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Everything posted by Frank

  1. Our interracial baby is gonna be soooooooooooooooo cute.
  2. About last night, it felt so right.
  3. But then people will just cheat and not talk in the game threads.
  4. Bears Vikings Bears Express
  5. Last GM to win back to back cups tho.
  6. I'll apply for... Team Scandinavia
  7. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IBH97ma9YiI
  8. I'd have to go muff diving.
  9. Burn Jardy at the stake! Escalate mother fucker...
  10. Woah I meant blowjob... Wtf someone changed blowjob to blowjob... SERIOUSLY WTF I JUST WANNA SAY S-I-G Jesus Christ! First to post gets a blowjob...
  11. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B9dSYgd5Elk
  12. Everyone gets 10 tpe from James Faraday. Link this to ur updates to claim.
  13. There will be when Quebec beats Cologne...
  14. In a suspenseful turn of events Frank Chadwick has left the BOG and joined the navy. This afternoon it was reported that Frank had stormed in the league offices wearing leopard skin and playing a tribal flute. He then exclaimed that he was leaving the navy and yelled "Fuck Harper". Sterling then stood up and said "that's a banning", Frank replied with "I should of burnt this place down when I had the chance." Enter Kendrick who gets super cereal and proceeds to fly away on a unicorn. End Scene Chapter Two David Knight to quit shitty job and return to VHL and finally we'll get to see Victor and David battle to the death. This just in, New York has won the draft lottery fuck them. Shoutouts to the following people... Alucard - You're a beast keep up the good work. He's going places! MDawg - Canucks fan and a pretty down to earth dude hope you stick around. In VHL news the Legion and Dynamo suck. Also Jaladolar wants to fuck a last name, not too sure why. Gorlab's waiting for you in traffic while Caillean stands behind a bush with a sniper riffle. If you've gotten this far good job, and yes you do get bonus points if you act like you care.
  15. Dun dun dun
  16. Frank = sexist pig. Gonna have to watch out for the red dot on my forehead from now I guess.
  17. Edit: I'm a moron. Doubles Edit: That goes without saying. Triple Edit: Shut up Higgins.
  18. Me and Phil share a very similar interest in music...
  19. Time to sue some blue liners. Those bastards!
  20. Alucard hitting hard, nice read.
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