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Everything posted by mediocrepony

  1. Heyyy just crying internally bc I realized I’m not going to be able to go to any of the Phoebe Bridgers concerts

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Renomitsu


      Phoebe is passing through Charlotte on the 18th-20th but that's the ONE weekend in the next six months I won't be in town.
      Not only that, Julien is passing by Asheville on the 7th-8th but I'm working two long shifts those days!! Plus, I can't really risk getting COVID with everything coming to a head :((

    3. Mr_Hatter


      Damn that sucks!!! Well hopefully concerts will be picking up in a good way soon

    4. mediocrepony


      Oh wow that’s a bummer. Hopefully we will all make it to some concert or another soon! Also has anyone got any of those Spotify emails saying so and so made you something special? Bc I missed one a few weeks ago for discounted still woozy tickets and I’m kicking myself

  2. Oh yeah @bigALhow’s Budapest 

  3. I’ll be On a bit, but no gfx and that stuff until I get a computer. Sorry I left for so long, I’ll be more regular
  4. So, as you may know, I am a child. And without a computer to my name. The reason I am on this site is because of my school computer, which got taken away before the summer. I assumed I could be back at next school year because I thought there would be a hybrid model for returning. There is not. 5 days a week in school, unless you have a medical condition. I do not have a medical condition. so I fear I may not be a regular again until I get a computer (and there is a small chance I get one for Christmas).
  5. I left for a month to be fully immersed in becoming a Toronto blue jays fan. They got robbed Friday 

    1. NSG



  6. “He’s a pretty prominent member of the community” leaves for almost a month
  7. omfg madlad did it! Thank you so much ledge!
  8. Can’t sign into google docs w/o my parents knowing. Habs in 7
  9. Berlin logo is much better in meaning and look imo: Berlin/Paris/Stockholm Edit: I could make a one sentence parody of Royals for the Royals but I’m not going to.
  10. what is perry resigning from? edit: re-sign nvm
  11. i am last-always, i am last-always, ahoy there, ahoy, i am last-always
  12. just found this gem of an ad: Screenshot-2021-06-23-110132

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Gustav


      I don't know why I was reminded of this but one time at work we moved the thing we keep onions on in the produce section (not sure what the name for such a thing was) and we found a whole pile of onions under it because apparently cleaning under this thing hadn't crossed anyone's mind in a long time. Anyway, some of them had sprouted and turned into plants, and others had been hollowed out with nothing but peel left--leading us to believe that the onions were eating each other to grow under there. Metal as hell and it made a boring night interesting in a nerdy way.

    3. mediocrepony


      It was one of those clickbait ads on most news websites that have outlandish titles and the likes. i didnt click on it so i dont know. i guess its more of an article than an ad

    4. mediocrepony


      gustav holy cow thats freaking awesome. also a little gross haha

  13. WELCOME TO THE FIRST SEASONAL RAP BATTLE TOURNAMENT there need to be 2 verses, each with 4 lines. they dont have to rhyme. Sign up ends whenever i say it ends/ when we have enough people. any other questions? feel free to ask me here. I will post matchups tomorrow afternoon provided enough people sign up Sign up down below
  14. never gonna give you up never gonna let you down always gonna recommend, this saaw-ong


    1. Gaming Ringleader
    2. mediocrepony


      aight gonna make a rap battle tournament

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