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Everything posted by Da_Berr

  1. *Week ending August 30* (remember only have to do 6 for your 2 capped TPE) 1 .The regular season has ended, what did you think of our team's performance? 2. We ended the season as the second best expansion team, how do you think we'll do compared to the other expansion teams next year? 3. Any prospects you particularly want on the team this draft? 4. What are your plans for this offseason? 5. If we had a VHL game (NBA2K, or NHL2K), who would be our cover athlete? 6. What do you feel about the chat feature being taken down? Did you even notice? 7. Who is going to come out on top in the Wild Card round? (VAN vs DC) (DAV vs MAL) 8. What is going to be the first stat that you max out to 99? 9. What's your favourite fast food place or restaurant? 10. What's better, onion rings or fries?
  2. Rip McWolf, the only person I've ever seen use chat
  3. With only one or two games remaining in the regular season, who will be participating in the VHL playoffs is almost set in stone. The only noticeable changes that can happen at this point are centred around the European Conference with Malmo, Prague and Davos fighting for a playoff spot. Of the three, Malmo is leading the pack with 77 points in 71 games. Both Davos and Prague are close with 74 and 73 points each, with a game in hand. Due to the uncertainty of who will make the playoffs in the European Conference, I'll be covering matchups in the NA conference first. If you didn't know already, 5 teams from each conference will make the playoffs. The top 3 teams of each conference will be guaranteed a top seed and a spot in the first round. While the 4th and 5th seed will battle it out in a best of 5 wildcard round. Wild Card Round | VAN vs D.C. Forwards (D.C.) On paper, purely TPE wise D.C. has a better forward core than VAN. Louth and Graves have both been phenomenal this season, each respectively getting 104 and 103 points. They'll keep each other in check for this series, and the same can go for Tocco and Lesieur, each with 92 and 99 points this season. Despite the top two forwards from each team being comparable to each other, past that D.C.'s forward depth is much better than VANs. Comparing the two rosters TPE wise, only Louth is better for VAN than the opposing man on D.C. Yet, both team's forwards in terms of regular-season production have been nearly identical to each other; that could be a result of line chemistry or puck luck. When these two teams face off with one another, D.C. will have a slight advantage in forward skill. Defense (VAN) Once again, D.C. seems to have the advantage for D, purely based on TPE and depth. Yet, despite this case, VAN's D core has been outperforming D.C.'s across the board. Downey this season has cemented himself as one of the best D in the league, and an elite two-way player with 104 points. Valentino has also had himself a great, but quieter season having 90 points. Past that, Manzer and Adrienne have both been out competing their counterparts on D.C. in points, hits and SB. The lowered point totals for D.C. this year is most likely more indicative of their struggles as a team this season, rather than their players' abilities. Even with that considered, it is difficult to ignore pure performance from a player, so I'm giving VAN the advantage here. Goalies (VAN) For positions, a goalie's value and performance are difficult to judge, as many of their stats are reliant on the team around them. If we are basing it purely off of TPE, VAN has the advantage with Spyro. It is also worth noting that VAN has a better backup in Sjostrom. Although it is always a bad sign if your starting goalie has to sit a game or gets pulled, a better backup can help relieve some of the stress that lies on the starter's shoulders. Spyro this season has also been outcompeting Wolski in terms of SV%, 0.914 to 0.909. Despite Wolski having a better GAA, I believe that compared to SV%, GAA is more team reliant. Spyro is the type of goalie that can steal a couple of games from a series, which I don't know if Wolski could do. Special Teams (D.C.) Special teams can either make or break a team, and I believe that this is what will determine the fate of the series. In this category D.C. and VAN are complete opposites. VAN has the second-worst PK in the league with a measly 77.12%, whereas D.C. is fourth-best, with a 82.87% PK. On the PP VAN is third-best in the league with a 22.22%, and D.C. is sitting mid-bottom of the league with a 16.87%. For the majority of the season, VAN has had troubles with penalties, and it shows with them accumulating almost 100 minutes more than D.C. sitting in the box. Despite those concerns, they have reigned in their difficulties and in the last couple of games have been having fewer troubles in the box. Only time will tell if it will stay that way for VAN, or if they'll return to their old ways. If the latter happens, there is a high chance that D.C. will win this series. Momentum (VAN) Momentum going into the postseason is huge for any team. VAN in their last 10 games have gone 8-1-1, which was enough to pull them into a playoff spot in the first place. D.C. on the other hand, has been maintaining a steady pace of 5-5-0 in their last ten. This category favours VAN. FINAL VAN 3-1 Overall The two teams rosters are extremely comparable. TPE wise both teams star players are almost exactly the same amount of TPE, although D.C. has better depth across the board (past the first 2 players for D and F). D.C. probably should've been a much better team this season than they were with their roster. Maybe it is due to bad luck or poor line choices, but they have been consistently struggling this season. In a way, they resemble VAN before the MAL trade, where Jungkok was shipped off. Despite not being a bad player by any means of the imagination, he just didn't fit into the team that well and as such, was detrimental to the team's success. Maybe if D.C. got rid of a player or two, they could become much better, although I have not idea who they'd get rid of. Also, it's a bit late for that this season. Like I said earlier this series will also greatly depend on VAN's ability to not make penalties. Perhaps the GM will find lines that will really click and make the series more competitive than expected, but as of now, I see VAN having little to no trouble beating D.C. 1009 words, claiming week ending Aug 23 and Aug 30
  4. *Week ending August 23* (remember only have to do 6 for your 2 capped TPE) 1. With Bridges inactive and HHH went next season, who do you think will step into a leadership role? 2. The LR has been quiet this season, it'll get better next season when you all come up, but do you have any suggestions for the LR? 3. Of the prospects we have who do you think will reach 700 TPE first? 4. If our team was struggling with the salary cap, would you hold off on earning TPE (until contract negotiations are done) so we could sign you to a lower contract? 5. Who do you think has had the most improved season this year? (Can be VHL or VHLM) 6. Who's your favourite teammate right now? 7. How is everyone holding up with the pandemic going on still? 8. Favourite movie? 9. Where would be the best place to host the VHL playoffs if we were in the bubble? 10. If you could bring one person with you into the bubble, who would it be?
  5. Couple of my thoughts as a VHLer, since I need the TPE (Part 2). VAN has been on a roll ever since we decided to trade Jungkok. No hate to Fong, and I'm not saying he's a bad player, but our team has had better chemistry since the trade. Currently, we are on a 6 game win streak, and I only expect that to climb. We'll probably pass DC and TOR in the standings; we might even be darkhorse candidates for the cup. Su has started to pick it up on the ice again! Had some great games on our current 6 game win streak, and I'm clicking on the second line with Stallion. I'll probably break the 80 point barrier this season, and hopefully in the next 100. Almost all the top scorers (top 4/5) in the league this year do not deserve the Scotty Campbell Trophy this season. Despite some insane stats lines that are being put up this season, especially by players on expansion teams, I don't think those players should win MVP. I'm mainly looking at the team success of the exp team players. An argument could be made that they willed the team to ____ number of wins, but MVP has to go to a player whose team made playoffs. Otherwise, it is just putting up empty stats on bad teams.
  6. Here's a couple of my thoughts as a VHLer, since I need the TPE. With the recent departure of Brewin and Bridges due to school, it makes me wonder how my activity will be affected since I have to go through first-year eng soon. Our Warsaw LR is pretty quiet to be fair I only have VAN to judge off of and that LR was pretty quiet too when I was just drafted. I wonder how the other Expansion teams are doing with their LRs since most teams only have 1 or 2 actives and a pool of prospects. My stats have fallen off. A week or two ago, I thought I could break the 80 or 85 point mark, but recently Su has started to fall off again. I don't know if its due to line changes that VAN loves to do, but both Su and VAN are looking like they'll have mediocre seasons at best. The point per game marker for a VHL season is not as impressive anymore. With expansion teams and league scoring point per game, players are now quite common and aren't going to wow anyone.
  7. *Week Ending August 16* (remember only have to do 6 for your 2 capped TPE) Damn time flies, we're almost done the season and can soon get all of you on the actual team. HYPE! What do you think about NY getting the first overall pick this year (NHL)? Are you expecting us to make any trades this deadline? Any trades you want to see? Who do you think is going to be the best player in this upcoming draft class? For those in the VHLM, how is your team doing? Are you happy that you stayed down for another season? What is your favourite arena/city to play in when we're visiting? What would be your ideal version of a goal song? What do you do pregame (any rituals)? Where would you go for your dream vacation? Who do you think is the favourites to win the WJC this season? Does Muff really love you?
  8. We currently are just slightly over halfway done the season, so now it's time to make some awards predictions that are way too early. Its been a crazy season with four expansion teams being introduced and league scoring increasing as a result. So without further ado, let's see who is going to be the favourites to take some hardware home this season. Scotty Campbell Trophy- League MVP Now here I have a player that I believe is currently the reason why their team is even in the playoffs, and it's RJ Jubis. With 56 points and splits of 29 goals, 27 assists, Jubis is the top scorer on a solid Calgary team geared for the playoffs. He's currently 6 points ahead of fellow teammate Kris Rice but holds a whopping +30. Not only has he been contributing on offence but also on defence with over 100 hits already. The reason why Jubis is my candidate is that all other top scorers are either putting up empty stats on bad teams (expansion teams) or are on incredibly stacked teams, that honestly wouldn't miss them too much if they were gone (NY). Jubis is not only putting up insane numbers but is also an essential part of the team. Brett Slobodzian Trophy- Most Outstanding Player Currently, I think there is one definite standout candidate for most outstanding, and it's Sigard Gunnar. After being picked up in the expansion draft along with Tyler Barabash Jr by LA, Gunnar has been on a tear so far. He's leading the league in points so far with 72, and it isn't even close. HHH and Barabash are both 8 points behind with 64. Not only are his point totals impressive, but he has also accumulated 83 hits and 22 blocked shots, showing his defensive zone contributions as well. Furthermore, despite being on a less than stellar LA team, his +/- is a solid +14, beating out other candidates such as HHH and Lesieur. If he continues on the pace that he's going, he'll not only bring back the award but also have one of the greatest seasons ever in VHL history. Christian Stolzschweiger Trophy- Top Rookie This is the part where I rant about how rookies in the S72 draft class got absolutely boned when they decided to play in their rookie season. In terms of TPE inflation and low league scoring, it was a terrible time to make a play if you only cared about stats. But here we have a fellow S72 rookie who decided to stay in the minors one season and is now feasting in the bigs. That player is Lucas Brandt. On a stellar PPG pace this season as a rookie, Brandt has turned some heads. He's currently a solid option for the perennial powerhouse of Moscow and has been primarily been focused on offensive zone production. Brandt has come in clutch countless times for Moscow this season so far, with 6 game-winners, the most in the league. Although this year's rookie competition is tough, if Brandt can continue the way he has, he'll not only win ROTY but be a great player for seasons to come.
  9. Vancouver's hopes of making the playoffs this year are looking grim. Despite losing much of their original core (HHH and Freeman), Vancouver this season looked like a dark horse candidate for making a deep playoff run. With the recent acquisition of promising prospect Micah Adrienne (R), along with the development of Gino, Su and Jungkok, VAN looked set for a solid season ahead of them. That with not even considering their original core of Manzer, Downey and Spyro. Unfortunately, somehow VAN's tires seem to be stuck in the mud and are currently tied for 5th in their division with a record of 18-19-4 and 40 points. The reasoning behind why they are struggling so much is because of their special teams, specifically the penalty kill. VAN, as a team, is currently leading the league in penalty minutes with 502. That combined with the second-worst PK group in the entire league at 75%, can be used to explain their struggles this season. Last season VAN suffered a similar problem with Freeman racking up too many PIMs and the eventual trading away of him. Hopefully, VAN can somehow find a way to improve their special teams this season or the next, or else they may never find themselves in the playoffs.
  10. *Week Ending August 9* (remember only have to do 6 for your 2 capped TPE) In the future do you have any plans of becoming a GM or AGM? If you already are one, what do you think about it? Do you think there will be any more expansions before S80? How did you come up with your player's name? Any career goals you want to reach with your current player? If your player is close to retiring, any goals for your next player? What is your ideal contract? Longer-term and slightly less money or more money and lower term? We've been struggling a bit this season, what would you in our current situation as GM? What do you think of the STHS system we currently use for sims? What's your top 3 favourite pizza toppings? If you don't like or don't eat pizza, what's your favourite fast food? Who do you think is the favourite to win the cup this year in the NHL? If you don't watch hockey, what about other sports? If you are starting a new team, what position would you focus on filling first? (G, F, D, C)
  11. With a third of the season finished, we'll be taking a look at how the four new expansion teams have been getting along so far. Currently, all four teams are in the bottom half of the league standings, which was expected this season, but let's take a closer look to see why each team has been doing the way they have. First, we have the Chicago Phoenix, coming in last with a record of 4-20-0. Looking at the team, it is easy to see why they have been struggling this season. On their roster, they have 5 players just barely above 300 TPE. Their three top players of Squirrely Dan, Adam Syreck, and Jean Pierre Camus have done their best in keeping the team alive, but to little effect. The main concern of Chicago this season has been their defence. Although they have Adam Syreck scoring at a point per game pace and four other players already at double-digit points, they have a goal differential of -49. Their goalie of Jean Pierre Camus has done a respectable job so far this season with the lack of defence on the team having splits of 0.908 SV% and 4.0 GAA. This season from Chicago may be one of the worst seasons ever in VHL history, but their main goal is to develop the prospects they have. If they can do that, they will a definite playoff team come next season. After Chicago, we have the Warsaw Predators with a 9-15-1 record. Despite the massive signing of HHH this season by Warsaw, it seems to have had little effect on their record. Not only is generational talent HHH on the roster, but the supporting cast isn't too bad either. Alex Bridges and Dalton Wilcox are some of the more well-known faces on the roster and are both over 400 TPE as well. All the players on the roster have reached double digits with over 5 players reaching a point per game mark this season. HHH is leading the pack in one of his best individual seasons, notching over 40 points so far. The goalie, Nicolas Fomba, has also done a great job with his first-ever starting job in the VHL with splits of 0.911 SV% and 3.80 GAA. Despite being second last in the league, their goal differential tells a different story, with only a -14. That would put them ahead of both London and DC, each with -30 and -24. With a little more puck luck, Warsaw could shoot up a few spots in the standings, but like Chicago should be solely focused on developing their promising prospects. London with a record of 10-16-0 is just barely ahead of Warsaw in the standings, with a very similar team. Instead of a generational talent like HHH, London instead has an elite player in Guy Lesieur and some more depth to round out the roster. It is surprising that their team has done as well as they have with their abysmal goaltending, reflected in their -30 goal differential. With this team, their wins are extremely close, but their losses are blowouts. Overall the roster has done a great job on the offensive side of the ice, with all their players in double digits for point and 6 of them have 20 or more. Guy is leading the pack with 40 points, and their prospect pool is also very deep. Finally, we have LA, who is not only the best of the expansion teams but also ahead of DC. Currently, they have a record of 11-12-3, almost being 0.500. Despite their lack of a capable goalie, they seem to have figured some things out with their aggressive style in the expansion draft. Instead of drafting for the future, they instead opted for some big names close to the end of their careers and were able to pick up Tyler Barabash Jr, Markus Nygren and Sigard Gunnar. Despite not having much depth, they are currently being carried by their superior star power. Sigard Gunnar is leading the league in points with 48, Nygren has 33 and Barabash has 42. Despite their initial success, they will have a slightly smaller prospect pool for other teams.
  12. With the addition of the new expansion teams, it seems as if league scoring is on the rise again. After a few seasons of continued lowered scoring, the commissioners of the VHL shocked the sports world by declaring a 4 team expansion. The main purpose was to increase the amount of scoring seen in the league. In season 72, we had 7 different players crack the 90 point total, with Condor Adrienne leading the pack with 100. In addition to that, we had another 8 additional players all reach 80 points or higher. Currently this season, our leading scorer is Sigard Gunner, with 47 points in 25 games. From the sample size so far, he will be projected to get 135 points this season, blowing last seasons leading scorer out of the water. The competition isn't too far behind either, with 30 players currently on pace for 80 points or higher. It does indeed that teams are scoring more goals now, and point totals will continue to rise in the near future.
  13. *Week Ending August 2* (remember only have to do 6 for your 2 capped TPE) Whose your favourite player in the VHL? What do you usually do for point tasks? If we could have any sponsor for our team, who would you want our team to sponsor to be? Ray Shields is currently tearing up the league. What's his secret? If we could get any player in the league to join Warsaw, who would you want it to be? What do you think of the expansion teams so far? Have they impacted scoring in the VHL? Where should the VHL expand to next? Who is your early MVP candidate in the VHL? We've played a few games now, how do you think we are doing? Did you expect us to play like this? New York seems unstoppable this season. Do you think anyone can catch up with them?
  14. With the first (approximately) week of VHL hockey behind us, it is the time that every sports analyst loves to do. It's time for way too early predictions for the season. This time, I will be covering predictions based on way too little actual data for the four new expansion teams. Firstly, I believe Warsaw is going to be the best expansion team this year. I am definitely a little biased and currently, Warsaw is only a single point ahead of our second-place LA team, but I believe that they are a possible playoff team. Their most obvious point of success has come from the signing of generational talent HHH, who currently has a whopping 18 points in 10 games. Not only does Warsaw have the best player out of all expansion teams, but they also have a decent bit of depth to support HHH. Alex Bridges and Dalton Wilcox are the two other biggest names on the team and are both currently doing quite well in Warsaw. Fomba who has never started in the VHL before is also currently playing lights out in net. Although it is unlikely that they can maintain their pace, there have been stranger things that have happened in pro sports before. Warsaw will likely be looking to replicate the Vegas Golden Knights inaugural season.
  15. considering I've done 2 actual graphics my time here, im surprised im not in trash tier
  16. Second ever PC for Warsaw! I'm dedicating this PC to (Lets pray that this is correct) Dakota Lamb, sorry for getting your name wrong. As Kayne says, "I know I act a fool but I promise you I’m going back to school.” *Week Ending July 26* (remember only have to do 6 for your 2 capped TPE) If you had to compare your current player to an NHL player (or any pro athlete), who would it be and why? Who do you think will win the cup this year? What would you choose out of the 3 following things for your player's career? Personal Success, Team Success, or Money. If you had to play any other position than the one you are playing right now, what would it be? What is your favourite pump-up song before a game? If you had to become a professional athlete in any sport other than hockey, what would it be? You're coming down the ice with speed on a 2 on 1. Do you take the shot or try and make a pass to your teammate? HHH has just joined the team, trying to take everyone's minutes (including the goalies and the Dmen). If you beat him at one thing he'll stop, what do you challenge him to? Who's your favourite artist (music) to listen to? What's your pregame meal?
  17. When I was 13 I was playing with ELI on the local playground. BTW Predators for life.
  18. Da_Berr

    Uh Oh

    Uh Oh, this is a public announcement! I have been officially demoted from "party manager AGM of Warsaw" to "I actually have to do my job, AGM of Warsaw." In my opinion, Muff's choice to demote me is completely unfounded. All I forgot to do is make a draft board for the VHL draft, expansion draft, and send offers out to free agents. Apart from that, I have done everything AGMs usually do in the bigs. I've been keeping our players' morale up by hosting eating competitions, and I even once posted a link to something related to TPE. I'm pretty sure Muff actually wanted to either kill or fire me after I started pulling out the GRU memes, but unfortunately when he signed me on, he didn't read the fine print of our contract. On a completely unrelated note, I now own half of Muff's house and his yacht. So next weekend we are hosting a party in my half of the house and my yacht.
  19. The draft is an especially exciting time in any sport, not only for the prospects but also for GMs looking for the next generational talent. This season's draft was especially exciting as we not only saw some of the best prospects go to their respective teams, but also some old faces move places in the expansion draft. As AGM of one of the four expansion teams this season, it was also an especially stressful time to get draft boards sorted out. Looking back on Warsaw's picks and players, I believe that we did quite well for our goals going into draft night. First off, we have the expansion draft. Pick 3 | Arthur Dayne | C | From the start of our draft board and initial scouting to see what prospects we wanted, Arthur Dayne was at the top of our board. Not only was he our consensus second-best prospect in the entire expansion draft, but he was going to be just entering his 2nd year of VHL eligibility. We thought with his 12 capped TPE/week and being such a young player he would be in his prime as our #1 C when Warsaw would be ready to compete. Last season in the VHLM Dayne was a true two-way power forward, accumulating 152 hits and 89 points. If he can continue his development and play in the big leagues, I can't think of a more worthy player to be our first ever official skater. Pick 11 | Alex Bridges | D | Unlike Dayne, Alex Bridges is already going to be in his 4th year of VHL eligibility. Despite us wanting to build for the future, Bridges still being available at #11 was too tempting to pass on. He has already been in the bigs for a year, and his potential is more clear cut than Dayne. He has been consistently earning 10 capped TPE/week and has been steadily growing into a solid two-way defense-man. Not only should he be a great player when we are ready to compete, but he will be a clear leader and role model on the team for the first few seasons. Last season for Davos, he put up a quiet and solid rookie season with stats of 26 points, 170 hits and 90 blocked shots. With the increase of minutes and his superb potential, we expect him to be the core of our defense for many seasons to come. Now for the actual VHL draft, which we had picks 10, 21, 24, 30, 46 and 62. Pick 10 | Dakota Lamb | C | Our first ever VHL draftee is none other than Dakota Lamb. Just like Dayne, he is another center who claims 12 capped TPE/week. On our draft boards, we had Lamb being drafted 10th overall to us. Once again, he draws similarities to Dayne with his full ice play, putting up numbers of 93 points and 125 hits in the minors last season. His superb development and potential make me feel as if he can develop into a player like Patrice Bergeron from the NHL. An all-rounder that can be trusted in any situation and is the cornerstone of any good team. When he is finally called up with Dayne, Warsaw will have a lot of physical grit and a great one-two punch at center. Overall he is the type of player that will be good no matter what. Pick 17 | Ajay Krishna | G | Now here is a prospect that made a lot of noise coming into the league with a completely unknown agent. Fully capping each week and putting up quite respectable stats on a relatively weak Lynx team last year is Ajay Krishna. We were completely floored that Ajay fell into the second round at all, with us believing he would be snatched up at #11. In a few years, he could be one of the greatest goaltenders to play in the VHL in recent memory and the steal of the draft. Despite thinking he would fall to the 21st pick, we still traded up, concerned a team would pick him up for the pure value. A huge goaltender at 6'8, we have high hopes that he'll become a franchise goalie that can carry our team to a cup. Pick 24 | Victor Grachev | D | Most prospects that start playing later in their careers are often doomed to never making it to the big leagues. Well, Victor Grachev is the exception to that rule. He earns around 10 capped TPE/week and is developing at a steady rate. Despite only playing 23 games in the minors leading up to the draft, he had proven himself as the real deal. We fell in love with his play-style immediately after watching him play for the first time. With most players being a shoot-first type player, you need someone to feed them the puck and facilitate plays. That is exactly what Grachev is. Not only is he a surprisingly good skater for a defense prospect, but he also has an innate vision to make the correct passes on the ice. After developing more, he can be an elite play-maker and power-play quarterback. Pick 30 | Jeremy Lin | RW | Our final second-round pick is Jeremy Lin. For Lin, he is more offensively orientated than most of our other prospects. He has a hell of a shot when he's fed the puck for one-timers. Earning 8 capped TPE/week, he is another solid prospect that if he continues developing should be able to make a big impact for any team in the bigs. Despite his slight troubles in the minors last season, we believe that he'll develop into a wonderful piece. He already has a shot that can match some players in the bigs, all he has to do is round out the rest of his game. He could be one of the biggest steals of the second round if he keeps up his development. Note we also drafted two players in the fourth round, Ben Mills and Jack Mount. Unfortunately, these two promising prospects have already seemed to stagnate in their development. If they don't rekindle their lost potential, they may never make the bigs, as such, they aren't going to get their own, personal, written section. Overall I believe we have all the tools necessary to become a great team in the future and should be able to make a run at the cup in a few seasons. We have definitely a strong prospect pool and base for our new team. 1007 words, claiming week ending July 19 and 26
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