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Posts posted by Steve

  1. Presser for the week ending 12/31


    1. Have any expectations about  your Christmas gifts? Want something special?
    2. The team is shaping up really well, what are your thoughts on the team?
    3. Spartan is going to be our goalie. Does that motivate you in any way? 
    4. What's the best part about the VHL you like the most?
    5. What's the worst thing about the VHL?
    6. Do you have your own family get together or does your whole family have a feast for the holidays. 

  2. Review:

    Being a captain has always been a special moment for a player. They earned the respect of the team and deemed fit to lead. This graphic has all the right elements to express that feeling. The player looks pumped and looks well cut and positioned. You can't miss the text as it stands out bigtime. I think Helen Keller could read that. I can only find a couple of things that might have been changed. The background is a bit dark. I know there is a picture there but a little lighter would have been nice. The font could have been almost anything that had a bit of flare to it. I do like the back glow to the text. Overall this is a great take on becoming a captain. 


  3. Review:

    I really like graphics that use fewer elements but executed well compared to multiple layered graphics that are thrown together. This one is a very pleasant graphic to look at. The effects with the shadowing and super cool darkened cityscape is a notch above the rest. Your use of 3D on the logo and text looks really good and you don't have to look hard to find the focal point of the graphic. I really like the font you used. It works well with the offset and zero fill. Great job that was made in a proper way.


  4. God it is fun to be in the off season with a non playoff team. It seems like the days go by really fast but the weeks take forever. Don't get me wrong, I knew we would be here as Moscow is in the tail end of a rebuild. I think next season we might even have a few strong string of wins. I am very excited to play with the talent we have and will have. Just, for the love of God, get me through this off season. I know once the playoffs are over, the league flips the switch and shit gets crazy. Before you know it, you are playing in the next season. I want to get there without the boredom of the early off season. It will never change. I spend less time looking at the forum and I am sure others are enjoying the break as well. When it comes time to play, we will be there ready to play.


    I hope everyone has a happy holiday season, however you celebrate it. Stay safe.


    Word count: 179

  5. Presser for the week of 12/24


    1. What do you think about the playoffs. Doesn't look like the regular season is any indicator.
    2. Who do you think will be in the finals? 
    3. What do you see that needs to be changed on our team?
    4. We have some really good players that should develope into a contender. How soon will that be?
    5. Did you buy  yourself a xmas present yet? I bought a kitchen drain.
    6. Out of all the previews of upcoming video games, does GTA 6 standout to you?

  6. Review:

    Very nice artwork. This style really impresses me. You did just about everything right and the results are brilliant. It's not easy coming up with new ideas when it comes to graphics but you pulled a great design out of your bag of designs and ran with it. Great looking render with a really nice logo sway. The background really compliments the render as well and doesn't take away from it. The text is unique and the corner boxes really makes this graphic stand out, in a good way. Great job


  7. Review:

    You are singing my song with this style of graphic. I think you did a fine job with this project. Photomanipulation doesn't become easier until you do a few hundred and learn some of the tricks. I would say all in all you portrayed your concept just fine. Blend modes are you friend when doing this style. Also masking is a big part of the process. Stick with this style and you will make some very good graphics in no time. It has good balance and I am impressed with the attempt. Text looks to fit in well with the rest of the graphic. Great job, do more.


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