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Everything posted by Frank

  1. Stockholm better win. Or this is gonna be bad.
  2. Frank

    RIG/COL ; S42

    In douchebagery fashion.
  3. Title should be of been WHAT IS LOVE? Baby don't hurt me.
  4. Welcome back stick around for a while why don't chyeah.
  5. Frank

    RIG/COL ; S42

    Well that was Kora's trade to make. In hindsight the trade wasn't bad Tukio was a stud but the rest of Quebec went in active.
  6. It's cool I'll be here to clean up the mess.
  7. Leading scorer isn't even a starter at this point. Hits must be at a premium.
  8. Damn Higgins only has one player now.
  9. Cologne going for the repeat.
  10. Sent 20$ to fund Sterling's penis enlargement treatments.
  11. In a season which would be Conner Low's and Matt Bentley's last of their respective careers the Quebec City Meute just hoped to be neck and neck with the New York Americans. When Quebec ousted New York in 7 games there was an air of excitement in the city as a team with no championship considerations knocked off the defending champions. Now down 3-1 to Cologne Quebec is just hoping to win at least one more game before they close out Season 42. "We want to give the fans something to the look forward to next season, and we want to show the rest of the league we're serious about contending for a Continental Cup." Aksel Thomassen said shortly after an optional skate on Saturday. Quebec will be busy this off season trying to work around the cap and improving for next season. The loss of Matthews who retired after missing countless practices and with a history of drug use and perhaps some form of ADHD his presence or lack there of will be only positive for the Meute. I spoke to a source within the organization and he stated "We're not licking our wounds over Matthews we're looking forward to replacing him with a player who actually gives a fuck." Either way Quebec has some tough decisions coming this off season. For the Quebec City Meute this is Pierre McGuire with NBC VHL.
  12. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3xeKcZNJfZ8
  13. I think you mean Over Achieve City, tbh.
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