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Everything posted by mediocrepony

  1. omg you need to be banned someone arrest him he is doing awful crimes this entire server is going to die now
  2. sorry, is there a specific one you want me to put up there for other people to vote on?
  3. you are way too nice. I am going to donate to somewhere in the holiday spirit (not through vhl), I don't know if i will get picture proof though.
  4. you are too amazing! thank you! im still gonna try to donate to the red cross just because
  5. god i hate not being able to transmit my money into a hockey sim league for internet points and donations to charity.
  6. Thai is so good. Pud See Ew with hoisin sauce is heavenly
  7. i also wanted to vote for japanese but it didnt work after i submitted multiple choice
  8. i may be after christmas. 99% chance i get a computer
  9. descending in order of related-ness to the team 1. What is your favorite music artist? 2. What is your favorite kind of dog/hound 3. Best VHLM logo? 4. what is your points goal for your player this year? 5. What do you think of how we are doing so far? anything you want to improve upon? 6. If you were GM, what would your first move be?
  10. rough start for me yikes 4 games 0 points
  11. I'd be willing to change forum name for 2 weeks too. I'm happy to do gfx but if you want to take someone out of graphics please do me first
  12. The worst book i ever read was actually decent right up until the end. I'm only 12, so I still spend most of my time in the either YA or kids section of my local library, so most of the books I read are still for 10-14 year olds. So this book was by James Patterson, one of his kids books, and I think it was called Best Nerds Forever. Awful title, picked it up because of who it was by. Its basically about a kid after he dies after being run off the road climbing up a hill on his bike off a cliff onto spikes. He goes back around his hometown as a ghost, feeling sorry for his friends and family and blaming himself for his death. He finds a ghost girl who died falling of a cliff running away to her aunt's house at night in the pouring rain through the woods. They avoid each other initially, but grow to become friends, while said dead boy begins to become resentful to the person who ran him off the road. they find out he guns his vehicle up the hill every day and his friends are riding up the hill at the same time he died, so they ghost up the hill and try to warn them, but they find out the guy ahs a rally old car that barely works, and then dead boy like forgives him or something idk. he learns to accept and live with (bad wording) his death and deadness, and then everything is fine and its kinda heartwarming idk. Then, feeling good after reading the book, i turn the page to read the acknowledgements and theres an epilogue. THE BOY IS FUCKING ALIVE IN A HOSPITAL BED WITH THE DEAD GIRL WHO DIED MONTHS AGO AS AN AIDE OR SOMETHING IN THE BACK OF THE ROOM WITH THE NURSES. IT RUINED THE ENTIRE BOOK. EVERYTHING IT HAD BEEN BUILDING UP TO VANISHED. HE FELL OFF OF A 100 FOOT CLIFF ONTO SPIKES AND HE'S STILL FUCKING ALIVE BECAUSE APPARENTLY NO BOOK CAN BE AT LEAST A LITTLE SAD OR HEARTWARMING
  13. 1. Definitely helps our self-confidence, thats very important. 2. I don't see a problem with it. 3. Relaxing with her friends, safely 4. I'm offering something, but not buying anything. 5. Be smart with who we pick up, and keep them engaged so there is a lower chance of them becoming ia 6. I've only played 2 games so far, but yeah i am
  14. I've been listed in all of the mississauga sims, but havent played a single minute yet questionable
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