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Everything posted by Beketov

  1. Hopefully there’s more coming. Time to get some numbers retired again!
  2. Incorrect. This is the only acceptable reaction to Vasteras
  3. Still my bad seasons so no real surprise I’m still terrible.
  4. Honestly there’s only so many jobs on the site, not everyone can get one and not everyone needs one. We intentionally avoid the concept of a split cap where jobs can earn more because it’s just a different way of earning. You aren’t left behind in any way from not having one. With that said if it’s just a desire to do more for the site then do it. You don’t need an official title to do more, people have been doing it for over a decade now. Just find an aspect of the site that interests you and see how you can improve it.
  5. Part time simmer, go get @Devise if you want the ultimate pair. Seriously though, thank you @Jubisfor bringing back the Calgary I once knew. I can’t say I was confident I would see it when I was drafted there but you have a passion for that team that I haven’t seen at its head in quite some time. I wish we could have gotten that cup we were chasing so hard but one is definitely coming your way sooner rather than later if you keep working the way you have. Time to head to mother Russia and add another team to the long list I’ve played for in the VHL!
  6. Off-season donations can count as either the previous or upcoming season.
  7. Sure and can manage if need be.
  8. The @Devise method is just to succeed until it looks unlikely anymore and then peace out. Quite literally this last time where he left @Peace to pick up the pieces of Toronto.
  9. @Josh just barely edged me out but still, at least I wasn't last again.
  10. This is something that @Da_Berr brought up as a suggestion a little while ago that the blue team discussed and then got pulled away from before we could really dig into it. However it's something we'd like to bring up to see who's interested. The crew's job would be to create the graphics for the league. This covers basically everything from the season things like cup banners and the side banner updates to things like portal and forum banner updates, new team images on the portal, new team logos, etc. Not every member of the crew needs to be skilled at creating everything (we recognize something like a logo is much different than something like a banner) but every member would have enough skill to create certain items we require. Pay will be a combination of things. For smaller tasks that can be going on more or less consistently the pay will be 2-4 TPE per week (to be finalized) with more complex tasks (stuff like logos and whatnot) or seasonal things offering uncapped potential depending on what they are. We are looking for likely 3-4 members at this time but may add more in the future if we feel they are necessary. Because of the small number of positions getting passed over for the crew does not mean we undervalue your abilities as an artist, simply that we felt someone else might better fit the job. Because of this we want to stress that anyone lording a GFX crew position over another member in any way will be removed form the job. This job also will require strict confidence that the members of the crew keep tight lipped about certain ongoing projects where GFX are required. Anyone caught leaking information will likewise be removed. If you'd like to apply please present a small portfolio (4-5 items, can be anything) with your application below.
  11. We could potentially rebuild a bit of it but yes, that would be the case. The portal is built around STHS' database as well as it's input and output for player's and stuff. It's very much not an easy switch. Just look at the EFL or SBA. People have said both have better engines than ours (I'd definitely argue the case against the EFL's being better when only like 3 attributes matter to most players) but both of those have a major flaw we don't have: no player inputs. That means going back to good old manually updating players, no thanks. In addition the "new sim" crew always seem ti make the assumption that any different engine must be better than ours, that's not necessarily the case. From hat I've heard with the SHL changeover people don't like the new engine at all. So that sounds like a hell of a lot of trouble with very little to no guarantee of anything better. I put 5 into it to see what would happen. I don't think it really did anything but 5 TPE wasn't exactly a hefty price to pay haha
  12. To be fair most outstanding and MVP aren’t the same thing. You can be outstanding on a terrible team but finishing last doesn’t prove “value” to me.
  13. Getting the shoutout on that technicality of being nominated as "whoever got the affiliation back" haha
  14. Plus one series for evidence of the 3-1 curse though.
  15. From a technicality standpoint you can’t but from a user perspective you can. For a user the difference between a virus and malware is meaningless. However to be a proper computer virus it needs to be able to install itself without your knowledge. That can’t happen in MacOS. You can install something bad without knowing it but you still have to put your password in for every install so nothing can install itself. Again, I’m being technical and Mac malware does exist.
  16. Click the magnifying glass in the search field -> Click member Search
  17. 7 OT periods so far in 5 games, holy shit. Let’s finish this shit at home shall we?
  18. Lafontaine Out Funking Funk
  19. This is gonna be a goalie showcase for sure
  20. Wasn’t me this time.
  21. Ah, that makes sense. So their odds are lower but they can’t drop past 5th because of the 1 spot rule. Carry On you crazy bastard
  22. Am I the only one bothered by the fact that LA and Vancouver should be flipped so these are actually in order?
  23. The second sentence answered the query of the first sentence. It feels like a chore because you are making it into one instead of actually enjoying the league. If you just come to ramble without even looking at results of course it’ll feel like work.
  24. A heads up as well @VHLM GM I’m out of town Friday and there will be no sims that day. Because the VHL has a wild card round the VHLM will be at least 1 day ahead no matter what so this will allow us to try and sync up.
  25. We definitely don’t just hand ROTY to the rookie with the most points BTW, everything is considered just as it is for any other award.
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