aces only have one defenseman signed as we start approaching the post season. Captain Juan Ceson put up a strong offensively minded season, notching 13 goals and 43 helpers to match. Despite putting up a -19 +/-, Ceson had his second best career year in terms of blocked shots, and a career high 291 hits in the regular season alone! With a strong cornerstone piece like him most likely remaining on the team until retirement, building a strong defensive core with him as the highlight of the blue line, you have a promising future in those regards. The issues arise, however, when you consider that a cornerstone like Ceson has been around for a while now, and only has a few seasons left in the tank. This will mark his 8th year of playing in Las Vegas, and one can only wonder if regression is going to damper an already struggling defense. With this in mind, drafting or signing free agent defenseman has to be a top priority of the Aces management, General Manager Blazzer and AGM Viper certainly have their work cut out for them. Onto a much higher note, we'll wrap the review of the season up with the offense and what the plan should be moving forward team-wise. The Las Vegas Aces did not struggle offensively this season, and that should be something to lean on going into S89. With the likes of ShaunYoungca, Jeremia Barbaslov, and RJM nearing the end of their VHLM careers as they move onto Europe and the Pros, the need to either retain or replace the primary drivers of the offense is abundantly clear. Solid prospects have started making names for themselves with the team, with the likes of Jack Foster, Paul Cramer, Nose Nacho Montana and Maxim Anisimov hopefully either being resigned or drafted by the Aces in the upcoming draft. The future is bright for the Aces offense, but an additional piece or two will really solidify an already strong team hungry for championships once more. That being said, let's take a look at the off-season moves Blazzer and Viper can make to turn a fledging hopeful into a dominate contender. First and foremost, improving the defense and getting additional pieces to assist Juan Ceson is a must. The man simply can't do it all by himself, and I sense Blazzer and Viper are going to be potentially moving pieces, whether it be players and/or picks to get help in that field will happen. That being said, I likely see one if not both of the Aces and Reapers first round picks they have currently being used to acquire players that will make immediate impacts on the team. Moving on from that, either signing a strong starting goalie in free agency, or drafting a prospect goalie to potentially backup a rejuvenated Linden Moore might be the play as well. Either which way you see it, an extra pair of pads to help Moore out is essential in my eyes, short and long term. Finally, I definitely expect the offense to be bolstered further in this offseason, with more winger support coming in to assist an already remarkably strong center core. The possible drafting or signing of playmaking minded wingers to sauce dishes to the snipers already on the team would enhance the offense tenfold, and would likely result in very high scoring games should that be the focus of management instead of defense. With players like Maxim Anisimov and Jeremia Barbaslov already filling those roles on the team, retaining them should be a must, and I'm not only saying that because I'm extremely biased. All-in-all, the Aces are a promising team to look forward to watching in the upcoming seasons. A swift and decisive offseason for them will likely propel them back into the elite of the league, and with the assets they currently posses, they have the potential to make some major splashes to chase that dream. Time will tell what ends up happening, but the future is bright in the Neon City. ------------------------------- 1,020 words, claiming for weeks ending 5/21 & 5/28
  4. McLovin


    Review: I'm a big fan of where you're going with this design. The darker and lighter color contrast really adds a nice layer to the graphic, not to mention the fading and almost grainy sort of retro vibe I feel looking at this. As has been mentioned in this post though I'd have loved to see the Marlins logo on the jersey, but overall it's a solid piece and you got a lot of skill already so props to you! Big fan of it though so I'm feeling a solid 8/10 on this! Keep it up!
  5. Review: I absolutely adore this take on graphic design for the forums. It does wonders in immediately showing your artistic skills, as well as your story telling too! Combing the two into a very well refined and detailed graphic makes for a fantastic piece of work that honestly inspires me to dabble in the world of graphic design myself. I'd absolutely love to see more of this, so keep up the amazing work! 10/10 from me!
  6. 1. TPE IS A SCAM! FREE US FROM THESE SHACKLES AND UNLEASH OUR FURY UPON THE VHLM! 2. As an Avs fan I absolutely hate it, plus favor like that could not have happened to a worse team 3. Nearly a point per game pace in only 12 games is wonderful for me, I wasn’t expecting much but this certainly exceeds my expectations! 4. Trading games is never fun, but at least we’re still keeping it competitive so I’m fine with it. 5. I feel like we got some sleeper contenders for a handful of awards. I think it’s very much within the realm of possibility. 6. Maple Leafs reverse sweep and dunk on Edmonton in the finals. Calling it now
  7. Review: Where do I even begin with this incredible graphic. This is a design I don't see many people use, and you do it wonderfully! I don't know what you used to render the player in the graphic but it is incredibly detailed so that alone is what sold me on this. On top of that, you got a nice flow in the background with the Marlins logo too. No crazy color clashing either so this is a very easy 10/10 for me! Keep up the great work cause the forum needs more of this!
  8. Review: Oh man, I am absolutely in love with this graphic. Not overbearing or too flashy at all, very straight to the point and I love that about graphics. The attention to detail on the almost grainy/fabric feel to this graphic really adds a whole new layer to this, and the font is amazing as well. So it should be no surprise I'm gonna grade this a solid 9/10. Keep this up, cause I wanna see more of this for sure!
  9. *This is Marcus Svedberg, reporting from sunny Las Vegas, with an update on, you guessed it, the Las Vegas Aces of the VHLM!" Hello again! It's been a while since I sat down in front of this desk and wrote a media spot on a player or team in the wonderful VHL, so I figured what better time to do that than now! Today, we're gonna be looking at the Las Vegas Aces of the VHLM, and doing a bit of a rundown of their year as the regular season draws ever closer to the playoffs. As things stand, the season could be going a lot better on paper, but there is a conversation to be had about Las Vegas potentially being a dark horse candidate for a deep run in the S88 playoffs. As of writing this, Las Vegas sits in 4th place in the Western Conference with a record of 24-27-9. Let's take a deep dive into the team and assess the pros and cons going into the postseason. A quick look at team scoring and you can tell immediately that this roster is made for scoring. 6 players are at least a point per game, with Assistant Captain RJMW III @RJMWleading the way with 70 points (34g, 36a) in 60 games. Winger and 6'8" behemoth Jeremia Barbaslov @Je Barbaslov and defenseman Leo Lewkowicz @BeanSobie are both rapidly approaching 50 assists each, with 22 goals & 10 goals respectively to scratch as well! Center @Taro TsujimotoTarro Tsujimoto rounds out the 50 point scorers with 23 goals and 34 assists. Rounding out the high end production with the likes of Dank Turtle @DankTurtle & Aces legend Juan Ceson @dylanjj37who are both also putting up very respectable and strong efforts in the lineup too, it makes you wonder why a team of this offensive caliber is struggling to keep its head above water in the playoff hunt. It becomes more apparent, however, as you dig deeper into what's making the team click and the poor luck they've had in their quest for another Cup. Scheduling is always a concern for teams that are considered fringe playoff teams, and the competition this year has been heavy for Las Vegas. When the likes of the Mexico City Kings or San Diego Marlins (who are also on a 7 game winning streak at the moment!) come into town, it's gonna make your life a little bit harder. Given that they're also in the same conference, you can almost guarantee that should Las Vegas keep their head above water and make the playoffs, they have their work cut out for them and THEN some in the top dog competition that is the VHLM these coming playoffs. And their troubles don't end there, unfortunately. Sitting in the fourth to last place, you'd think that they are completely shot and that they only have a handful of players keeping it alive, right? You then see the team scoring and realize that this team is actually one of the better offensive teams in the entire VHLM, outscoring the likes of the Houston Bulls by 15 goals despite being 10 points behind them in the standings. So what's holding this team back you might be wondering? It's the Achilles heel of any professional hockey team. Shaky goaltending. This, mind you, is not a flaming of the goaltenders and casting all blame on them. Don't get me wrong, hockey is a team sport and it's a team that makes or breaks a good season. When you look at the facts, however, you start to see why this could be a source of many problems for Las Vegas going into the postseason, and even beyond. Looking at the goaltending of the teams at the top of the league, it becomes very apparent what a good team, and even great teams rely on for their success day in and day out. Goaltending. Not just your market value beer leaguer either, no, we're talking standing on their head, making diving saves at the buzzer, brick wall goaltending. When you're facing an elite tendy like Jonny Elgar @Jonny or Ross Glagau @Zetterberg who are putting up 38 and 36 win seasons, with a .913 sv% & 2.48 GAA or .915 sv% & 2.48 GAA respectively, you're gonna have a real hard time. Then you have to face goalies the likes of Olivier Gauthier @fonziGG putting up an absolutely mind bending 41 wins with a .927 SV% & 2.15 GAA, you're gonna have a really bad time. Looking inwards towards the Aces goaltending, and sadly you don't get that same level of production. Max Schuett @Schutte put up a decent record of 13-10-5, but the numbers that being 0.894 sv% and a 3.06 GAA, it was not what you were hoping for in a rookie goalie, and could possibly been what contributed to Max being released from their contract in the same season. Linden Moore @orbit has since taken the reigns and is doing his best to revive a dragging team behind him. This being his rookie season though, production hasn't been up to par of the rest of the league with a 11-17-3 record being posted since being signed to his rookie deal. An 0.886 sv% and 3.66 GAA to go along isn't earth shattering either, but one can hope that should Linden choose to return to Las Vegas, hopefully he can continue to build his game and become one of those highly touted goalies in the league. Until then though, the Aces struggle. Moving on past that though, let's end on a happier note and something the Aces can look forward to in the coming future. Trade deadline is an exciting time for VHLM GM's as new players come into the fold and are picked up by the team to play the last few games of the season. This year was no different for the Aces as they went out and acquired a few players to bolster their roster hopefully for the foreseeable future. First off, we have Jack Foster @0kmemie who's having a great start to his VHLM career. 12 points, 5 goals and 7 helpers in 15 games is a very strong start, and Vegas adds yet another strong center to their team to stack that offense. They also went out and grabbed Nose Nacho Montana @Nose Nacho Montana, who's only played two games so far. We'll definitely keep an eye out on them though as their career is looking to be another strong future for Las Vegas. Rounding out the acquisitions for the Aces is Maxim Anisimov @McLovin. Maxim's only played 6 games in his own VHLM career, but has put up 6 points and a +5 (a stat in which he leads the team crazily enough.) Being projected to be VHL drafted in S90, Maxim has a long, long time to develop his game in the minors and looks to be aiming for playing his entire minor league career with Las Vegas. Whether they draft him is still to be determined, but with a strong couple of futures in their hands, so long as the Aces figure out what to do in net scouts are expecting them to come out absolutely swinging for S89. What happens this season though is very much in their own hands, however, so all we can do now is wait and see. This is Marcus Svedberg, reporting from Helsinki, Finland. Go Titans Go! ------------------------------------------------------- 1,240 words, claiming for next two weeks
  10. This is a remarkably well done graphic. Out the gate, I immediately noticed the amount of detail put into this work of art. I constantly found my eyes darting across the graphic noticing little details I didn't see at first glance, whether it be the lens flare or fade effect on the players. It genuinely looks like a promotional ad for a team you'd see somewhere on social media so I'm thoroughly impressed with this one. Keep up the great work, I'd love to see what else you come up with! 9.5/10!!!
  11. As I am a fresh recreate this season, I think my two cents on the matter could be valuable. I haven't made a character for the league in a few years, and when I last played, it was back when GM's would send offers to players in their creation post, and the player would accept right then and there. Usually the pitch would include something along the lines of "Hey! Join my team and we'll throw you on the first line and maybe even draft you in the upcoming draft!" sort of deal. Nowadays, at least from what I've seen, it's a little bit more disconnected and automated. Whereas before GM's had to make individual pitches to players they felt would fit in nicely to their team, they now have to hope that players show interest in their teams with a pitch message and hope even more that the ones that do show interest fit into their scheme. As I am still rather new to this way of operation, there are more likely than not many things of this system that I'm missing or are completely unaware of, but PERSONALLY at least I much rather enjoyed the old system. It involved the GMs more directly with the players, made it feel more personal and was a bit more realistic in all honesty. I totally understand that as the league has grown and grown over the years, the need for more hands off ways to manage teams is becoming more prevalent. Call me a boomer but at least for me, I enjoyed the old ways of waiver claiming from a few years back more.
  12. Early Years Maxim Anisimov was born and raised in the small Ukrainian settlement of Zhurivka by his mother. Maxim never knew his father, but it was rumored by multiple sources in North America that his father was in fact Wayne Gretzky. Regardless whether these rumors were true or not, it meant little to young Maxim who struggled to help make ends meet in his family, where he either spent a large portion of his childhood working in factories, farms, or working at his towns local shops and various business schemes. Anything that could help keep the lights on, Maxim would find himself more times than not getting himself into. As Maxim grew into his teenage years, the winters in the Kyiv Oblast were harder and longer than he remembered as a child. Despite this, Maxim took advantage of the cold, frozen lakes & rivers and decided to lace up the skates for the first time at the age of 13. He was a natural. It took Maxim no time at all to grab a stick from a shop selling old wooden hockey sticks and a ball from his old toybox at home and start playing the game he'd eventually fall in love with. Around this time, people in the settlement started to notice Maxim's skill as well, and it got him on the radar of a few youth teams in the region that were looking for players that could be game changers to their programs. Maxim, however, could not afford to join any of these programs as he was still barely able to contribute enough to help his mother keep a roof over both of their heads. Maxim's Moment Now at the age of 17, Maxim was still playing on frozen lakes with his friends where he was truly refining the skill he'd be known for in the pros. His heads up play and ability to find open sticks to pass to made him quite the quarterback and playmaker for whichever team he got placed in when doing miniature fantasy drafts. Maxim always found himself being drafted 1st overall in them, of course, but he never let it go to his head. His upbringing made him humble to be appreciated, and he hoped one day he could make his family some money doing something he felt he truly excelled at. He got his chance as word had gotten to Kyiv and the Ukrainian National Team President Gennadiy Zubko. He was amazed at Anisimov's playmaking ability, and was stunned that it took him so long to be discovered. Despite his financial problems plaguing opportunity in the past for Anisimov, Gennadiy Zubko offered to front all costs of moving him and his mother to Kyiv and allowing him to play in an actual arena. Maxim was honored, and after a very brief conversation with his mother, it was decided they'd immediately accepted Gennadiy's offer, and Maxim would join the U18 Ukrainian Men's National Team. International Play & VHLM It was everything he could ever dream of. Lights, cameras, custom pads that weren't duct taped onto his body, carbon fiber instead of his old rundown wooden stick. It was truly all surreal to him. One would understandably assume that being immediately thrust onto the world stage would hamper Anisimov's game. If not for good, at least at first, right? Not for Maxim. His playmaking ability was on another level, one the Ukrainian hockey program frankly had never seen before. Ukraine isn't one of those places on Earth that produces a number of remarkable hockey players frequently, so Maxim's presence on the team was immediately felt, and he became an integral part of an otherwise fledging competitor on the world stage. Being on this level of play, and in this environment, it only elevated his status as one of eastern Europe's next up and coming potential superstars. This is when the nickname "Ukraine Wayne" was being floated around by the media, due to the rumors of his father potentially being Wayne Gretzky, which would explain Maxim's remarkable playmaking ability. Call it genetics, call it luck, call it what you will, whether he was related to the Great One or not, he had the ability to be a real competitor should one of the major International leagues like the VHL or it's subsidiaries in the VHLM or VHLE pick up his services. As Maxim became more immersed into the hockey world, he realized that he had a long way to go before he was up to par with the likes of the Canadian and American super factories that were constantly pumping out incredible and generational talent. At the age of 18, Maxim had been doing his best to keep an otherwise deflated team afloat in international competition, and found he enjoyed being in the developmental program more than competing for medals, floating offers from Europe and North America to join real franchises and truly kickstart his career. That's when he was offered $1.5 million from the Las Vegas Aces to play the last few games of the S88 regular season in the VHLM. Maxim was dumbfounded. He never thought he'd see THAT much money in his entire life. He was grateful, and graciously accepted the offer. Flying himself and his mother out to Las Vegas, Nevada, the heat and desert atmosphere was a stark contrast to the frozen tundra of eastern Europe. With a new team and a new purpose, Maxim finally stepped onto the ice with his new team against the Mexico City Kings, and the story has been history ever since. Scouting Report Maxim is a playmaker through and through. Hands made of silk and an ability to read the play before it develops, Anisimov is a powerplay specialist that thrives with a dedicated Sniper on his line. While his professional career at the moment of writing this biography is only two games old, he's one of the few S90 draft eligible prospect's who have already made immediate impacts in the professional scene. Should he maintain this progression and development of his game, scouts can see him becoming a top pick in the VHLE and VHL drafts, and an immediate impact player in any role he's thrown into. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1,035 words
  13. 1. Theme week has arrived, what are you planning to do for the “retro” theme? JOFA helmet, wooden stick, absolutely no visor and absolutely stacking the box sheet with PIMS. I mean what? 2. Did you do Super Coach? If so, how’s it going? If not, why not? I did not do that, and I'm not quite sure what it is, but it does sound very interesting from what I've gathered from the others 3. Will Las Vegas have a big market for the upcoming recreates? Considering they picked up this lil known guy known as Maxim Anisimov, I'd say they're pretty on top of the market right now in nabbing new recreates 4. What’s up with all the 0-1-1 sims for us? Tough luck or just random chance from what I've noticed. Things like that happen, but I'm sure with a minor readjustment the sim engine will be treating us better! 5. What will it take to take our game to the next level? The addition of a few recreates will definitely help, maybe reshuffling the lines and giving the hot players some ice time maybe will hopefully rejuvenate the team for a solid final push into the post season. 6. As of now, do you see us making the playoffs? Anything is possible, so I can absolutely see it. The team is only gonna get better too so I'm very excited to see what we put together here soon.
  14. Player Information Username: McLovin Player Name: Maxim Anisimov Recruited From: Returning Age: 23 Position: RW Height: 73 in. Weight: 186 lbs. Birthplace: Ukraine Player Page @VHLM GM
  15. Hey fellas, long time no see. I’m thinking about making a lil comeback. When’s the next prime time to make a new player? 👀

    1. FrostBeard


      Wowowow, awesome to see you have an interest to come back to VHL! 

      Probably next monday as that will be Trade Deadline! 

    2. Banackock


      Welcome back! What Frosty said about TDL.



    3. McLovin


      Dopeee, sounds good! Cheers! 🥂

  16. 2. April 22nd is Earth day, did you do anything special to commemorate the day? Answer: Considering I forgot it was Earth day not really unfortunately 5. Have you ever played hockey on a pond, or skated outdoors? Answer: I have many times when I went up into the mountains during my freshman year, best week of my life 6. If we all planted trees and they grew based on the premise that they reflected our talent, how would your tree grow. What type of tree did you plant to reflect you? Answer: My tree would be dead the second it hit the dirt if it was based on my talent 7. It's hard being a a team with so many wonderful people, no only do we compete with the other teams but we also compete and help each other gain stats and prestige. Do you ever find this dynamic hard to deal with? Answer: Not a bit, having a team supporting you and hyping you up makes success that much better 9. Does attitude matter? Do you think your moods and words affect your teammates? Answer: That's the easiest question, absolutely it does. Motivational speeches have turned games around countless times, so yes absolutely. 11. If you had a dream or a goal for the end of this season, what is it? Has it changed ? If so why? Answer: Win the cup is always my end goal, anything short is just motivation to try harder next season
  17. #Alternate-Reality-Realness 1. You are famous in this alternate reality as well, how did you get famous? Answer: Superhero, 100% 2. Did not being involved in hockey change the fundamental person you are in this alternate reality? Answer: Probably, hockeys been in my life since I could walk 3. What law of physics or general rule or knowledge about our universe would you change in an alternate reality? Answer: Make the infinity stones a real thing, just to create some chaos in the universe 4. If you got transported to an alternate reality would you rather go to one you control or one where you are part of the story line? Answer: One where I'm a part of the story, it's not fun if I know everything that's gonna happen I want to experience it all first hand 5. Do you think you would look the same in an alternate reality? What do you think would have changed the most physically about you? Answer: Hopefully I'd be incredibly buff as a superhero, but who knows actually maybe I'm still a stick 6. Let's get a little nerdy, would you choose for there to be aliens in this alternate universe and are you trying to be a Peter Quill or Captain Kirk type with those aliens? **Insert eyebrow wiggles** Answer: QUILL ALL DAY LONG BABY
  18. #Holla-Days 1. I know not everyone celebrates Easter but it is almost that time of year where egg and bunny shaped chocolate makes it's way into the stores. Do you like Egg shaped treats or Bunny shaped treats? Is there a reason you have a preference? Answer: Oh yeah absolutely, I've always loved them 2. Speaking of Holidays it is April first soon, if you don't know that is April fools day where people typically play pranks on each other. Would you ever prank someone on your team? Answer: It's not a true team if you don't prank your teammates on April Fools 5. Helsinki has a new rule in honor of Easter and you get to help make it... person with the least __________ has to wear bunny ears and a tail at practice after the games in the month of april. Fill in the blank and tell me who you think will be wearing those ears lol. Answer: Points, easily 6. Who is the one teammate you know would have stolen eggs out of your Easter basket as a child? do you even care that they would take them. Answer: Valtteri strikes me as the type to definitely do that 7. Does your family live in Helsinki with you? What are your usual Holiday plans? Answer: Absolutely, having family around you to support you while you play is important to your success in this league #LOCKER-ROOM-REALNESS Answer 9. What is the most hype part about being on our team (or even being a prospect on our team) ? Answer: The amazing Helsinki team atmosphere is worth dying for, they make this team incredible to be on
  19. 1. How do you feel about your regular season stats?: I'm very happy with my rookie season, it's only up from here as well! 2. What do you think you did best in when it comes to the regular season?: Defensively I'm very happy, once I get those offensive numbers up I'll be very happy 4. Let’s Talk VHL GM turnover now, Both Calgary and Malmo will be getting new GMs what do you think about that?: Fingers crossed to both teams they get a GM that'll lead them to the promised land, as long as Helsinki isn't the way for either 5. Do you think the new GMs will rebuild and sell off for a new start or do you think they ride it out? Ideally keeping pieces that have been around and building around them is the play, but if the team struggles I can see a rebuild. 6. Let’s tag @frostie and @jubis with some words of appreciation for their time and commitment to their positions. They may have been our opponents but we can appreciate a good hustle, right?: Always, it's always a pleasure and an honor to play teams in high stake situations, and props to the GM's for building such strong teams 9. Can I get your best Helsinki cheer?: LET'S GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
  20. 1. Would you ever get a cybernetic body part to improve your performance out on the ice? Answer: If it were legal, yes 2. Do you think there would be more or less issues between humans if we discovered aliens? Answer: If we discovered a species with a greater intelligence than us, all our small problems would disappear 4. Would you ever throw a game for money? Answer: Hell no, the game is what matters not the money 5. Do you think we take enough pride in representing our teams here in the VHL? Answer: Absolutely, the teams are repped by the most loyal players and fanbases in the world 6. Do you think Hockey would be cooler in space? Answer: I'd love to see someone try to play hockey in space, that would be remarkable. 10. Are you happy with the type of player you are becoming? Answer: So far, so good, I got no complaints
  21. 4.) Do you think Valentines day is a real holiday? Why or Why Not? Answer: I mean it's celebrated so yeah I'd consider it a holiday, even if it's a cash grab 11/10 times 5.)Do you have romantic plans for your Valentines day? Answer: Of course not 6.) What do you consider to be a "sexy" or "romantic" song? Answer: Brain Power by NOMA 7.) Have You (or Would you) ever kissed someone on a kiss cam? (Imagine it's not covid, it would be a horrible idea in covid lol) Answer: I've never taken someone to a hockey game before to do that, but absolutely would if given the chance 8.) Do you think theme week themes should be told to the VHL general public in advance? Answer: Not a terrible idea, so that way people can spend more time putting good detail into their work for the week, yeah probably. 9.) Are you a person who usually has they task doen way in advance or are you last minute? Do you feel that theme weeks affect how you get your tasks out? Answer: I'm a last minute person all day every day. Look at me answering these PC questions during the last hours of the week for your answer.
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