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Posts posted by Jayhawk

  1. On 2/20/2023 at 8:02 AM, Thunder said:


    Press Conference

    Week ending 02/26/2023

    (Answer Questions for 2 Capped TPE



    1.  Mexico City is showing the fans some serious hockey fun with a 10.7% team average in goals/shot percentage.  What do you have to say to the hockey fans of Mexico City?



    2.  Another question about GM Cole.  With all the success he has had at Mexico City, do you think Cole should elevate his GM experience to a VHL team or VHLE team?



    3.  Captain Nugget continues to dominate the stats, is there any reason why Captain Nugget shouldn’t be the league MVP?



    4.  Five Mexico City players dominate the skating leaderboard.  Does this display of dominance show hockey fans that this is a team to be reckoned with, and is it safe to say that every player on the team contributes to the leaderboard somehow?



    5.  And then there is Ross Glagau, who leads VHLM goalies.  Is there any weakness on Mexico City?



    6.  Keeping with the Mexico City theme, what is your favorite Mexican meal?

    1 - They Deserve it, They've been great all season. This is only the beginning, we plan on having a parade at the end of all this if you know what I mean. 


    2 - I think it's inevitable. Obviously, it depends on him but i think if he ever wants to, he'll do great. Also, is this your way of saying he needs to leave?


    3 -  No. I mean maybe. Riggins is always an option if you know what i mean lol. 


    4 - Yes and Yes. Mexico has been top of the league since puck drop on the first night of the season. We haven't taken our foot off th epedal and we don't intend to. Also, Every player on this team plays their role. In doing so they contribute in play, and in points. 


    5- I would have said our Defense a little while back but Cole has gone out and brought in some help on the back end so right now, I don't theink there is any one weakness in this team.


    6 - Burritos. Not the taco bell version, The real deal. There something so good about meat, cheese and refried beans that just makes me happy, and the rest of the locker room not so happy lol.  

  2. On 2/13/2023 at 11:52 AM, Thunder said:


    Press Conference

    Week ending 02/19/2023

    (Answer Questions for 2 Capped TPE


    1.  Its Theme Week, the theme is “Rivalries”.  What team is our biggest rival?


    2.  Is there an opponent who is an adversary to your player?  If so, who is it and what team do they play for?


    3.  Did you watch the Washington Capitals game yesterday or did you watch the superbowl?  Or both?


    4.  What is your greatest hockey talent in real life?  If you’ve never played hockey, just guess.


    5.  Mexico City continues to dominate the league.  Is there anyone you can point out who has been the dominating factor, other than GM Cole?


    6.  Besides tarter sauce, what condiment is appropriate with fish?

    1- I've been told it's Las Vegas, But to me, it would have to be San Diego or Houston. San Diego was our roadblock last season, keeping us from a championship. and Houston always seems to give us a really hard fight. For me, it's got to be one of those two. 

    2-Yeah, Gregger McKeggegger. He plays for Ottawa and we are in a serious dogfight in Goals and Points. It looks like we are going to be fighting this out for the rest of the season. 

    3- I watched the Superbowl, it was great. I know controversy but such is sports

    4- It was reflexes for me. I played goalie and while a lot of guys had the technical part down. I was heavily reliant on my reflexes, and they carried me well. 

    5- You have to look at our big 3 again, No wait, it's a lot more than that this season. Riggins, Nugget, Tazzo, Heffelfinger, Glagau, I mean there is not one spot or position that is not solid. The team is deep and we are doing it by committee for sure. You may see the same 3 names at the top of the stats but the team is different this season. There is a lot more depth and at the moment we are enjoying it. 

    6- There is a special condiment that I love to use with fish. Around here we call it the garbage can. 

  3. Words: 584


    Rivalry by definition is competition for the same objective or for superiority in the same field. By that definition, all of the VHLM is a rival for the Mexico City Kings. Over the last few seasons, the Rivals for Mexico City have changed. Last season it was the eventual champions, San Diego. One team that seems to offer Mexico city regular issues is the Houston Bulls. I would also be remiss if I didn't mention Las Vegas, a team that often has something to say as Mexico keeps stepping on them. 

    But through all these different rivals, some rivalries are a little closer. As in, same locker room. If you've ever actually entered the Kings' locker room you wouldn't think much of it. Smiles, jokes, and everything an outsider would say is key to team chemistry. While this is true, there is also a pegboard in the Locker room with updated stats. Stats like league leaders in Points, Goals, Assists, and more. The internal competition to be the top is there, though not flaunted in your face. 

    Points leader Captain Nugget will often have a smirk as he walks past the board.  Tim Riggins and Grizz Tazzo are in serious competition for the overall points leader. You may even overhear the random Captain Nugget comment about leading the other two.  You may even overhear Riggins's re-buddle about leading the league in Goals. Tazzo is no slouch either, he sits in the top 10 in all 3 categories. 

    Remember the definition of rivalry, competition for the same objective or for superiority in the same field. There is no doubt in Mexico City that the Objective is the same for everyone, Win games, Win the championship. Simple right? However, superiority in the same field, that is where things change. Who doesn't want to be "the guy"? Who doesn't want to be the king of the hill, the leader of the pack, the Alpha among the rest? The best of the best do. Mexico City has 3 in the top 6 in points, 3 in the top 10 in Goals, and 4 in the top 10 in assists. Their top Defensman is tied for first in points among Defensemen, they have Captain Nugget at #1 overall in points, Riggins at #1 overall in Goals and Hat-tricks this season ( he has 6). Grizz Tazzo leads the team in Game winners and sits 5th in the league, in almost every category you will find one or 2 Mexico City Kings battling it out with the rest of the league. That includes those within their locker room. 

    Mexico City has proven it can battle its rivals in terms of teams. They have shown they can battle together and put their ambitions aside for the greater good.  The question remains, as the season comes to a close and the stats get tighter and tighter, How will the internal rivalry take form? Will they continue to stand as a united front, or will the Alpha within these players push them to be a little more selfish? Will Riggins hold pack a pass for a sure goal so he can get one more?  

    Rivalries have been a part of life since the dawn of time. In sports, coaches use it to push players harder. However, this tactic can also backfire. Rivalries take on a life of their own, bringing about the best in players, and the worst. Hopefully for Mexico City, the rivalries that will matter the most, are outside the locker room. 

  4. 21 hours ago, kelvi said:



    Really love the creativity and effort that was put into that sig. The thing that stands the most out to be is the jersey changes. The perspective of the logo was altered very nicely and it was col to see you use the Mexico flag on the shoulder patches + whichever logo you have for the upper crest in the white jersey. I love the filter effect you have on there that adds sharpness and contrast, and the logo you have made up for the VHLM All Star. This is an overall great graphic, but I feel the text should be a little more shiny and less comic book-ish. It kind of takes away the authentic look to the graphic to have the text slapped on there. That's probably my only complaint though, I do like the transitions you have between renders as well.



    I was trying to go autograph. Probably should have tried something a little different 

  5. 15 hours ago, Thunder said:

    Graphic Review:


    I really like this graphic.  There is a lot to it and a lot of work to get the logos angled and stretched to make them belong on the jersey.  I especially like the work you did putting the Mexico flag on the shoulders.  Respect!!  The blending of the crowd into the graphic to separate the players is unique.  The logo on the chest of the white jersey is unrecognizable without enlarging the graphic so I cant ding you for that.  The thing I am curious to learn is if the player in the white jersey and the other two faces are the same player?  First looking at the graphic, it appears not to be the same player.  Still, the graphic is full of detail and I like the gold all star in the corner.  I like the signature too because it is enough to recognize the name but not so demonstrative that it takes the focus away from the graphic.  


    Score 10/10 unless the faces are different, then it would be 9/10

    Yeah, these are all Tom Wilson lol

  6. On 2/6/2023 at 7:59 AM, Thunder said:


    Press Conference

    Week ending 02/12/2023

    (Answer Questions for 2 Capped TPE


    1.  This week Mexico City lost a few games.  Are you worried that losing 4 games in a week could be habit forming?



    2.  Ross Glagau has been a stud in goal.  What do you think Ross does to prepare for games?



    3.  Did you watch the NHL All Star game?  Was the outcome as you expected?



    4.  GM Cole is constantly trying to improve the team.  What more can Cole do to guarantee a trophy?



    5.  Who was your favorite coach?  You choose the sport, etc…



    6.  Are Taco Bell burritos better than McDonalds chicken nuggets?

    1- Nope, We trust GM Cole. If he fails us and we start losing, There may be a few trade requests...lol. Just kidding.


    2- Oh i don't think. I know. I've seen what he does before games this season, He gets to the rink about 3 hours in advance, Hits the gym for 30 minutes, Sleeps for an hour and a half and then eats 3 packs of nerds candy. Works every time. 


    3- Oh my god. That boring excuse of a game.... I know we put on a better product than the NHL all-star game. They should have a better skills competition than they do now for starters, and make the game mean something instead of guys skating like they are on vacation. 


    4- I think shoring up the D could be something we need to look at. The offense is scoring and Ross is lights out. Colton Heffelfinger has done just about all a d man can do. Some help would definitely lock us a cup. 


    5- Patrick Roy with the Colorado Avalanche. I mean come on, anyone that insane is going to make his team play to their max, and also John Torts. Guys like that are a dying breed.


    6- NO. This is not a question, this is asking us if we want to run to the washroom before having an embarrassing moment vs feeling very uncomfortable.  lol... Actually I think their both pretty much the same.

  7. The first 100 VHLM games have been played this season. 100 contests giving us a solid data sheet that says one thing, Mexico City is for real. 
    How real are they? In their first 20 games of this campaign, they have 100 goals for. 55 against. Only 2 teams have fewer goals against and no one has more goals scored. Their record through 20 is 19-1-0. That’s right, 19-1-0. Mississauga is second at 16-2-2. Ottawa is the next up at 15-3-2. After that, it’s a drop-off. Mexico is averaging 5 goals for a game and 2.75 goals against. It’s a sharp contrast from the team that was all offense no defense last season. 


    The top 10 in scoring is half populated by Mexico City players. Justin Williams, Grizz Tazzo, Tim Riggins, Noel Roux Jr, and Captain Nugget have been holding their spots in the top 10. Captain Nugget sits #1 on the list with an 11 point lead over #2. 4 Kings have 35 or more points through 20 games. 


    4 kings sit in the top 10 in Goals. And 5 in the top ten in assists. 6 players on the Mexico roster have 30 or more points through 20 games. after starting the season 10-0 many felt the bottom would fall as it was more than many expected from Mexico city, but they went 16-0 before their first defeat. It has become the talk of the M, how is Mexico doing this? One thing to note is the play of Ross Glagau. He may not have the deepest defense core to play with, but the goalie is carrying his own. He has a 0.914 save percentage and a 2.72 goals-against average. Easily among the top in the league. Mexico does have, at the moment, the weaker conference to deal with. Mississauga and Ottawa are battling for the top of their conference with the next team 6 points back, and Mexico's next team in their conference sits 12 points back. While Saskatoon has fallen out of any playoff race, last season's champions, San Diego seem like a shadow of the powerhouse they were just one season ago. They find themselves in a dog fight with Houston, tied for 2nd in the conference. 


    All this is to say that Mexico looks like the team to beat this season. Yes, we are just a quarter of the way through and things can and most likely will change. however, the odds of Mexico having a season to remember is very high. Last season people were talking about the high scoring top 3 in Mexico. This season looks like the high scoring top 5 - 6 in Mexico. Whatever is in the water in Mexico City, They would do well to keep it secret from the rest of the league. 


    Three-quarters of the season left, Mexico has shown it can definitely be the team to beat. With a deadly offense and solid goaltending, this may just be how they get it done. Of course, only time will tell, but the clock is ticking!



    508 words

  8. On 1/25/2023 at 3:15 PM, vincentlg2007 said:


    :col: Express Press Conference :col:

    (Week Ending January 29th)

    Answering three questions gets you 1 Capped TPE

    Answering six questions gets you 2 Capped TPE


    1. What are your expectations for the team entering the season ?



    2. What are your expectations for your player this season ? 

    3- Who do you think will win the VHL


    4- What’s your favorite sport team ?( All sports )


    5-Is there anyone particular that’s been helpful to you since you arrived in the VHL that you’d like to thank/acknowledge?


    6- do you have any question ideas for next week Press conference 😂?

    1 - Go Farther in the playoffs. if you're not winning it all, are you even winning?


    2- Score more points than i did last season. I want to be progressing so more than 91 is a god place to start.


    3- My VHL team. Let's go WARSAW!!!!! lol. Seriously, I think they can do it. 


    4- Sadly at the moment, Juventus. Despite the mess they are in right now, They have always been a succesful team and i've been a fan since i was born lol ( Family cheers for them) 


    5- Yes, My Mexico GM Cole. He's been absolutely amazing and deserves recognition for what he does. 


    6- Yes, Why does the Commish hate all the teams i play for? lol. Just kidding.....Maybe lol


    1-where do you expect the team to end up in the rankings?


    A- Top 2 at least. We have a strong team and we started off so well. My expectations are pretty high. 


    2-What do you want/expect your statline to look like?


    A- Don't know and Don't care really. I'm doing what i can to help my team. Everything else doesn't matter.  


    3-Which team do you think is the biggest threat to Babylon/Steel


    A- Clue. They are also having a great tournament. But i think we can take them.


    4-If you could add/change one thing in the ENTIRE VHL what would it be?


    A- Don't know. Maybe a Sponsorship thing. Where player meet certain criteria and get rewarded with Money or TPE. Other than that, still learning the league. 


    5-What's your opinion on the JST or Pro-AM?

    A- I like it. It's fun to see other players showing off their stuff as well as your player. It's interesting to see where you stack up against the rest lol. 

    6-Are you in any other affilliated forums?

    A- Doubt it. I was in SHL for the longest time and only that so i don't think they are affilliated. 

  10. 1.  We fought the good fight.  I personally thought we had what it takes to win the cup.  Is there anything your player could have done differently to change the outcome?


    - I think Riggins could have helped a little more on the offensive side of things. After 91 points in the Regular season, the 12 points in 14 games in the playoffs is just not enough. He needs to handle the playoff pressure better and produce. 


    2.  What is the next step for your player?  Are you staying at Mexico City, asking for a trade, or moving on to the the VHLE?


    - No idea what the future holds. I wouldn't mind staying with Mexico one more season but we will have to wait for the draft and see where things fall. 


    3.  GM Cole did an amazing job once again.  Do you have any words of wisdom for him?


    - Keep doing what your doing. We all knew defense was a weakness this season and he did what he could through FA. At this point take, inventory of what you have and fill the voids. Next season could be a high for Mexico City.


    4.  Did you make any New Year’s resolutions?  If so, what?


    - Not really. Other than enjoy life as it comes to you.  You can't always stress over things in life so just enjoy it as it comes. 


    5.  Cole wore his Sabres jersey to the game and Buffalo beat Boston.  Is that jersey now a lucky jersey for future Sabres/Bruins games?


    - It is. Him not wearing it during our Game 7 loss is probably why we lost. I blame the elimination on him.


    6.  What was the last thing you ate in 2022?


    - Ohhhh , Tough one. There wa a lot of food. Might have been the belgian waffles, Maybe the shortbread cookies.  Or the lasagna. I don't really remember.

  11. On 12/26/2022 at 8:10 AM, Thunder said:


    Press Conference

    Week ending 01/01/2023

    (Answer Questions for 2 Capped TPE



    1.  It took us 7 games to beat Miami, do you think we are going to toy with San Diego or should we just put them away in fewer games?



    2.  How is your player doing in the playoff run?



    3.  What was your favorite Christmas present you received?



    4.  What was the best gift you gave to someone close to you?



    5.  Do you think Cole should wear his Buffalo Sabre jersey to the Bruins game on Saturday?



    6.  What food was served at your family Christmas supper?

    1- We will give them a run for their money. No Doubt. We believe in us and our GM.


    2- Riggins is doing ok. Wish he did a bit more but in time he'll be picking it up.


    3- My annual Thick Christmas Socks. Get them every year, and always happy when i get them.


    4- Got my Lady a Nespresso. She Loved it. Now she's happy and i get a good coffee.


    5- HELL YES!!! Are you even a fan if you don't.


    6- We had the Full Turkey Supper. ( I made the turkey) It was just as good as thanksgiving.

  12. 6 hours ago, Thunder said:


    Press Conference

    Week ending 12/25/2022

    (Answer Questions for 2 Capped TPE


    1.  Playoffs are coming up.  Do you have a specific regiment to ready yourself for the playoffs?



    2.  What superstition have you had, if any, that affects whether or not you play well or your team wins the game?



    3.  Did you ask Santa Claus for any hockey gear for Christmas?  Follow up question, if you have kids, are your kids getting any hockey gear for Christmas?



    4.  Playoffs are a busy time of the season.  Is the hype keeping you focused, and what are you going to do with TPE to help the team?



    5.  Are you staying on Mexico City next season?  If not, what team are you going to?



    6.  What Christmas song cheers you up?  (No food question this presser)

    1 - Nope. I keep doing the same thing. If it ain't broke, Don't fix it!


    2 - I walk up to Alexander Stroheim and wiggle his ears before every period. Seems to be working well for both of us so why stop now. 


    3 - Oh did i ever lol. New pair of skates for sure. The old ones are worn out. Some sexy CCM Jetspeed FT4 Ice Hockey Skates 

    for sure.


    4 - The Hype Helps stay focused for sure. The Tpe is going to distributed in some defensive aspects. or offensive. We'll see what the GM wants to do.


    5 - I would assume so. I have not been drafted yet so i'm pretty sure i'll be back. 


    6 - White christmas. There are a lot of happy memories with my family tied to that song and whenever i hear it i remember them. All good things!!! Also @Thunder, Merry Christmas man!!!


  13. 1.  GM Cole is preparing the Kings for a play off run by picking up a promising defender by the name of Mark Calaway.  What can you tell Calaway about Mexico City and how will you welcome Mark?


    - I think Cole addressed a need the has. defense was a weak spot and he went out and did what he could to strengthen it. Mark was given the tour of Mexico city, our facilities and our watering hole, which he seemed to enjoy. The team took him ou tto a nice dinner, and this time the new guy paid!


    2.  GM Cole is at it again, building the defense for the playoffs.  Reese McFleury has joined the team from Las Vegas.  With the addition of McFleury, is there anything that can stop us now?


    -Yes, the name San Diego Marlins sound familiar. They are a really good team. That said i don't see us making it easy for them. We've got a few wins on them and them on us so a playoff series will be close in my opinion. But after that, It's all open. 


    3.  Another question about our league leader, Stroheim.  Describe Stroheim’s performance in one word.


    - GOAT


    4. Is Buffalo Sabre center Tage Thompson going to win the Maurice Richard Trophy this season?


    - No, There's this guy named Connor McDavid who leads the league in Goals points and assists and as long as he doesn't get injured, he's winning it. Then there's Jason Robertson who at the moment has 2 goals more than Tage and right behind tage is a guy who can go on a run and light up the net in Leon Draisaitl. It's a great story for Tage but Good luck. 


    5.  Right now, Mexico City is ranked 4th.  Do you think it will matter if we finish the season in 3rd or 4th?  How far will we go into the playoffs?


    - We are fine in 4th. We are going to have to go through San Diego no matter what so 3rd or 4th doesn't matter too much. Don't get me wrong if we can push then great, but the reality is we are fine in 4th. 


    6.  What is your favorite childhood cookie and do you still eat them now?  Also, if you really want to get in depth, who makes the best cookie?


    - It was a cookie filled with lemon cream. The best cookie i've had. I could polish a sleeve in the cookie tray without blinking.  My mom still makes the best cookie. Its a lemon ricotta Christmas cookie. It only comes out once a year and it's gone before they hit the table. 

  14. 1.  It’s Theme Week.  Are you a first Gen?  What can you offer other first gens regarding the VHL?


    - I am technically a first Gen. The biggest thing i can offer another first Gen is don't give up right away. It can be a little confusing at the start if you've never done this but once you get the hang of it, It really is a lot of fun. 


    2.  Alexander Stroheim continues to lead the VHLM in all scoring categories, do you see Stroheim the front runner for MVP?

    - I answered this last week...Yes he's and MVP, Yes he's amazing, Yes he's single handedly carrying this team, Yes he's the greatest player of all time.... Can we get questions of other team players like ...I don't know Captain Nugget, Grizz Tazzo or Ross Glagau?


    3.  If you could give anything to one person in your life, who would it be and what would you gift them?


    - Wow, Good question, I would have to give my guitars to one of my best friends. He's a great guitarist and would love my gear. I'm sure he would put them to good use. 


    4.  The World Cup is in the round of 16, is your team still in the running for the cup?  If not, who do you WANT to see winning the cup?


    - My team didn't make the World Cup, and my second team is out. I would love to see Croatia win it. I think they are great and deserve one. Then there is MEssi and Agrentina. Would love to see them hoist one as well but i doubt they make it past the nest round.


    5.  Mexico City is 21 points behind the San Diego Marlins.  Do you think we can overtake them before the end of the season?


    - Nope. San Diego is running away with it this season and that's fine. We may not overtake them in 72 games but we've beaten them more than once and we can beat them when it counts...PLAYOFFS BABY!!!


    6.  Should alcohol be added to eggnog, and if so what tastes the best?


    - UHHMMMM yup. Definitely it should. Rum could be a good addition but in mu experience, if you put in enough vodka then it tastes nice....or maybe it's just from the effects of all the drinks i've had before... I don't know anymore..

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    Press Conference

    Week ending 12/04/2022

    (Answer Questions for 2 Capped TPE


    1.  Alexander Stroheim continues to dominate the league where it counts.  How you rate Stroheim’s performance so far this season?


    - If he's not league MVP by the end of the season then it must be rigged. Alex has been on an absolute tear. 30 games into the season and a 13 point lead. I mean really? 


    2.  How many of the World Cup games have you watched?


    - Probably 8 or 9. I love the world cup. Even tho i have very strong opinions about FIFA as an organization. The games have been fun to watch. 


    3.  Griffin Bellamy and Colton Heffelfinger recently joined the team and have made an immediate impact.  How did you welcome them to the Kings?


    - We took them out to a fancy restaurant.  Before you get any ideas we didn't let them pay for supper. We let them pay for the limo rentals and hotel for the night lol. We had fun. Welcomed them to Mexico city in a way worth of a KING.


    4.  How long have you been in the VHL?


    - Not long enough. my last player didn't last very long. I am enjoying Riggins tho. 


    5.  Do you agree with me that Cole should be voted the GM of the season?


    - Yes I do agree. Cole has done an amazing job with this team and put us in a place where we have superseded expectations. 


    6.  What is your favorite snack when watching sports on TV?


    - OH BOY. Chicken wings, Chips and dip, Popcorn Chicken, Nashville hot chicken Sandwiches...man there is a lot of Chicken. and maybe Steak tips.

  15. 1.  After one week in the VHLM, is it what you expected being on the Mexico City Kings?  Are you pleased with your player’s performance?


    - I figured we would be a middle of the pack team and after 28 games we are sitting 3rd, Tied with a team like Ottawa. When your surrounded by teams like Ottawa, San Diego and Philadelphia, You must be doing something right. 



    2.  What teammate do you think deserves the most valuable player so far?


    -  Well, there's a shitty question. lol. It's a tough one. Stroheim has been on a tear and he probably deserves it the most, Tho Grizz Tazzo also is up there. We also can't forget our Goalie Ross Glagau, I mean we basically leave him a lone all game and he still keeps us in it. 


    3.  What NHL team would you like to be on?


    - I grew a Montreal Canadiens fan, and i would love to be on that team right now. A lot of youth and a lot of upside to that team. Other than them tho, I would say the Oilers. Give a chance to play with McDavid please. 


    4.  Alexander Stroheim is dominating the stat board, with Tim Riggins and Grizz Tazzo right behind in assists.  Do you see these three on the leader board when the season is over?


    - I do, The trio is probably one of, if not the best trio in the league right now. They seem to be Pushing, Game in and game out, and with updating, this trio may just set a new record. 


    5.  What are your pets and their names?


    - Chicco ( our ClownFish ) and Bruce ( our Husky ) Obviously Bruce is the more active playful one of the two . lol. 


    6.  Does pineapple ever go on a pizza?


    - Never, This shouldn't be a question. Why would anyone ever consider this a good idea. 

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