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Everything posted by samx

  1. I mean when I joined the league it wasn't for the community. It was for the actual game and league. So sure yeah I've stuck around alot because of the community but I do enjoy the stats side of things and I enjoy the actual process of the league. There's levels to enjoying the stats side of the league but you're correct in the fact that idgaf if my player gets x,y and z awards. I do care far more however about team stats as I find that way more interesting to look at rather than an individual player. I'm not saying cater to what would get people like me interested. But I am pointing out a perspective of someone who is on instagram and what would interest me. That's gonna vary person to person but for as many stats people as we have in the league we also have a whole lot who are not stats people and a whole lot that fall somewhere along the spectrum.
  2. I think we should all start putting flyers up around our respective towns to get recruitment up. That will do the trick.

    1. Gustav


      I got responses to a survey in my freshman year by leaving flyers about it in random buildings. When the first one hit a couple hours after I printed the first few I was so happy.


      This is something that gets brought up a lot but as far as I'm aware no one's ever done it. I don't think whoever makes these things should be able to claim recruitment TPE for them (as there's no one-on-one interaction, and also in case it really ends up working), but if you care about the league itself, whether you get a kickback on it shouldn't make a difference either way in whether you want to do it.

    2. Prof. Zach Enron

      Prof. Zach Enron

      I will be trying to put up some signs tomorrow hopefully. nothing too weird but something to get peoples attention 

  3. See if I quit the league and I follow the instagram more than likely after the first post I see from them I will unfollow them. But that's a me thing and maybe a majority wouldn't do the same.
  4. I just don't see this being any more effective than what they are doing. Its not that they shouldnt do it but I dont see it being solution to the problem at hand. I also see alot of the same instagram users in my explore page constantly even if i dont follow them. So yes who is following them, its good and well to cater towards but people who are following the instagram are also probably the people who are here and more likely to stick around in the first place so retention should be less of a focus. But I also think instagram is a silly way to advertise in general. It's too maybe this maybe reach the right audience which is very much not in anyone's control.
  5. I mean I guess I wouldn't be interested in random stats from a fake hockey league out of context but maybe I'm not nerd enough lol.
  6. Genuine question who is gonna care about trades and standings if they aren't in the league? What random instagram person is gonna care if Bob was traded for Joe in a fake hockey league. I don't see that being an any more effective way to do things. As well as instagram isn't really meant to be a retention thing. Like idk about you but I'm surely not going to the vhl instagram to decide if I want to stick around or not lol. Recruitment job isn't really retention. It's to get people interested in the league it then becomes gms and the community's job to make it a place they want to stay.
  7. I don't recall saying what they are doing is the best they can do but I'm also saying it's alot harder than during when we had those peak recruitment drives because times are different. Giving them actual ideas is more helpful than just shitting on there work. You can say throw a YouTube ad out but thats alot easier said than done. Youtbers that would actually get us decent recruitment prices are often unreasonable for a smallish forum community. Again I agree that something needs to change but shitting on people and their graphics isn't the way to go about it.
  8. I will say from the talks I've had with people in recruitment it is way harder now than it use to be. YouTubers have hiked up ad prices, the good old reddit posts most places don't allow anymore. There's also only so many times you can do a YouTube ad with the same people before you aren't reaching new audiences and this is a pretty niche thing. I agree things need to be done but it's a different scene then it used to be. Your not being helpful with this post but rather just complaining to complain when it's a known fact that we need more recruitment and they also know it.
  9. samx

    HSK/VAN; S91

    I prefer it this way. let sam be
  10. samx

    HSK/VAN; S91

    They are alot easier when u aren't annoying me every 5 seconds
  11. It is tuesday

  12. hey theres a river... let it be
  14. teeth are so strange


    1. vincentlg2007


      Especially when you see that Adult teeth  are right under the eyes of a child

  15. What is the best form of potato 

    1. rory


      right before harvest, because it has infinite potential

    2. Thunder
  16. I'm disappointed my meme quote wasn't used. You totally could have fit it in.
  17. I did it just for you
  18. It would probably help if I reapplied my banked the lol
  19. I literally have chosen... there was just no change to who it was before I took over lmao
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