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Posts posted by VHLwhat

  1. Yeah, I meant to do really well in SBA too. Oh well. Life gets in the way sometimes. And just keep on building whatever kind of player you want man, any updating helps.

    Well your guy is still a starter in the league so that's something

  2. Jefferson Jackson ready for the playoffs


    Newly-acquired center, Jefferson Jackson, is getting himself mentally prepared for the upcoming playoffs. He is said to have talked with many former players about what to expect in the playoffs and how to best prepare for the increased level of competitiveness. For the first time in his hockey playing days, Jackson will have to study the opponent and look for ways to exploit their weaknesses rather than just playing. The coaching staff is said to be exciting about the youngster’s progress and hope he can become a bigger piece to their puzzle when the postseason starts.




    Jefferson Jackson hasn’t played a huge role since his signing but has put up solid numbers for someone so raw, but with the added pressure of the postseason, its unsure how much the coaching staff will decide to play him in the big games. I would expect Jackson to get minimum ice time during the playoffs but he might sneak in a goal and a few assists during a series.

  3. The End of Bobby Ricky





    A player that started with promise but the lack of maturity that would end up costing him his hockey career. Known around the league as a kid with a great slap shot and a great drug addiction, coaches always thought he would live up to his potential but he never did. Instead, Bobby Ricky spent his time snorting up cocaine with ladies that look a lot better drunk than sober.



    Let's just say Bobby Ricky had a "fun" night


    Now barely of legal age to drink, Bobby Ricky will find himself out of the league that paid for his lifestyle with no chance to make it up. Will he try out for the lesser SHL or maybe go overseas and play there? I think the one who would know best is Bobby Ricky himself:




    You all can ask me what I’m planning on doing after this year but man all I care about is going out with these bi**hes and having fun. I’m still a kid with all the time in the world to be serious so right now I’m just gonna party and enjoy life. As for my hockey career, I’m sure I could make a team somewhere if I wanted but I’ve really enjoyed my time in New York so I doubt I’ll go anywhere. There’s so many clubs and hot ladies that anybody would be stupid to move out of this state. I mean Taylor Swift lives in this state… like I can’t move from here. I might have to end this quick because I’m getting sick of talking to all these chirping gorillas. Time for more dru… I mean energy boosters!


    As you can tell, Bobby Ricky is an unstable T-Swift fan (but who isn’t?) with plans to party until he literally can’t party anymore. Obviously he was a huge disappointment to the New York Americans who selected him in the draft, seeing the potential he had to succeed at the next level. However, with the retirement of Odin Tordahl after his rookie season, Bobby Ricky lost the only mentor he’s ever had and went through the worst stretch of drug abuse and alcohol dependency in his life. Instead of spending time on the ice, he spent time drinking drinks with ice. He was seen multiple times smoking weed and taking ecstasy in the underground New York clubs, which led to some delusional thoughts.




    We all wish that Bobby Ricky could have stayed clean for even a few years just to see what he could have turned into but when a young kid with drug problems is given millions of dollars, you can’t expect him not to fall back into those bad patterns. Maybe one day you’ll see him come back in the league, but odds are his playing days are done in this league.

  4. Jefferson Jackson starts his pro career





    Now eleven games into his VHLM career, the young hockey star from California has put up a solid six points with an even three goals and three assists. Jefferson Jackson has been solid in his time on the ice and is starting to gain more of the coaching staff’s confidence. With some solid coaching, his passing has started to become exceptional and with his great ice vision, it becomes so much easier to find teammates. With teammate Vogon Jeltz scoring a league best 114 goals through 59 games, Jefferson knows who to give the puck too close to the net.


    Even with his added passing ability, his shot still remains wildly inconsistent and has yet to become a focal point in his development. However, the coaching staff remains confident that he has the ability to score the puck once he becomes consistent in his shot. Rumors are that they will hire a left-handed shooting specialist to help Jefferson Jackson with his shooting abilities in the coming weeks. Until then, be prepared to see a lot of his shots go off target.

  5. What can Jefferson Jackson do on the ice?




    With the 17-year-old out of San Jose announcing his intentions to join the VHLM for the rest of this season and all of next season, most fans of the league want to know what this kid can bring to a team. As we look at this California prospect, it may be tough to predict how his strengths from his club hockey team can translate but there is strong belief that a vast majority of his skills will be able to make the transition.


    For a player of his age, Jackson brings a great vision on the ice to find openings and predict the action on the ice. It seems that the action goes in slow motion for him at times, making him able to see the ice and where players are moving.  Another big strength of Jackson’s game is his ability to get up and down the ice with great pace. In his club games, he was easily the quickest player on the ice and paired with his great vision, this makes him an ideal playmaker at any level.




    Like any 17-year-old, Jefferson Jackson is definitely raw in a lot of areas. The biggest hole in his game would be his inability to defend. You can tell when you watch his game that he was never taught on the basics of defending which has led to his strong offensive abilities. Another part of his game that can struggle is his puck handling ability. Even though he can see the ice well, there are times where he gets sloppy with the puck and the defense can easily take it away from him. This should be an easy fix though once he gets the coaching at the VHLM level as they can put him through many hours of training.


    Jefferson Jackson has the ability to score the puck but tends to be inconsistent with his shooting form. Being left-handed, the coaches he had growing up weren’t accustomed to teaching left-handed players which left Jackson to teach himself for the most part. This self-taught shot from Jackson looks awkward at times, especially in a one-on-one situation with a goalie, but when he doesn’t hesitate his shot can look fluid. Again, with professional coaching, this will be improved as he develops his overall game.






    If you’re expecting this kid to be a superstar at the VHLM level right away, expect disappointment. He’ll show flashes of brilliance with his vision and passing but he will have a lot of times where he looks outmatched on the ice, like any 17-year-old would. However, after he gets the rest of this season and the offseason to really work hard on his game, it wouldn’t be surprising to see Jefferson Jackson become an elite level VHLM player and a high VHL draft pick. From the scouting reports out there, the low-end potential of Jefferson Jackson would still be a solid VHL player with the high-end potential has Jefferson Jackson as a HOF-type player. Only time will tell if this kid from San Jose can live up to the hype and become one of the best to lace up the skates.

  6. Jefferson Jackson starts his career


    The hockey star of San Jose, California has announced his intentions to join the VHL through their VHLM league and forgo his senior year of high school as well as the opportunity to go to college. Jefferson Jackson has been highly touted in the San Jose area for some time for his great abilities at such a young age and it will be interesting to see if Jackson can make a successful jump to the professional ranks. Jefferson Jackson led his club hockey team to a divisional championship, scoring 18 points (8 goals, 10 assists) in the 8 game tournament and looked like a player that was better than the competition in almost every facet of the game.





    The main reason Jefferson Jackson is rumored to have made the move to the VHLM is because of the great prestige of the VHL and his want to make his mark on the professional ranks as soon as possible. With the vast amount of talent the league has, he figured playing against the best early on would only make him a better player in the long-run.


    Just because he’s making the jump to the VHLM instead of his senior year of high school, don’t expect him to go immediately into the VHL but rather play in the VHLM for the remainder of this season and all of next season until he makes the jump to the VHL. The future looks bright for this young kid and let’s hope the light will shine bright for some time.

  7. After TD = S44, Before = S43, he said if you would wish to enter the S43 do it now.

    Oh... I thought he was allowing players to do it now. I shall be back in a week!

    Edit: It looks like Yeah just made a player for S44

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