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VHLM Commissioner
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Everything posted by Spartan

  1. Yeah especially with our desire to ensure teams replenish every season regardless of how they perform the prior season and what happens with their GM, we did not want to remove draft picks. We feel like it's more impactful to first strip pay with a warning that this is us being nice. Further infractions will lead to much more severe consequences than just some TPE that can be alternatively earned.
  2. @Moon won't give me pick 3 for peanuts, can you moderate him please
  3. I've spoken to Fong about how this thread has gone, I think the M commissioners handled this appropriately after the mod process finished. AJ has been spoken to privately. I think it's clear to all where he went wrong and he understands too. If you have questions, go listen the new Babymetal album and forget you had any . Or just DM me/Gus or mods if you have anything you'd like to discuss.
  4. It is officially draft day! One of my personal favorites of each season, with the other one being the first day of sims. Moscow has the 10th pick of the draft and I think we'll get a quality player there regardless of how the picks before us go. I'm fairly happy with all the possible options there at 10. I always think I'm fully prepared for our selection, but something wacky always happens to change it up. We'll see what happens tonight. Nico has officially been signed and traded to Prague, making this his 4th team in 7 seasons - the other three being MOS, HSK and VAN. My last player, Alex Letang, played for 3 teams - MOS, DC, LAS. 6 unique teams on 2 players, I'm certainly getting around the league. Perhaps @Beketov and @OrbitingDeath need to worry less about each other and maybe about me instead. They're staying loyal to teams these days while my players get passed around like a....bop-it. We also finally dropped a new punishment type (at least in my time) for rule-breaking GMs. Usually we've stripped draft picks or fired GMs outright, but this time we punished the GM specifically without screwing their earning with a TPE ban. In some instances, we find ourselves in positions where our GMs do a generally good job - they just fuck up in an area that doesn't merit their earning being affected or their job at risk, although that is debatable based on the infraction. Stripping GM pay is not a novel idea. I've seen it in action frequently in the money leagues. However, it does show that there will be personal consequences for early/moderate level infractions that doesn't screw over a GM's team or lead to the user getting forced out of the league.
  5. We're just a week into S88
  6. I'm happy to consider second chances as well, and I would hope the mods would be as well. But when there's a clear disregard to following a ban appeal process and breaking another rule regarding ban evasions, it doesn't show that much has been learned. Breaking rules is not being reformed.
  7. Just a follow-up point that if someone you know has been banned in the past and wishes to return to the league, please direct them to a moderator to facilitate the ban appeal process. That would be the most effective way to get someone back into the league if they're truly ready to follow the rules of the league.
  8. Hello, As many of you may have seen by now, a user named Dack was banned for being a multi of formerly banned member Achilles. However, we also learned through @AJW's own decision to step forward, that AJ knew who Dack was and did not report the illegal ban evasion to league staff - putting members of the community at risk to harm. The VHL appreciates when members come forward to report illegal activity, but also holds its GMs and league representatives to a higher standard than what occurred. For this reason, AJW is being docked his GM pay for the remainder of S88. He will still be able to cap out at 12 each week, just without his 4 TPE GM pay. - @VHLM Commissioner
  9. Spartan

    PRG/MOS; S88

    Cheers @Acydburn
  10. Rumors tell me that he's falling to 10oa
  11. Yours and Twists' comment regarding competitiveness, CIA's about allowing players to remain on teams. At least that's how I interpreted it, could have taken more seriously than it was intended. I know I still find the VHL interesting primarily because of my competitiveness as both a player and a GM. It's a simulation league with no prize to me for success, but it's nice to win a cup or get an award as a small serotonin boost. I happily cup chased for the majority of Nico's career, at this point after 7 seasons I'm definitely bummed out at the lack of success, but I enjoyed the teams I got to be a part of. And then the general idea (that seemed to get a lot of positive agreement) about allowing teams to get cap exceptions to retain more players for longer periods of time was the second half of my statement. We would have the same couple teams dominating for many seasons. We can see the SBA's history and the amount of frustration that stemmed from those days to know that it simply wouldn't be a good idea, even if we prioritize the community and having a good time with each other in our various servers.
  12. Dusty genuinely didn't know that there were other teams who needed a goalie. In this specific case, the user clearly wasn't made aware from anyone that teams like CHI and WAR would need a starter. He only found out after he retired. But yeah generally for the thoughts in this trade, I'm a bit confused why we're pushing against the fact that the VHL is a competitive league and that we need to have measures to prevent overly stacked teams. GM's can easily consult the players that they decide to trade and find out places they would want to play. It's not like some of the players getting traded are going to shitty places either, they're clearly wanted wherever they are. If a GM chooses not to do so, that's specifically on that GM, it's not an indictment on the entire GM group.
  13. Haha imagine trading away your best players couldn't be me
  14. S88 VHLM Dispersal Draft
  15. He's not even banned lmao
  16. Spartan

    MOS/LAS; S88

    Welcome back home @Insypher! Thrilled to have you back here in Moscow after cap purposes saw you heading out after your rookie season. You've grown into a solid player, excited to see you play with a revamped offense here! Thanks as always for the talks @InstantRockstar, best of luck this season!
  17. I don't even love him anymore.
  18. Spartan

    MOS/SEA; S88

    Maybe you won't go IA after getting drafted in your reality. Guess we'll see which one we're in eventually.
  19. Spartan

    MOS/SEA; S88

    Brother we still have one this season and next
  20. Spartan

    MOS/SEA; S88

    Excited to bring in a young player with a lot of potential to Moscow, welcome @okochastar!! Cheers on the chats @Banackock
  21. STZ and I had our best game when you were dead early and just watching us....coincidence!?!!?
  22. Poor Dusty
  23. You probably don't include video since you know it'd expose you for being the worst on the team and getting hard carried
  24. No video, dogshit.
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